Dungeon Master's Guide (Valgora Supplement)

Any player can roll dice to kill a troll anywhere, but the Dungeons & Dragons game allows for plenty of said action. However, what really brings a game session to life is the Dungeon Master's ability to provide a colorful and enthralling world for the player's to explore. As Dungeon Master, Valgora can meet and exceed all of your party's game needs. The content on this page is designed to assist you in providing a vibrant setting for your players. Before going any further, remember: You're the Dungeon Master! As such, any parts of Valgora you don't like, you can change! Add or alter the world to your whims!

I come to bring light where there is darkness
Azule StrongArm, Soldier of Light
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Campaign Setting

Campaign Setup Overview

Prep Station

Take a moment and change, delete, or exchange any specifics of the Valgora setting that you prefer before the game begins. Though small changes can be made later (such as minor town names or characters), major changes should be known to your players before beginning, such as deciding to use the standard Greyhawk Pantheon in lieu of Valgora's. If you're a strong planner, come up with some plot hooks, storylines, or characters that you can use to help keep your Player's in action and keep the game moving. Remember, never rely solely on one plot, as PCs should be free to explore the world at random. Some DMs prefer to mostly wing it at the table, and if so, just think of some base ideas to at least get your players talking together and initiate the first encounter. If all goes well, the rest should do itself.

Choose where in Valgora to begin

Before the first dice is rolled, a good player should have a character concept. When you begin recruiting for your campaign, you should be able to provide a general background so that the characters know certain things. Valgora provides players with a vast array of concepts to run with. Generally, you should know what part of Valgora you wish to start your campaign in. The adventuring party should have a home within reasonable distance to the starting area (Starting at level one but saying you've already traveled the entire globe seems odd). Read up on the lands of Valgora and decide where you wish to have your setting begin.

Player Character Building

Begin by explaining the general basic of Valgora to your players. If a player asks about what setting the campaign is in, you can tell him/her something along the lines of "This game is running in Valgora. A typical medieval fantasy setting with a strong roleplaying emphasis. You'll be starting in [your starting region here - for example: Talara], a peaceful island City-State with strong ties to the shipping industry." This allows your player to get a vague idea of where they are playing and allow them to begin a character concept, while not giving away any plot details. This small amount of information may allow a player to come up with a backstory ("My character is a lower-class son of a dock worker, looking to do more with his life than his father"), and get the gears of the character creation process moving.

Character Introduction

Decide how you intend for your characters to meet. Maybe they were all drafted or of age to join the local militia or guard and meet at boot camp. Perhaps they are all University Students sharing the same Dorm. Even a seemingly coincidentally timed Tavern visit can bring PCs face to face for the first time.

Begin your Campaign

At this point the players should be your main focus, and the world should shape around them. Alter any Valgorian details to meet you and your player's needs, and remember: Have Fun!

Understanding Valgora

As DM, there is an amazingly large amount of knowledge that no one person can remember that you're expected to know. Sometimes, small setting-specific questions arise from your players ("How cold is it out here during this season?" or "Who is the cute barmaid"). Sometimes just a quick on-spot impromptu answer can settle these questions, yet on other occasions you can provide a more in-depth world by expanding upon the information provided to the player's about the world they live in.

Provide your characters with the regional names of the days of the week or the month (The Valgoran Calendar is the same as earth's, just different names. Remember this and your life will be easy.) With a good enough knowledge (local) check, tell your players the history of Costea Musat, the shaman head of state for the Ghikvan state of Quaristan. Use the categorized information below to help you in this deed:

Valgorian Leaders & Legends

Knowing whose in charge can help player's get a grasp of their surroundings (and try to climb the social ladder a bit). Below is a chart of the regional leaders and local legends and what your player's know about them depending on their Knowledge (local) check.

