Kenshi (3.5e Prestige Class)

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The Sevatin Kenshi are the most famous swordsmen in Paramýth. Much like the martial arts of our world, Kenshi come in many different flavors and temperaments, going from teleporting ninjas to masters of powerful unarmed and sword based combos.

Becoming a Kenshi

Entry Requirements
Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral.
Base Attack Bonus: + 7
Race: Human.
Skills: Balance 4 ranks
Feats: Dodge, Weapon Finesse
Special: Must meet the individual requirements for the chosen Style of Kenshi.
Table: The Kenshi

Hit Die: d6

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+0+2+0 Kenshi Style, Special Ability
2nd+1+0+3+0 Sneak Attack 1d6
3rd+2+1+3+1 Special Ability
4th+3+1+4+1 Sneak Attack 2d6
5th+3+ 1+4+1 Special Ability

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level)

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Kenshi.

Kenshi: While wielding certain weapons, the Kenshi is able to perform powerful maneuvers of skill and grace. All Kenshi abilities require the Kenshi to be wielding his Weapons. Any Kenshi Weapons must have handles/hilts carved out of one piece of cherry. While wielding his designated Weapons, a Kenshi gains a +5 bonus to his Base Attack Bonus. This bonus does not grant any additional attacks, and may not exceed his Hit Dice, but does allow him to qualify for feats as though he had a higher BaB. However, any feat that he only qualifies for because of the bonus to his Base Attack Bonus does not have any effect unless the Kenshi is wielding his Weapons. If the Kenshi has the same dodge target for three consecutive rounds, the target becomes his Aitente. The form of Kenshi that is chosen at first level determines his abilities for the rest of the class.

Daishō: The Kenshi Daishō's Weapons are a Sabre in one hand and a Sabreknife in the other. Against his Aitente, the Kenshi gains a +2 insight bonus to attack and AC (this replaces the normal +1 from Dodge), as well as a +2 bonus to feint attempts. The Kenshi Daishō may only use his sneak attack on feints and when flanking.

  • Feint (Daishō: level 1) (Ex): A Kenshi Daishō may, as a swift action, forfeit his ability to attack with his Sabreknife for one turn in exchange for the ability to make feint attempts with his Sabre as free actions for one turn. The Kenshi Daishō is also treated as having the feat Improved Feint.
  • Parry (Daishō: level 3) (Ex): A third level Kenshi Daishō may choose to forfeit as many of his offhand (Sabreknife) attacks as he has, in exchange for the ability to, when he is attacked, make a parry attempt. For every attack he gives up, he gains two parry attempts. He must declare the attempt before the attack roll is made. He then makes his own attack roll (with his Sabreknife) at a -3 penalty. If his roll exceeds his opponents attack roll, the opponents attack misses. If his roll fails by 3 or less, the Kenshi Daishō gains a +1 dodge bonus against the attack that he failed to parry.
If the Kenshi Daishō gives up his ability to attack with his offhand to feint, he may still convert one of his offhand attacks into a parry attempt. However, that parry attempt takes twice the normal penalty to attack.
  • Riposte (Daishō: level 5) (Ex): A final level Kenshi Daishō may choose to forfeit as many of his main-hand (Sabre) attacks as he has, in exchange for the ability to, after a parry attempt, make an attack of his own on the opponent that he parried the attack of. For every attack he gives up, he gains one riposte attempt, unless he gives up all of his attacks in which case he gains one extra riposte attempt at his highest Base Attack Bonus. If the parry attempt was successful, the Kenshi Daishō's riposte (main-hand attack) does not allow his target to use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). If the parry attempt was a failure (but the attack still missed), the Kenshi Daishō may still riposte, but his target may still use his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any). If the parry attempt was a failure and he was still hit by the attack, he gains a -1 to hit, as well. When riposting against his Aitente, the Kenshi Daishō may make a feint attempt if his parry failed. If he succeeds, he does not suffer from the -1 to hit if he was struck with the attack.

Kurayami: The Kenshi Kurayami's Weapon is a Sabreknife in one hand and nothing in the other. Against his Aitente, the Kenshi gains a +2 insight bonus to attack and AC (this replaces the normal +1 from Dodge). In addition he has the ability to Step as a move action without provoking attacks of opportunity from his Aitente. If the Kenshi Kurayami has 13 ranks in Hide, he is treated as attacking out of invisibility for the first attack immediately after a Step. However, true seeing does nothing to negate this ability.

