Glyphic Tiles (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement)

Glyphic tiles are extremely rare inscriptions created by an old civilization, each one is unique and you can never find more than one of the same glyph. Glyphic tiles can be found in ruins of great structures, mining tunnels, caves, or even on old roads simply as one of the paving stones. No one knows who created them but it appears that once their civilization was destroyed all of their power was spread across the land and inscribed these glyphs in random places. A glyphic tile can typically only be discovered by a detect magic spell and a 20 INT(Investigation, Arcana, or History check). DM's can make it easier or harder if they wish but these are powerful items. The items themselves are typically a 3-5 inch square tile with a glowing symbol on it. It does not require attunement to handle the tile but upon attunement the symbol will transfer itself to a location on your body written in the glyph's description. At that point you can activate a glyph by touching it(bonus action). Most glyphs have a number of charges that recharge after a long rest. While a glyph is active you cannot activate another one until the effect of the first has ended or it specifically says so in its description. The glyphs themselves are works in progress and I highly encourage you to create glyphs relevant to your world. I have ten sample glyphs here that you can use as a template to create more. Remember that these are LEGENDARY items so give them legendary powers. I can create more upon request.

Glyph of the Ice Knife. This glyph transfers onto the palm of your hand. This is an example of a glyph that uses a spell as its base, glyphs should have some negative effects so you don't have too many active at once. The second ability is an example of an effect that is both a good and bad thing. Also, it does not mean you are no longer affected by simply do not feel it.

  • 12 charges
  • Spend one charge to cast the spell ice knife as a 5th level spell.
  • You no longer feel differences in temperature. Your skin is always cold to the touch.
  • Spend three charges to gain immunity to cold damage for four hours.
  • Flames dim when your hand nears them.
  • Water freezes upon contact with your hand.
  • Spend six charges to create a dagger of sharp ice in this hand, the dagger has all of the normal stats of a dagger plus an additional 2d6 cold damage. You are considered proficient with this dagger. The weapon lasts until dispelled and can be thrown as a reaction or opportunity attack by spending two charges to cast ice knife as a 5th level spell.

Glyph of the Dragon Claw(one of your palms) This glyph is an example of a glyph that actually affects your character's mindset. Cantrip effects are also excellent to throw on a glyph as a bonus effect. When making custom glyphs think of the three pillars of DnD: combat, exploration and role play to try to incorporate all three into your glyphs.

  • 9 charges
  • Your unarmed strikes made with this palm do fire damage, by spending one charge your unarmed strikes do 2d8 fire damage for 30 seconds.
  • If you make an attack with another glyph you can make an unarmored strike with this hand as a bonus action.
  • Anything held in this hand slowly heats up(wood chars, paper ignites, twigs and sticks turn to ash, etc).
  • You crave combat and need to make a DC 10 CON save to resist this after every long rest or attack any sentient creature you see for the next 20 minutes.
  • Spend four charges to strike out with your palm, disintegrating an object of medium size or smaller.
  • You can instantly snuff out or light torches, small campfires, etc(less than 3 feet in any dimension).

Glyph of the Shadow Blade(either shoulder) This is what I call a conjuration glyph. These glyphs all have powers related to an object that is conjured when the glyph is pressed.

  • 10 charges
  • Spend four charges to press this glyph and conjure a scimitar made of a shadowy material, you are considered proficient with this +3 magic weapon . This blade deals an additional 2d4 necrotic damage. Attacks with the blade have advantage if made in the dark. You cannot be disarmed when you are holding it. However, this effect is considered concentration for the purposes of casting spells.
  • You have 60 feet of darkvision while the sword is conjured.
  • While the sword is conjured you can spend one charge to cast the spell misty step as a bonus action.
  • While the sword is conjured your eyes are black and you do not cast a shadow, you gain the language deep speech and can only speak this language until the blade is dispelled.
  • While the sword is conjured you can use an action to make an attack in the air, if the attack does 10 or more damage you become invisible for a number of minutes equal to the amount of damage(this attack automatically hits as you are not trying to strike anything).

Glyph of the Sacred Sun(right side of your neck)(Paladin only) This is an example of a class specific glyph. In this case it is a glyph meant for paladins only.

  • 12 charges
  • Spend four charges to regain your channel divinity
  • All of your auras have a radius of 60 feet, all creatures within this radius have disadvantage on stealth checks
  • Divine smites do 2d8 extra damage per spell level instead of 1d8, there is no cap on divine smite damage, you can use spell slots from additional classes to amplify your smites as long as the class is also a divine caster.
  • Your lay on hands can heal diseases or poisons by spending one charge instead of five lay on hands, additionally you can spend charges to gain lay on hands equal to the amount of charges times five.
  • You can spend charges to use your divine sense, by spending an additional charge you can increase the radius to 300 feet.

Glyph of the Sparrowhawk(anywhere on body) This is an example of a glyph without charges that can be toggled on and off.