Table: Valgorian Leaders & Legends
or Organization
Leader Race Class Alignment Knowledge (local) 15
20 25 30
BlüdfrostHead of State Vladmir 'Ice' AristarkhHumanSwashbucklerCGA fisherman-turned politician, Vladmir serves from the capital of Cape BeckonHe received the nickname Ice because of his ability to swim in the cold coastal watersHe constantly rallies the Allied Parliament to ensure that the economic prosperity of his country's fishing is good.His only child, Anna Maria Aristarkh is a celebutaunte of the state, and posters of her can be found in ship cabins around the region.
Cape MystHis Majesty the right Honorable Brill SaxtonGnomeSorcerorCGKing Saxton is a funloving and adventurous kingHe is currently in his seventh year as kingThe tragic death of his father at sea has left him shaken as of lateSince his father's death, he is fearful of the sea and refuses to step into it.
CarallionWar Lord KellHumanFighterLGA lifetime military man, Kell keeps every detail of his country in orderHe never gives out information about himself from his time before joining the serviceHe is embarrassed by his non-military upbringingBorn Barthelomew Arthur Kell to civilian parents.
CentrasottaPrime Minister Sharon MusatitonHalflingRangerCNSharon enjoys a nomadic lifestyleThe only female head of stateIs a distant relative to the ruling Musats of QuaristanTroubled love life, very lonely
Drella LeonistineChief Xindel-LeoneKoboldWarlockTNA shrewd businessman with his own interests at heartRules through fear and propagandaNervous of the Allied ParliamentJealous of Kennett & Ko
DrexsistanLord ValormarkHumanPaladin/
Soldier of Light
LGA noble knight who wishes for peace and prosperityMember of the Order of VargachRumored to be on the Round Table for the OrderWishes to find an heir to his title so that he may retire and serve his God in another capacity
FinlayKing Magre BronzesteelDwarfBarbarianCGBeloved King and PartygoerHas multiple wives whose names he can't rememberRestructured the national workdays to add drinking breaks.Was beat in a drinking contest once by Dewey Solitude
FritzstlandPresident Barvan BaneElfBardCGNicknamed BB by his citizensA bachelor playboy of epic proportionsNo lame duck, BB is very active in the Allied ParliamentHas become the de facto go-to man for King Delpear in the Parliament.
GalvlandChief Kruak MagimCentaurFighterLNWishes to rid the world of Centaur stereotypesSecretly implementing weapons factories to seek revenge for stereotypesHis son is currently involved in a political sex scandalThe scandal was actually not his sons, but his, but his son took the heat for political reasons.
HarkinshireGnorman Krinkles, Earl of RivingtonGnomeRogueCGEarl Gnorm in the pressHuge fan of the Rivington RollersHas an office in Coilspring for "vacations"Building his own business in Coilspring and attempting to open up a hockey franchise there as owner
HolnsteadChieftain Teraul StouthoofMinotaurBarbarianCNTeraul represents the Stouthoof tribe that has always ruled HolnsteadHas no son and is old, and as such this is causing political concerns on who will ruleHis daughter Veronice is campaigning for her husband to ruleTensions are high as each tribe positions itself in hopes of gaining rule
Kingdom of GhikvaKing Uron Delpear the ThirdBlack DragonSorcerorLNCalled Uron the Black by his constituentsRelationship with son Drubai is highly strainedRecently removed his son from the palace residence of the familySon Drubai is in cahoots with Prince Thraun of Malsivir, and building an army in the Frell Mtns. to overthrow his father.
LockeportUnknown leader, represented in the Senate by Wrestin FeathermooreElfWizardLNThe country sealed itself off suddenly and only Wrestin has ever came out publicly sinceThe official country name is Alda Marillion, but most call it Lockeport due to it's sealed in statusCapital is assumed to be VenweThe Lockeport Rangers that can be seen guarding the wall are considered some of the world's best marksmen.
MollarokAlezander DrovenHalflingPriestLGThe Twenty Seven Monastaries of Mollarok are autonomous in all but nameAlezander leads the civilian population and represents themThe state's civilian population is less than 10 percent, the rest residing within the monostaries.Droven is officially the leader, but answers to dwarven monk Brother Razheen
North ZinelandStuart Ridok RedbeardDwarfPaladinLGLeads from the mountain capital of StormforgeMember of the Order of VargachSends son Aiden to represent the state in the Allied ParliamentIs secretly preparing to make son Stuart and retire
Order of VargachWar Lord Azule StrongArmHalf-OrcSoldier of LightCGResides on TalaraWould rather venture to every disturbance personallyFeels personal pain when an Order member dies in dutyIs secretly a Demigod
QuaristanState Shaman Costea MusatOrcShamanCGReclusive leader of stateDoes not fret over national issues muchSecretly hates the secession of FritzstlandJealous of Barvan Bane's cult of personality amongst his people
RendigoHead DukeFluxFluxFluxThe dukes of Rendigo counties elect a Head DukeThe Head Duke represents the state in the Allied ParliamentNew Dukes go by Head Duke, never their nameCurrent Head Duke was formerly Waldo Rogers
South ZinelandDuke Kilrey LongtailKoboldRogueLNElected leader of the countryLame Duck figurehead with no real powerThe country answers to Kennet & Ko, who employs most the country at the Mines and QuarryKennet & Ko Knight Kobolds give Kilrey directions
TalaraMartiver CaexHumanSorcerorLGThe reclusive member of the House of CaexSeems to be up to something more than the public noticesPlotting to unroot the Radiant DragonsSecretly evil and planning to take over as King
UriktarKing GeniviousRed DragonSorcerorLNKing for several centuriesSon Thraun influences his father's policy making more annuallyUnknowingly a pawn to his sonSon is currently planning an aggressive overthrow and expansion
Vren DruxCount Duncan Von TriskAlleged HumanWizardTNThe rarely-seen totalitarian leaderUses common man John Harkinger to relay information to the publicSeems to be more active at nightCould be the world's first decent vampire
WeinderstonCEO Eerly WeinsteinGoblinRogueCGA businessman first, then a rulerHas yet to see a quarterly report in the negativeRichest Goblin in the WorldWishes to expand his borders on both sides to allow urban growth
YrengiaWar Chief Rual SaurfangOrcFighterCNA short-tempered rulerStill bears scars from the Yrengian-Holnstead BattlesPersonally executed a chief from each Minotaur ClanMisses the battlefield, would use shady tactics to reignite the war