  • Shadow Step / Dance of Shadow (Kurayami: level 1) (Ps): This ability functions exactly like the power dimension slide, except as noted here. The distance (in squares) traveled may not exceed her class level +2 (however, if she doesn't qualify for the ability gained at that class level due to her character level she doesn't gain an increase in step distance,) and she may only step to somewhere that there could be a shadow at, such as next to a person. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provokes attacks of opportunity or a move action that does provokes attacks of opportunity.
Dance of Shadow (Ps): If the Kenshi Kurayami has the Spring Attack feat, she may, when using the attack action with her Weapon, step both before and after the attack, provided that her total distance stepped is not greater than her maximum step distance. Stepping in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defender when she steps away.
  • Improved Dance of Shadow (Kurayami: level 3) (Ps): When using her Dance of Shadow ability, a Kenshi Kurayami may step, attack, step as normal, but then she may attack and step one additional time, provided that her total distance stepped is not greater than her maximum step distance +5ft. Stepping in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defenders when she steps away. She may only Sneak Attack the same opponent once per round using this ability and her invisibility effect. A Kenshi Kurayami must be level 12 to use this ability.
  • Greater Dance of Shadow (Kurayami: level 5) (Ps): When using her Dance of Shadow ability, a Kenshi Kurayami may step, attack, step as normal, but then she may attack and step two additional times, provided that her total distance stepped is not greater than her maximum step distance +10ft. Stepping in this way does not provoke an attack of opportunity from the defenders when she steps away. She may only Sneak Attack the same opponent once per round using this ability and her invisibility effect, except againts her Aitente; she may use both her first and last attacks to Sneak Attack it. A Kenshi Kurayami must be level 18 to use this ability.

Kennihontō: The Kenshi Kennihontō's Weapon is a Sabreknife in one hand and nothing in the other. Against his Aitente, the Kenshi gains a +2 insight bonus to attack, damage, and AC (this replaces the normal +1 from Dodge). A Kenshi Kennihontō gains Unarmed Strike, and may treat every level of Kenshi as two levels of monk for determining bonus unarmed damage (this does not stack with any levels of monk, and may not be used to qualify for prestige classes or feats). The Kenshi Kennihontō does not gain sneak attack at 2nd and 4th levels.

  • Maneuvers (Kennihontō: level 1) (Ex): A Kenshi Kennihontō primarily fights by chaining together maneuvers to dominate his opponents. By altering the order of maneuvers he uses, he can change their effects. by making a full attack action, a Kenshi Kennihontō may make 3 "attacks" in the form of maneuvers. Each maneuver is usually initiated by either a sword or unarmed strike. The attack deals damage as normal, and then the effect from the maneuver takes place. If the attack misses, the chain is ruined and the Kenshi may not apply further maneuvers that turn. All three attacks are made at his full BaB. Each maneuver may only be performed at a certain point in the three-hit combo. Some maneuvers change effects based on the point at which it was performed. The first Maneuver, called the Initiator, is usually moderately more powerful and causes some form of lasting effect. The second Maneuver, called the Bridge, is usually weaker and more "plain", but is necessary to get to the third Maneuver, called the Finisher. The Finisher is often also an Initiator, but (based on the Initiator and Bridge used before it) more powerful. A Kenshi Kennihontō may only use each maneuver once per turn.
  • Level 1 Maneuvers (Kennihontō):
Bleed (Sword; 1, 3): The Kenshi attacks, targeting major blood vessels with a slash of his sword, causing as much bleeding as possible. If Bleed is used as an Initiator, the struck target is given 3 "Bleed Counters". Each turn afterwards, one Bleed Counter is removed, and the opponent takes 1d6 damage. Bleed Counters added from different attacks are all added to the same stack, so that the opponent only loses one Bleed Counter a turn. If Bleed is used as a Finisher with Weakening Strike as its Initiator, he cuts open the forming bruise and the struck target is given 4 "Exsanguination Counters". Each turn afterwards, one Exsanguination Counter is removed, and the opponent takes 1d6 + 1 damage, plus an additional 1 damage for each Bleed Counter and Exsanguination Counter that target has. Exsanguination Counters are removed separately from Bleed Counters. If Bleed is used as a Finisher with either Kick Off or Launch Back as its Initiator, the struck target takes an additional 5 damage and is given 4 "Bleed Counters".
Weakening Strike (Unarmed; 1, 3): The Kenshi attacks, targeting weak points of the opponents body, such as easily bruised, already hurt, or simply fragile points. If Weakening Strike is used as an Initiator, the struck target is bruised for 1d4 turns. If Weakening Strike is used as a Finisher with Bleed as its Initiator, the foe moves at half speed as well. If Weakening Strike is used as a Finisher with either Kick Off or Launch Back as its Initiator, the target is instead staggered for 1d4+1 rounds.
Double Strike (Dual; B): The Kenshi attacks twice, striking once with his sword and once with his fists. If either strike hits, the maneuver is counted as successful, and a Finisher may then be applied. This strike is the only Bridge that can precede Bleed and Weakening Strike.
  • Level 3 Maneuvers (Kennihontō) (Ex):
Kick Off(Unarmed; 1, 3): The Kenshi attacks, leaping into the air and kicking his foe extremely hard. So hard, in fact, that the foe is pushed away from the Kenshi and the Kenshi flies away as well. If Kick Off is used as an Initiator, the struck target is pushed 5ft away from the Kenshi and dazed until the Kenshi's next turn, and the Kenshi is moved 5ft away from the target. If Kick Off is used as a Finisher with Launch Back as its Initiator, he strikes the already weakened foe more brutally, stunning them instead of dazing them. If Kick Off is used as a Finisher with either Bleed or Weakening Strike as its Initiator, the struck target is fatigued for 3 rounds. If the struck target is prevented from moving back, he takes 1d8 damage instead of moving.
Launch Back(Unarmed; 1, 3): The Kenshi attacks, striking the foe so as to throw them away from him. If Launch Back is used as an Initiator, the struck target is thrown 10ft away from the Kenshi, taking 2d6 additional damage. If Launch Back is used as a Finisher with Kick Off as its Initiator, the foe is knocked prone as well. If Launch Back is used as a Finisher with either Bleed or Weakening Strike as its Initiator, the target is instead staggered for 4 rounds. If the struck target's movement is interrupted, he takes 1d6 for each square he was unable to move.
Dash (Sword; 1, B): The Kenshi charges up to 15ft in a strait line, striking once with his sword for an additional 1d6 + 1 damage, as well as applying his momentum to his Finisher. This strike may also be usd as an Initiator. When used this way it is treated as Bleed for combining with it's Finisher.

