Hexer Origin (5e Subclass)

Sorcerous Origin: Hexer

The power of ancient and secret curses runs through your veins. You can be the descendant of ancient hags and powerful fiends, or maybe, you where exposed to a profane ritual that imbued your blood with this power. Your control over hexes could even be the unexpected effect of an cursed bloodline. Either way, you have the innate power to manipulate the fate, place maledictions and bring fortune or misfortune with your words, gestures or even just a glance.

Hexer Quirks

If you wish, you can pick from or roll on the Hexer Quirks table to create a quirk for your character.

1You always seems to be followed by an black cat, dog, or raven.
2You appear to be extremely old.
3You have personal object that you never lose. Not even when you try.
4You have an obvious birth mark or tattoo that means bad luck in most places.
5You have a decaying and seemingly rotten arm or leg.
6Sometimes, some minor inconvenience or harm happens to someone you dislike when you are near them.
Black Magic Defense

When you choose this subclass at 1st level, a cursed aura protects you from harm. You receive a bonus to your AC equal to your Charisma modifier against attacks made by anyone affected by your hexes or Hexer Lore spells.

Hexer Lore

At 1st level, you start to manifest your black magic. At 1st level, you learn the hex spell, at 3rd level you learn blindness/deafness, and at 5th level you learn "bestow curse". These spells count as sorcerer spells for you, but they don’t count against your number of sorcerer spells known.


Starting at 6th level, you learn how to use special hexes to bless allies and curse foes. You can select two minor hexes from the List of Hexes. The DC of your Hexes is equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier.

Once you use a Hex, you cannot use it again until you complete a long rest.

Reality Hex

At 14th level, you learn how to alter someones fate by hexing it. As a reaction, you can force a creature you can see within 60 feet to roll again on an attack roll, skill check or saving throw. The creature must use the second roll . Once you use this feature, you can't do it again until you complete a long rest.

In addition, you learn a minor and a major hex from the List of Hexes.

Greater Hex

At 18th level, when you cast a spell that has a creature as target, you can spend 6 sorcery points to bestow a powerful curse upon your enemies. You can chose three hexes to affect the targeted creature, or affect up to three separate creatures with hexes if the spell has multiple targets. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a long rest.

In addition, you learn a minor and a major hex from the List of Hexes.

List of Hexes

Minor Hexes
Hex of the Elements. You cause a creature to become vulnerable to the elements. When you cast a spell that deals cold, fire, acid, lighting or thunder damage, you may spend 2 sorcery points to place this hex on that creature. For 1 minute, each time the creature takes damage of that type, it takes extra damage equal to 1d6 of the same type.
Hex of Shattered Armor. You lower the defenses of a creature. When you cast a damaging spell and it hits a target, you may spend 2 sorcery points to grant advantage on the next attack made against that creature until the end of your next turn.
Hex of Power. You bring cursed power to an ally. When you cast a spell on yourself or a willing creature, you may spend 2 sorcery points to target it with this hex. For 1 minute, when this creature makes a weapon or spell attack, it has a +1 bonus on all attack and damage rolls.
Hex of Hemorrhage. This hex increases the flow of blood to the affected creature's wounds. As an action, you can spend 2 sorcery points and force a creature to make a Constitution saving throw against you sorcerer spell save DC. On a failure, the creature is hexed. When someone deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature affected by this hex, they will start bleeding profusely, dealing 1d4 necrotic damage to it at the start of its turns. The creature can make another saving throw in the beginning of each of its turns to stop the bleeding. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Hex of Confusion. This hex confuses the mind of a creature. When you target a creature with spell that requires a saving throw to avoid its effects, you spend 2 sorcery points to force the creature to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, on the beginning of the creatures turn, you throw a d6. On a odd number, the creature will target another target within range of it. If there's none, it will hit itself with its next attack. This effect lasts for 1 minute.
Major Hexes
Mirroring Hex. When you cast a cantrip that targets one creature, you can spend 2 sorcery points to force the target to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failure, it receives the effects of the cantrip again.
Hex of Enfeeblement. This hex will weaken the body of the afflicted creature. When you target a creature with spell that requires a saving throw to avoid its effects, you can spend 4 sorcery points to affect it with this hex. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, choose which ability will be affected, between Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. For 1 minute, the affected creature has disadvantage on ability checks and saving throws with the chosen ability.
Hex of Weakening. This hex causes the target to lose strength. When you target a creature with spell that requires a saving throw to avoid its effects, you spend 4 sorcery points to affect it with this hex. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw. The Creature must make a Strength saving throw. On a failure, the creature has disadvantage in all Strength checks, and on attack rolls using Strength. This Hex lasts for 1 minute
Hex of Ruin. When you make a spell attack roll, you may expend 4 sorcery points to make a single target of the spell have vulnerability to that type of damage for the attack. If a creature has immunity to that type of damage, it now has resistance to it. This effect last for 1 minute.

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gollark: Of course not.
gollark: It's just JSON or something. Unless you found some sort of bizarre hack.
gollark: The API doesn't return *HTML* responses, though?
gollark: They have, of course, launched "COVID marshals" and encouraged people to report violations since, but I'd really just expect that to create more resentment.
gollark: Having a lockdown in the first place and then inconsistent and rather bees rules since has probably burned through many people's available annoying-thing-tolerance.
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