  • Can be toggled at will between on and off states, all abilities are only active while the glyph is turned on.
  • Gain 30 feet of movement.
  • Wings that seem to be made of gusting wind manifest on your back, you gain a 60 feet fly speed. These wings are loud and can be heard up to 20 feet away.
  • Use a reaction to push all creatures within twenty feet ten feet away from you.
  • You move more fluidly in combat, add double the dex bonus to your AC. If you are wearing heavy armor you can add your dex to your AC.
  • Advantage on perception(hearing) checks, you cannot tell a lie.

Coat of Arms Glyph(forehead) This glyph is always active and is constantly affecting the user.

  • 4 charges
  • This glyph is always active. You can switch its mode by spending charges. You can use other glyphs while under the effects of this one.
  • You are constantly under the effect of mage armor and can cast shield at will as a reaction(1 charge to switch to)
  • Spend one charge to activate the effects of any of the investiture spells. This ends mage armor and you can no longer cast shield for the duration.
  • While you are not wearing armor. Mage armor's AC is now 16+your spell casting ability modifier. If you do not have a spell casting ability modifier it equals 16+dex.
  • Use your reaction to cast the spell shield on an ally within 30 feet when they are hit by a non-magical melee or ranged attack.

Glyph of the Wolfmoon(wrist) I looked over the spells you provided and saw a recurring theme, contact me on my talk page if you have additional ideas.

  • 9 charges
  • You can spend four charges to shift this glyph between Wolfmoon and Serpentine.
  • Spend one charge to cast the spell moonbeam.
  • Spend three charges to cover your hands with arcane moonlight in the shape of powerful wolf claws. The claws are considered magical and your unarmed strikes do an additional 2d10 cold damage. Additionally you have advantage on grapple checks. If you attempt to grapple a creature while this is in effect and you succeed you can immediately make an additional attack with advantage.
  • By spending two charges while your wolf claws are activated you transform them into a powerful moonblade that extends from one of your arms. The sword is a magical +3 shortsword you are proficient with and on a hit does an additional 2d8 slashing damage. If you exceed a targets AC by more than 2 and you are the same size or larger you automatically reduce the targets speed to zero and knock it prone. This sword only lasts for 1 minute, reverting back to wolf claws after the duration.
  • As you are in tune with the wolf, all allieshave advantage on attack rolls if the target is within 10 feet of you. The spirit of the pack empowers your allies.

Glyph of the Serpentine(wrist) This glyph is the opposite of wolfmoon and I designed this with a duality theme in mind. Wolfmoon is cold and calm while Serpentine is toxic and bold. I would like feedback on the idea of two glyph's in one. Maybe it changes during a time of day or under certain conditions instead of spending charges to toggle?

  • 9 charges(shared with Wolfmoon)
  • Can spend four charges to shift this glyph between Wolfmoon and Serpentine
  • Spend one charge, your hand transforms into a snake head and your arm stretches out. Unarmed strikes do an additional 4d4 poison damage and have a reach of ten feet. You can use an action to shift your vision to the serpents eyes. The serpent has 30 feet of darkvision. This lasts until dispelled
  • Your eyes are serpentine, whenever someone looks you in the eye they must make a DC 16 WIS saving throw or become paralyzed for one minute.
  • While your serpentine hand is out you can use it to speak to all reptiles.
  • you can use your serpentine hand, while it's out, and spend three charges to spray poison from the snakes maw. Make a ranged spell attack(or DEX). If the attack hits it does 4d8 acid damage.

Glyph of the Rain-Bow(forearm) A conjuration glyph for a bow with elemental damage types. This glyph was fairly straightforward so to make it more interesting I decided to incorporate some of the classic themes associated with rainbows and added a luck/prosperity effect.

  • 12 charges
  • Using three charges conjures a shining multicolored bow. This weapon is a magical +3 longbow that does not require ammo. Whenever you make an attack with this longbow you can choose the damage type of the arrow. Arrows disappear 6 seconds after they are fired.
  • During an attack made with the bow, expend a charge to deal an additional 3d8 damage of the damage type you chose.
  • You have the lucky feat, instead of lucky charges use the charges from the glyph.
  • Spending five charges unleashes a volley of arcane arrows from the bow casting the spell magic missile as a 9th level spell
  • You have resistance to the damage type of the last arrow you fired

Glyph of the Shadow Cloak(back) This glyph is meant to provide a new form of play for a caster who wants a bit of stealth.

  • 8 charges
  • You no longer have a shadow, you appear as a dark figure to truesight.
  • Spend 1 charge to cast the spell darkness centered on yourself. You can see clearly in this darkness.
  • Spellcasters can add their spellcasting ability bonus to all stealth checks.
  • Spend 2 charges to cast the spell gaseous form on yourself.
  • When you cast a spell you can spend a number of charges equal to the spell's level to cast it silently. The spell makes no sound and does not require verbal components.

Glyph of the Desert(forearm)

  • 2 charges

Glyph of the Swarm(wrist)

  • 21 charges

Glyph of the World Tree

Glyph of the Astral Key

Glyph of the Giants Bane

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