(NOTE: The only way to use Kick Off or Launch Back as the Initiator for Bleed or Weakening Strike is if the foe is prevented from moving back somehow.)

  • Level 5 Maneuvers (Kennihontō) (Ex):

Denryoku: The Kenshi Denryoku's Weapon is a Sabre in one hand and nothing in the other. Against his Aitente, the Kenshi gains a +1 insight bonus to attack and damage, and a +3 insight bonus to AC (this replaces the normal +1 from Dodge). The Kenshi Denryoku does not gain sneak attack at 2nd and 4th levels. A Kenshi Denryoku may wield a Sabre in two hands in order to apply 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus to damage.

  • Power Finesse (Denryoku: level 1) (Ex): A Kenshi Denryoku is an very good at applying last second power and adjustments to strikes, using his strength and power to make an accurate, hard, and fast strike, and his dexterity and finesse to get the strike in just the right place at the last second. As such, a Kenshi Denryoku may add both his Strength mod and his Dexterity mod to attack rolls at the same time. However, he may only add one point of Strength per class level.
  • Exspecto Impetum (Denryoku: level 3) (Ex): A Kenshi Denryoku uses his sword not only to attack, but also to protect himself. In a turn in which he is uses his Power Attack, the Kenshi Denryoku may sacrifice one attack with his Sabre to gain a bonus to AC equal to his Strength Modifier + his Sabre's enhancement bonus. However, he may only add one point of Strength per class level. In addition, against his Aitente the Kenshi Denryoku gains DR 1/-. When he is attacked and missed while using this ability, he gains a +1 bonus to attack against that target on his next turn. This bonus to AC gives the Kenshi Denryoku a -1 to hit on his next turn for every attack that missed him by 6 or less.
  • Power Finesse (Denryoku: level 5) (Ex):

Sakura: The Kenshi Sakura's Weapon is a Sabre in one hand and nothing in the other. Against his Aitente, the Kenshi gains a +3 insight bonus to attack, a +1 insight bonus to damage, and a +2 insight bonus to AC (this replaces the normal +1 from Dodge). The Kenshi Sakura does not gain sneak attack at 2nd and 4th levels. The Kenshi Sakura instead gains +1 damage (prior to multiplication) on a critical strike at 2nd and 4th levels.

  • Wasp Strikes(Sakura: level 1) (Ex): A Kenshi Sakura is adept at using each attack to build on attacks before, setting up critical strikes by attacking. Every time the Kenshi Sakura attacks and hits but fails to critically strike, he gains a +1 bonus to his critical threat range and his roll to confirm (Stacks with Keen and Improved Critical, but is applied last) against that target until he either critically strikes against them or doesn't attack them for two consecutive turns. This added critical threat range may only occur once per turn. This bonus threat range may not exceed his Intelligence Modifier + 1. The Kenshi Sakura must still hit the target in order to critically strike, and does not reset his bonus threat range if he threatens but fails to hit. This also applies if he fails to confirm.
  • Deadly Dance(Sakura: level 3) (Ex): The Kenshi Sakura is able to apply his skill at targeting weak points to his defenses, allowing him to find the best point and angle at which to strike his opponents sword at in order to deflect their attack. Against a foe that he has bonus critical threat range from Wasp Strikes against, he gains a bonus to AC equal to his Kenshi level (this may not exceed his Intelligence Modifier)
  • Vorpal Strike(Sakura: level 5) (Ex): The Kenshi Sakura is so skilled at striking opponents vulnerable points that he occasionally is able to strike those points so perfectly that he injures his foe tremendously. If the Kenshi Sakura rolls a 20 on his attack roll (19-20 with a keen weapon), he makes a critical strike as usual except that his critical applies his critical multiplier twice (keep in mind the rules for multiplying).

Sneak Attack: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 at 4th level. If the Kenshi gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, it functions normally and the bonuses on damage stack.


Playing a Kenshi




Kenshi in the World

NPC Reactions:

Kenshi Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Kenshi in the Game


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

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gollark: They have onboard passive-aggression neural networks massively surpassing human performance.
gollark: Oh, absolutely.
gollark: They don't actually have foreheads.
gollark: That would be inefficient, although they can encode some data as very small jitters in their position.
gollark: If you look closely, you can often see them emitting modulated neutrino beams at each other.
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