Flower Child (3.5e Class)

Flower Child

Flower children understand that the chemical gifts of plants are innumerable and immeasurable. They use their unique understanding of chemical extraction in order to produce an unbelievable range of effects from little more than a handful of flowers.

Making a Flower Child

Flower children can provide modest support and combat capabilities. They struggle in regions where there is no natural vegetation, but they are capable of harvesting powerful chemicals from nearly any plant. Some of these chemicals provide pain relief and even healing... others cause potent hallucinogenic effects which render enemies incompetent for battle.

Abilities: Flower children can craft a variety of elixirs and poisons from any plant matter.

Races: Any race that is extremely familiar with the plant life of the material plane.

Alignment: Flower children are generally good or neutral characters with little interest in law or sadism. Some prefer anarchy on an instinctive level; others favor goodness; the remainder favor their own survival.

Starting Gold: 3d6×10 gp (105 gp).

Starting Age: Any.

Table: The Flower Child

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Reagents / Hour Maximum Drug
Level Known
Speed Bonus
1st+0+2+2+2 Animal Companion, Nature Sense, Wild Empathy, Make Drugs 51st+0 ft.
2nd+1+3+3+3 Woodland Stride 101st+0 ft.
3rd+2+3+3+3 Poison Master 151st+0 ft.
4th+3+4+4+4 Hide in Plain Sight 201st+10 ft.
5th+3+4+4+4 Purity of Body 302nd+10 ft.
6th+4+5+5+5 Bonus Feat 402nd+10 ft.
7th+5+5+5+5 Bring me a Shrubbery 502nd+10 ft.
8th+6/+1+6+6+6 602nd+20 ft.
9th+6/+1+6+6+6 Bonus Feat 703rd+20 ft.
10th+7/+2+7+7+7 Comfortably Numb 803rd+20 ft.
11th+8/+3+7+7+7 Experienced 903rd+20 ft.
12th+9/+4+8+8+8 Bonus Feat 1003rd+30 ft.
13th+9/+4+8+8+8 1104th+30 ft.
14th+10/+5+9+9+9 1204th+30 ft.
15th+11/+6/+1+9+9+9 Universal Alchemy 1304th+30 ft.
16th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 1404th+40 ft.
17th+12/+7/+2+10+10+10 1505th+40 ft.
18th+13/+8/+3+11+11+11 Bonus Feat 1605th+40 ft.
19th+14/+9/+4+11+11+11 1805th+40 ft.
20th+15/+10/+5+12+12+12 Wizard 2005th+50 ft.

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str).

Class Features

The flower child's abilities revolve around the creation of powerful drugs using loose plant material. All of the following are class features of the flower child.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Flower children are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and medium armor.

Animal Companion (Ex): A flower child may begin play with an animal companion of 1HD (you may adjust any animal from any manual to fit this requirement).

A 1st-level flower child's companion is completely typical for its kind except as noted below. As a flower child advances in level, the animal’s power increases as shown on the table.

The flower child is deeply attached to their animal companion, and will never leave its side; when flower children lose an animal companion for any reason, they are devastated, and cannot handle another companion for one month. After that, a flower child may pursue a new animal companion, and will be considered bonded with a new companion after two weeks of successful handle animal checks, DC 20.

Nature Sense (Ex): A flower child gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

Wild Empathy (Ex): Flower children can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check made to improve the attitude of a person. Flower children roll 1d20 and adds their class level and their Charisma modifier to determine the wild empathy check result.

The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the flower child and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

A flower child can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Woodland Stride (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a flower child may move through any sort of undergrowth (such as natural thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. However, thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion still affect the flower child.

Hide in Plain Sight: The flower child is a thinker, not a barbarian, and knows how to stay alive accordingly. At 4th level, the flower child gains the ability to effortlessly blend into any living scenery, including plant and animal life (a flower child may hide totally among a group of four of more creatures who are the same size category as or larger than the flower child; and a flower child can disappear anywhere in a forest).

Make Drugs: The flower child's greatest skill is the ability to cause virtually any psychological effect and many physical effects in any sentient being by filtering plant matter through the perfect series of chemical treatments in order to produce the perfect drug. Flower children use "reagents" in order to produce potent doses of chemicals; stronger chemicals generally requiring the use of more reagents.

