Combat Rogue (3.5e Class)

Combat Rogue

Combat rogues are individuals that found the road of the fighter too slow and unadaptive. While at the same time find the path of the rogue, to be too reliant on stealth and petty tricks. Fast paced fighters that are at home on the battlefield, they took the best of both roles and combined them into quick and ruthless machines of death. These warriors have learned to tap into the hidden reserve of strength that most humanoids have: Adrenaline. Using adrenaline to fuel their techniques, they look as blurs upon the battlefield. Besting some in straight combat with lightning quick precision or using lightning speed surprising the enemy with a series of sneak attacks. Combat Rogues are a force to be reckoned with on and off the battlefield, because you never know when they will strike, and chances are you'll never see it coming.

Making a Combat Rogue

Combat Rogues combine key elements of the fighter and the rogue while still maintaining it's own identity as it's own class. Taking from the fighter it's high BAB and proficiency with martial weaponry, and taking from the rogue it's sneak attack and large skill list. The class itself is made for quick skirmishes whether against one target or many and can hold it's own. The longer a fight goes, the class becomes weaker as the adrenaline starts to deplete and the classes average HD starts to show. Overall, it's a high powered class that can be a lot of fun in the right campaign.

It's strength lies in it's speed and versatility on and off the battlefield. While it's weaknesses begin to show once battles play out or a few lucky hits get through to you. It plays well with most classes since it can do many things, though does not fit well with other rogues since it overwrites the rogues strength of skill versatility.

Abilities: A high Dexterity is a must. Most abilities of the Combat Rogue rely on Dexterity. Constitution is a nice bonus to the class as it will improve on the classes low HD, while Strength and Intelligence are in a tie for third. Intelligence for extra skills for an adaptable combat rogue, or Strength for a more combat focused combat rogue.

Races: Almost any humanoid creature that has adrenal glands can become this class, but due to their quick adapting nature in combat, and free life-style most are human.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 6d4 x 10gp (150 gp).

Starting Age: Moderate.

Table: The Combat Rogue

Hit Die: d10

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Speed Bonus
1st+1+0+2+0 Two-Weapon Fighting, Dexterous Dodging, Adrenaline (1 charge), Sneak Attack 1d6, Trapfinding, Adrenal Alacrity +0 ft.
2nd+2+0+3+0 Quicksilver Strike, Dodge +0 ft.
3rd+3+1+3+1 Sneak Attack 2d6 +5 ft.
4th+4+1+4+1 Sprint +5 ft.
5th+5+1+4+1 Dexterous Grapple, Adrenaline (2 charges) +5 ft.
6th+6/+1+2+5+2 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Uncanny Dodge, Sneak Attack 3d6 +10 ft.
7th+7/+2+2+5+2 Sprint (Walls) +10 ft.
8th+8/+3+2+6+2 Eviscerating Jump, Adrenal Evasion +10 ft.
9th+9/+4+3+6+3 Improved Initiative, Sneak Attack 4d6 +15 ft.
10th+10/+5+3+7+3 Sprint (Bladed), Adrenaline (3 Charges) +15 ft.
11th+11/+6/+1+3+7+3 Snap Kick, Adrenal Fortitude +15 ft.
12th+12/+7/+2+4+8+4 Greater Two-Weapon Fighting, Run, Sneak Attack 5d6 +20 ft.
13th+13/+8/+3+4+8+4 Barrage of Blades, Sprint (Fluids) +20 ft.
14th+14/+9/+4+4+9+4 Slice and Dice, Roll with it +20 ft.
15th+15/+10/+5+5+9+5 Sneak Attack 6d6, Adrenaline Rush, Adrenaline (4 charges) +25 ft.
16th+16/+11/+6/+1+5+10+5 Sprint (Concealment) +25 ft.
17th+17/+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 +25 ft.
18th+18/+13/+8/+3+6+11+6 Quicksilver Attacks, Sneak Attack 7d6 +30 ft.
19th+19/+14/+9/+4+6+11+6 Sprint (Invisible), Blur of Steel +30 ft.
20th+20/+15/+10/+5+6+12+6 Adrenaline (5 charges) +30 ft.

Class Skills 8 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Appraise (Int), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disable Device (Int), Disguise (Cha), Escape Artist(Dex), Forgery (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha)), Jump (Str), Knowledge (local) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Open Lock (Dex), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Magic Device (Cha), Use Rope (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Combat Rogue.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with light armor. As well as simple, rogue, and martial weaponry.

