Dread Master (5e Subclass)
Dread Master (5e Archetype)
This is an archetype of the Sorcerer class. Your powers come from your uncanny and deep knowledge of the mind and how it works. Because of this, you not only know how best use your mind to cast magic but you also know how to bring down others through the tormenteous power of fear, while also protecting yourself from its effects.
- Instil Fear
At 1st level your knowledge of the mind allows you to manipulate fear and you can cast the spell instil fear. Your understanding and control of fear is also a defensive tool at your disposal. You gain immunity to being Frightened.
- Instil Madness
At 6th level your understanding of fear deepens. No longer are you simply terrifying enemies but now you are reaching deep within their minds and driving them mad. You can cast the spell instil madness.
- Instil Pain
At 14th level your power over the mind is strong enough to cause harm. You can cast the spell instil pain.
- Master of Fear
Your skills in the subjugation of fear have grown and you are better equipped to influence the most sturdy of minds. At 18th level, creature's DC Wisdom saving throws are rolled with disadvantage when instil fear or instil madness are cast.
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