The flower child can produce the following drug effects:


Caffeine (+1 focus to skill and attack rolls, up to +5 maximum, lasts 10 minutes)
Phenethylamine Perfume (+1 to Charisma, +2 to Diplomacy and Bluff, up to +5/+10 maximum, lasts 1 hour)
Chlordiazepoxide (-1 to attack rolls, damage rolls, concentration checks, lasts 10 minutes, fortitude save)
Tetrahydrocannabinol (-2 to Concentration checks per dose, and subject becomes relaxed and happier, granting a +8 on all Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks against that subject, lasts 2 hours)


Amphetamine (+2 bonus to skill and attack rolls, up to +10 maximum, lasts 4 hours)
Modafinil (+1 intuition bonus to any one roll per turn, up to +10 maximum, lasts 1 day)
Aspirin (grants 1 hit point of fast healing per round, up to +5 maximum, lasts 1 hour)
Bupropion (grants +2 temporary bonus to maximum (and current) hit points, up to +10 maximum, lasts 1 hour)


Psilocybin (Subject becomes distracted by their own mind (thus rendered flat-footed) for a number of rounds equal to the sum of the flower child's Wisdom and Intelligence modifiers upon failing a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier + 2/dose [up to +10 from dosage])
Morphine (Subject gains 10 temporary hit points per dose, up to a maximum of 50, for one hour; afterwards, the subject must rest for one hour or make a DC 20 + 2/dose Fortitude save, or else lose 4 Constitution points until their next full night's sleep; a character who is recovering from this effect cannot stay awake to watch a camp at night)


Arsenic (Target takes 1 point of Constitution damage per dose, up to a maximum of 3, upon failing a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom bonus)
Cocaine (+2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, +1 Dexterity, up to +10/+5 maximum, lasts 10 rounds)
Phencyclidine (+2 Strength and +2 Natural Armor, up to +10/+10 maximum, lasts 1 day)
Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Adjust disposition of target creature by up to two levels toward being "friendly", Will save DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier + 2/dose, lasts 4 hours)


Lysergic acid diethylamide (Subject becomes distracted by their own mind (thus rendered flat-footed) for a number of rounds equal to twice the sum of the flower child's Wisdom and Intelligence modifiers upon failing a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier + 2/dose [up to +10 from dosage])
Methamphetamine (+2 bonus to attack and damage rolls, +2 Dexterity, up to +10/+10 maximum, lasts 1 day)


Cyanide (Target takes 2 points of Constitution damage per dose, up to a maximum of 6, upon failing a Will save DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom bonus)
Dimethyltryptamine (Target becomes helplessly distracted by their own mind (thus rendered helpless) for a number of rounds equal to the flower child's Wisdom modifier upon failing a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier + 2/dose [up to +10 from dosage])
Scopolamine (Target intelligent creature becomes completely subservient to the instructions of other creatures upon failing a Will save, DC 10 + 1/2 class level + Wisdom modifier + 2/dose (+10 max DC bonus from dosage); competing diplomacy checks will determine who gains control of the affected creature's intentions in situations where multiple speakers compete to command the dosed creature; listen, spot, sense motive, and knowledge (nature) checks may be necessary for enemies of the flower child to determine what has happened to an affected creature; lasts one hour; unintelligent creatures become catatonic for the duration of this drug's effect)

Flower children may apply five doses of any drug to any single weapon (including darts, arrows, etc.).

Drugs can only affect creatures who are responsive to chemicals of the material plane.

Tolerance: Creatures quickly gain a tolerance to the effects of drugs. The tolerance period for any drug is twice the duration of its effect. During the tolerance period, a creature must double its dose in order to achieve the same drug effect.

Withdraw: If a creature doubles its dose in order to regain a drug effect during its tolerance period for that drug, the creature must make a Will save, DC 10 + thrice the drug level, or suffer penalties equal to the benefits achieved during the "high". This penalty phase, the "withdrawal period", lasts as long as the original duration of the drug's desired effects.