Valgorian Weather by Country

The climate experiences of your players depend on their location in the Valgoran world. The chart below gives the typical expectations for the weather when traveling in certain regions during each season.

Table: Valgorian Weather
Country Record High Record Low Common Storms Worst Season Spring
Summer Fall Winter
Bludfrost26 degrees-167 degreesHurricanesWinterColdExtremely ChillyColdUnbearably Freezing
Cape Myst104 degrees42 degreesHurricanesSpringWarmCasually HotWarmSlightly Chilly
Carallion98 degrees12 degreesThunderstormsFallRoom TemperatureWarmSlightly ChillyHeavy Coat Weather
Centrasotta102 degrees8 degreesTornadosSummerLuke WarmMildly HotSlight ChillWindy Cold
Drella Leonistine114 degrees22 degreesCoastal StormsSummerWarmUncomfortably HotWarmVery Chilly
Drexsistan92 degrees-3 degreesWinterMountain SnowstormsSlightly ChillyLuke WarmColdFreezing Snowstorms
Finlay124 degrees24 degreesLate WinterHeatwavesWarmVery HotWarmSlight Chill
Fritzstland96 degrees4 degreesEarly FallJungle StormsWarmHotChillyuncomfotably Cold
Galvland102 degrees11 degreesWinterSandstormsVery WarmUncomfortably HotSlight ChillCold
Harkinshire96 degrees34 degreesSpringCoastal StormsWarmWarmWarmSlight Chill
Holnstead102 degrees11 degreesLate FallTornadosVery WarmUncomfortably HotSlight ChillCold
Kingdom of Ghikva107 degrees-17 degreesLate WinterThunderstormsWarmHotSlight ChillCold to Freezing Cold
Mollarok92 degrees-3 degreesWinterMountain SnowstormsSlightly ChillyLuke WarmColdFreezing Snowstorms
North Zineland96 degrees34 degreesSpringCoastal StormsWarmWarmWarmSlight Chill
Quaristan96 degrees4 degreesEarly FallJungle StormsWarmHotChillyuncomfotably Cold
Rendigo107 degrees-4 degreesLate SpringTornadosWarmHotSlight ChillCold to Freezing Cold
South Zineland96 degrees34 degreesSpringCoastal StormsWarmWarmWarmSlight Chill
Talara96 degrees34 degreesSpringCoastal StormsWarmWarmWarmSlight Chill
Uriktar98 degrees12 degreesThunderstormsFallRoom TemperatureWarmSlightly ChillyHeavy Coat Weather
Vren Drux42 degrees21 degreesCoastal StormsEarly FallChillySlightly ChillyColdUncomfortably Cold
Weinderston96 degrees11 degreesFallHeavy Polluted RainfallWarmWarmSlight ChillCold
Yrengia106 degrees11 degreesLate SpringTornadosVery WarmUncomfortably HotSlight ChillCold

Valgorian Races by Country

Knowing what race is more predominant can decide your party's travel plans (its never a good idea for comrades to lead their friendly ranger into a country filled with his favored enemy). Below is a chart of racial demographics by Country. Once again, make your players roll a knowledge (local) check so that they earn the information.