Dexterous Dodging (Ex): A Combat rogues reflexes are so honed he dodges attacks with such fluidity and speed he appears as a blur. While wearing no armor, the Combat rogue adds double his or her dexterity bonus to their AC(as opposed to just once). Should the Combat Rogue multi-class into another class, this bonus only adds +1 AC per point of dexterity modifier. This new dexterity bonus is limited by an armor's inherent dexterity penalty, meaning if your normal Dexterity bonus already meets your max dex bonus from your armor, this feat will add no AC.

Adrenaline: A Combat rogue uses adrenaline to accomplish his or her amazing abilities. Adrenaline comes in charges, starting at one charge at 1st level, increasing to 2 at 5th level, and increasing by one every 5 levels thereafter maxing out at 10. Adrenaline does not regenerate on it's own, to recharge adrenaline a rest action may be taken. The duration of the rest action will dictate the amount of regained adrenaline.

Move Action : Half of a charge

Standard Action : One full charge

Full Round Action : Two Full charges

Full Round Action (While Hasted): Three Full charges

All Adrenaline abilities are used as swift actions unless otherwise noted and cannot be used while exhausted. Adrenaline abilities cost double if the Combat Rogue is fatigued.

Adrenal Alacrity (Ex): The Combat Rogues mastery over adrenaline allows them to move with surprising speed. As long as the Combat Rogue has at least 1 charge of adrenaline, his movement speed is affected as per the chart.

Quicksilver Strike (Ex): Expending 1 charge of adrenaline, the combat rogue can slice at a target so quickly, the opponent cannot see it coming. The opponent is effectively flat footed against the attack.

Sprint (Ex): A Combat rogue can expend charges of adrenaline equals to how many rounds he wishes to sprint. Sprint allows a Combat rogue to move at unparalleled speeds at the blink of an eye, while sprinting a Combat Rogue moves at his or her run speed and acts as if he or she had the Spring Attack feat. As long as the Combat rogue continues to move, he can take as many attacks as his BAB and Two weapon fighting feats allow him too, also while moving through threat ranges the combat rogue gains a +4 AC bonus against attacks of opportunity. As the Combat Rogue becomes more powerful, Sprint improves to accommodate this. At 7th level, the Combat rogue can move on walls as per the Up the Walls psionic feat. At 10th level, a Combat Rogue learns to put his sprinting momentum into his blades making critical hits more effective, it increases a weapon's multiplier by x1 while sprinting. At 13th level, a Combat Rogue can sprint on most fluids as if they were a solid surface, A Combat rogue can move over harmful fluids without taking damage unless they spend more than 1 round on the fluid. At 16th level, the Combat rogue moves so quickly, they are hard to spot. The combat rogue gains 50% concealment while sprinting. At 19th level, a Combat Rogue is moving so rapidly light cannot keep up with him and he becomes invisible. This invisibility cannot be dispelled, but becomes immediately visible should he stop for any reason. A combat rogue is not considered stopped if he has used his entire speed this round. He is at full speed without needing to go more than one square to qualify for running jumps.

Dexterous Grapple (Ex): A Combat rogue has become so aware of his or her body and is so naturally fluid and dexterous, the Combat Rogue can use his Dexterity modifier instead of his Strength modifier while in a grapple. Also, enemies of up to 2 sizes larger, do not gain their size bonus to the grapple as long as the Combat Rogue is attempting to escape the grapple. All other bonuses still apply.

Eviscerating Jump (Ex): A combat rogue expending a single charge of adrenaline can make a jump check against an airborne target, or a target of at least 2 size categories larger then the combat rogue. The jump check's DC should be high enough for the combat rogue to be able to reach the waist of the opponent (Up to DM's discretion). Upon a successful jump check the combat rogue makes a single attack roll. Upon successful attack roll, the combat rogue attacks with both weapons simultaneously.

Adrenal Evasion (Su): A combat rogue can expend an adrenaline charge, as a free action at any time, and act as though the combat rogue had the feat, Improved Evasion.