Overdose: Creatures who double their dosage more than twice before allowing tolerance to subside must make a Fortitude save, DC 10 + thrice the drug level, or else their hit points are reduced to 0. If this save is failed critically and the failure is confirmed by a percentile roll below 10, the overdosing creature dies.

A creature may only absorb the maximum dosage of any one substance at a time -- dosing a creature twice before the original dose has ceased activity is a waste of reagents.

Preparing drugs also takes time.

Preparing Drugs: Preparing drugs takes one hour of concentration per pound of reagents processed. The flower child who is a true wizard of chemistry can prepare one pound of doses in half an hour.

Reagents/Hour: The flower child's ability to make drugs is limited by the amount of reagents that they have available (measured in grams of reagent; treat 450 grams as one pound). Producing one dose of each drug costs its level in grams of reagent, squared. The amount of reagents that the flower child can harvest in a single hour of searching through an area with plenty of plant life (forests, fields, some villages and caves, etc.) is provided in Table: Flower Child. In addition, flower children receive bonus reagents per hour if they have a high Wisdom score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Power Points).

Flower children may harvest reagents passively during travel through such a region at half of their base rate.

Doses of drugs weigh the same as the reagents that were used to produce them.

Maximum Drug Level Known: This column determines the highest level power the flower child can learn at this level.

To learn or manifest a power, a flower child must have a Wisdom score of at least 10 + the drug's level.

Poison Master (Ex): At 3rd level, a flower child gains immunity to poisons of all kinds. Making poison every day makes for an extremely tough body.

Fast Movement (Ex): At 4th level, flower children gain an enhancement bonus to their speed, as shown on Table: The Flower Child. A flower child in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.

Purity of Body (Ex): At 5th level, a flower child gains immunity to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases.

Bring Me a Shrubbery: The experienced flower child has many ways of acquiring resources. Flower children may send out their animal companions in search of plant matter to be processed for reagents. Animal companions may bring back a full load of reagents, collected at 1/5th the rate at which the flower child could have personally collected those reagents.

Comfortably Numb: By level 10, a flower child has become comfortably numb through their drug experiences. This grants 20 permanent hit points to the flower child, reflecting an increased capacity to withstand pain. This effect increases by 20 hit points for every five levels after level 10.

Experienced: By level 11, a flower child no longer suffers any withdrawal from drugs and cannot overdose, even if they have doubled their dosage in order to overcome tolerance several times.

Universal Alchemy: Everything is connected, and the experienced flower child can exploit this understanding in order to craft substances that affect extraordinary creatures. As of level 15, the flower child may prepare substances designed to produce effects in creatures from any plane of existence, including magical creatures. When preparing drugs, the flower child must announce the nature of the drug -- the potential targets for a concoction must be limited to similar creature types from similar planes of existence.

Wizard: A masterful flower child has developed an uncanny affinity for drugs, and can safely create far more powerful substances. When a flower child reaches level 20, double the maximum possible dosage of all drugs produced by the flower child.

The Flower Child's Animal Companion

A flower child’s animal companion is different from a normal animal of its kind in many ways. A flower child's companion is superior to a normal animal of its kind and has special powers, as described below.

Armor Adj.
15th–17th+10+10+56Improved Evasion

Animal Companion Basics: Use the base statistics for a creature of the companion’s kind, but make the following changes.

Class Level: The character’s class level. The flower child’s class levels stack with levels of any other classes that are entitled to an animal companion for the purpose of determining the companion’s abilities.

Bonus HD: Extra eight-sided (d8) Hit Dice, each of which gains a Consitution modifier, as normal. Remember that extra Hit Dice improve the animal companion’s base attack and base save bonuses. An animal companion’s base attack bonus is the same as that of a flower child of a level equal to the animal’s HD. An animal companion has good Fortitude and Reflex saves (treat it as a character whose level equals the animal’s HD). An animal companion gains additional skill points and feats for bonus HD as normal for advancing a monster’s Hit Dice.

Natural Armor Adj.: The number noted here is an improvement to the animal companion’s existing natural armor bonus.

Str/Dex Adj.: Add this value to the animal companion’s Strength and Dexterity scores.