Table: Valgorian Demographics
Country Predominant Race Second Populous Race Third Populous Race Fourth Populous Race Major Monster Race
Peaceful Indifferent
BlüdfrostHumansIce DwarfsHalflingsOrcsGiantsStorm GiantsCloud GiantsHalf Giants
Cape MystHalflingsHumansElvesGnomesSubaquan HumanoidsSome AtlanteanSea ElvesSome Atlantean
CarallionHumansDwarfsOrcsOgresDrowMost DrowDomesticated DrowUnderbrow Village Drow
CentrasottaElvesHumansHalflingsCentaurGiantsHill GiantsCloud GiantsHalf Giants
Drella LeonistineKoboldsGoblinsGnomesHalflingsSubterrain HumanoidsInternational Thieve's Guild MembersKennet & Ko KoboldsIndependently Contracted Kobolds
DrexsistanHumansDwarfsElvesMinotaursEvil HumanoidsSethil Cult MembersNestor ParrisionersRogues
FinlayDwarfsHumansHalflingsGnomesDuergarsDark Iron ClanDomesticated DuergarWild Hammer Clan
FritzstlandElvesHumansGnomesHill DwarfsTrollsJungle TrollsDomesticated TrollsDarktusk Trolls
GalvlandCentaursHalflingsElvesHumansTrollsPrarie TrollsDomesticated TrollsDarktusk Tribe Trolls
HarkinshireGnomesHalflingsDwarfsGoblinsKoboldsWild KoboldsKennet & Ko. KoboldsVacationing Drella Leoninstine Kobolds
HolnsteadMinotaursHumansHalflingsCentaursOrcsYregian OrcsRuneclan OrcsHalf Orcs
Kingdom of GhikvaBlack DragonsHumansOther DragonsDwarfsDuergarsDark Iron ClanDomesticated DuergarWild Hammer Clan
MollarokElvesHumansOrcsHalf ElvesEvil HumanoidsSethil Cult MembersNestor ParrisionersRogues
North ZinelandKoboldsGoblinsHumansGnomesGreedy HumanoidsInternational Thieve's Guild MembersPoliticiansRogues
QuaristanHumansOrcsHalf OrcsHalflingsGreedy HumanoidsInternational Thieve's Guild MembersPoliticiansRogues
RendigoDwarfsHalflingsHumansElvesWild BeastsRendigo Resevoir BeastsDomesticated BeastsNatural Beasts
South ZinelandKoboldsGoblinsHumansGnomesGreedy HumanoidsInternational Thieve's Guild MembersPoliticiansRogues
TalaraHumansElvesDwarfsHalflingsPiratesInternational Thieve's Guild MembersSea ElvesAtlantean Naval Force
UriktarRed DragonsKoboldsHumansElvesOrcsBloodcrow Clan OrcsYrengian OrcsHalf Orcs
Vren DruxVampiric HumansVampiric ElvesLycanthrip HumansHumansVampire HuntersRygarian Order MembersHuman WomenOrder of Vargach
WeinderstonGoblinsKoboldsGnomesHalflingsGreedy HumanoidsInternational Thieve's Guild MembersPoliticiansRogues
YrengiaOrcsTrollsHumansDwarfsMinotaursHolnist MinotaursTremtotem Clan MinotaursHalf Minotaurs

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Valgora Navigation
Valgora Campaign Settingv
Player's Handbook Races, Magic, Equipment, Military, Law & Honor, Waste Walker's Handbook, Seafarer's Handbook, Planewalker's Handbook
World Reference History, Ghikva, Malsvir, Talara, Notable Dungeons, Notable Towns & Cities, Notable Spans of Wilderness, Cosmology, Organizations, NPCs, Deities, Distant Past
Dungeon Master's Guide Monsters, Adventures, Cartography, Unearthed Arcana
D&DWiki Project: Adding to Valgora, About, Things to Do
The mighty blow, the stoutest foe, but all should know, as I behold, no one rose that day who wasn't under the pay of Meloku's gang
Douie Solitude, Famed Bard
gollark: How about everyone gets -8 points, thne?
gollark: How about all active players get π points?
gollark: I think we should do something with points.
gollark: Because g.
gollark: Why are people AGAINST 206?!
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