Bonus Tricks: The value given in this column is the total number of “bonus” tricks that the animal knows in addition to any that the flower child might choose to teach it (see the Handle Animal skill). These bonus tricks don’t require any training time or Handle Animal checks, and they don’t count against the normal limit of tricks known by the animal. The flower child selects these bonus tricks, and once selected, they can’t be changed.

Link (Ex): Flower children can handle their animal companions as a free action, or push them as a move action, even if they don’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The flower child gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

Evasion (Ex): If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.

Devotion (Ex): An animal companion gains a +4 morale bonus on Will saves against enchantment spells and effects.

Multiattack: An animal companion gains Multiattack as a bonus feat if it has three or more natural attacks and does not already have that feat. If it does not have the requisite three or more natural attacks, the animal companion instead gains a second attack with its primary natural weapon, albeit at a –5 penalty.

Improved Evasion (Ex): When subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, an animal companion takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and only half damage if the saving throw fails.

Ex-Flower Child

Flower children have no alignment or behavioral restrictions.

Epic Flower Child

Table: The Epic Flower Child

Hit Die: d8

21stBonus Feat
24thBonus Feat
27thBonus Feat
30thBonus Feat

6 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Reagents/Hour: The epic flower child can gather 10 times their class level in reagents every hour.

Fast Movement: The epic flower child gains a 10-foot bonus to their base movement speed at every level divisible by 4.

Bonus Feats: Epic flower children may take any epic bonus feat for which they meet the nonclass prerequisites.

Wild Elf Flower Child Starting Package

Weapons: Compound Longbow.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 6 + Int modifier.

Sense Motive4Wis

Feat: Brachiation.

Gear: Studded leather armor, backpack, bedroll, food, water, rope, blankets, mortar and pestle, cooking pot, flint and steel, drug tools.

Gold: 100 gp.

Playing a Flower Child

Religion: Any religion that praises the wildlife of the material plane is just swell in the eyes of a flower child.

Other Classes: Some see the powers of the flower child as black magic -- others see a brilliant ally with powers resembling legendary alchemy.

Combat: The flower child might dose up the tanks with some amphetamines and dance around on the outskirts of battle poisoning enemies from a distance. They might also soften the heart of powerful-but-hostile acquaintances by applying the right perfume -- or the right toxin.

Advancement: The sky is the limit for a flower child.

Flower Children in the World

Never apologize. Never explain.
—Hunter S. Thompson, Human Flower Child
Nobody knows whether we were catalysts or invented something, or just the froth riding on a wave of its own. We were all three, I suppose.
—Allen Ginsberg, Human Flower Child
The happiness consists in realizing that it is all a great strange dream.
—Jack Kerouac, Human Flower Child

Any place where plenty of reagents can be found.

Daily Life: Flower children generally prefer to live in the wild with their animal companions and sometimes a few allies. Occasionally, their curious nature leads them to become swept into the adventures of passersby.


Organizations: Flower children generally work together only in very small numbers. They are relatively solitary beings.

NPC Reactions: Magic-users and drug-lovers rarely fear flower children, but most other intelligent creatures tend to be a bit cautious around them.

Flower Child Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Nature) can research flower children to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Knowledge (Nature)
5You've never heard of a flower child.
10Flower children are like drug-addicted druids.
15Flower children a unique ability to manipulate nature in order to produce strange effects.
20Flower children can produce drugs so powerful that they can control the minds of intelligent creatures.
25You discover the location of a nearby flower child.

Flower Child in the Game

The flower child is a buff character and a poison warrior, somewhat like a druid with respect to its tendency toward the wild.

Sample Encounter: A flower child would likely serve players as a source of information; a good one would likely do this for free, whereas a neutral one would charge. An evil flower child, however, might set a trap for the players and then drug them all with scopolamine while they sleep.

EL Infinite: DMs should roll their own flower children in order to balance them appropriately with their campaign.

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gollark: Or "Ester", "Esot", that sort of thing. Actually, are there good synonyms for "esoteric"?
gollark: Short for ESolangs IDE.
gollark: That seems like a nice name.
gollark: Eside?
gollark: If you do have reasons, it would be helpful for decision purposes to know what they are.
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