Snap Kick (Ex): On attacks of opportunity, instead of an attack the combat rogue can choose to make a snap kick. A snap kick is a quick attack designed to knock over the opponent. A snap kick uses your same die of damage as your unarmed attack and uses all the same bonuses. On a successful hit the opponent must make a Fortitude Save (DC = 10 + Dex Modifier + Half of your characters hit die). If succeeded the opponent still takes damage, but suffers no ill effects. If the opponent fails by less than 5, the opponent is dazed for one round in addition to damage. If the opponent fails by any more then 5, he is knocked prone and dazed for 1 round. The opponent's size modifier counts towards their roll as per a trip attempt. +4 per size category larger, -4 per each size category smaller. Sneak attack damage can be applied to the kick if it applies.

Adrenal Fortitude (Ex): By expending 1 charge of adrenaline as an immediate action, the Combat Rogue can re-roll the result of the Fortitude or Will save that has to do with exhaustion, stunning, fatiguing, holding, dazing, poisoning, or sleep related. This can only happen once per round, and the new result must be taken despite it being better or worse. In addition, a Combat Rogue can spend 2 charges to remove the status fatigued, and 4 charges to remove the exhausted status. This happens as a swift action.

Barrage of Blades (Ex): A combat rogue can expend a single charge of adrenaline to make a single attack at their highest BAB. If a successful attack is made another attack can be made at a -2 penalty to your next attack. This continues until an attack misses, and the penalty stacks each time a successful attack is made. These all count as separate attacks.

Slice and Dice (Ex): A combat rogue can expend a 2 charges of adrenaline to make a full attack action. For each main hand attack that lands, the combat rogue can make an offhand attack at the same BAB as the main hand attack.

Roll with it (Ex): A Combat rogue can once per day when an attack will put the Combat Rogue's HP at 0 or below, make a reflex save equal to the damage caused to completely avoid the attack. For each 1 charge of adrenaline added to this action, add +5 to the reflex save.

Adrenaline Rush (Ex): A Combat rogue can once per Constitution modifier per day (Minimum of at least once per day), Supercharge his body and immediately recharge all his lost adrenaline. This is a standard action.

Quicksilver Attacks (Ex): Expending 3 charges of adrenaline, the combat rogue can attack the target with lightning speed and can take a full attack action in which each attack counts as the target being flat footed against the attack.

Blur of Steel (Ex): Expending all available charges of adrenaline, the Combat Rogue can take 2 full attack actions against every opponent within a 30 ft line. The attacks divided up as the Combat Rogue chooses and the combat rogue ends up at the end of the 30 ft line regardless of where the last attack took place. The combat rogue is not subject to attacks of opportunity for moving through opponents spaces, and can also move through opponent's spaces as long as the ending place is not in an opponent's space. For every Adrenaline charge less than 4, you spend that many rounds fatigued afterward.

Epic Combat Rogue

Table: The Epic Combat Rogue

Hit Die: d6

LevelSpeed BonusSpecial
21st+35 ftPerfect Two-Weapon Fighting, Sneak Attack 8d6
22nd+35 ftImp. Sprint (Warp)
23rd+35 ft
24th+40 ftBonus Feat, Sneak Attack 9d6
25th+40 ftAdrenaline 6 charges, Imp. Sprint (Mirror Image)
26th+45 ft
27th+45 ftSneak Attack 10d6
28th+45 ftBonus Feat, Imp. Sprint (Aftershock)
29th+50 ftAdrenaline Overcharge
30th+50 ftAdrenaline 7 charges, Sneak Attack 11d6

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Improved Sprints (Ex): These Sprints are simply added on to the original Sprint abilities.

Warp : The Combat Rogue moves so quickly he appears to be warping from his point of origin to the next point. He is still passing through all the areas designated, but he can move his full run speed as a swift action rather than a move action.

Mirror Image : The Combat Rogue can run fast enough to cross the time barrier and effectively be in two places at once. The Combat rogues path must mirror the other, but each is capable of taking their own independent actions. Damage taken by either during this phase is added up upon the effects end and is taken by the "real" Combat Rogue. When the split occurs, the Combat Rogue must decide which is "real" and which is "fake". Damage caused by "fake" Combat rogue stays after he disappears. Both get their own standard and move action.

Aftershock : The Combat Rogue moves so quickly, he breaks the sound barrier as he attacks. Each attack deals d4 sonic damage per 3 levels of Combat Rogue. Fortitude save to take half (DC = Half Characters Hit die + Dex + 10), if the save is failed, each target is deafened for 1d4 rounds (These rounds stack with each other, if it exceeds 20 rounds target is deafened for 1d4 days). Constructs and other targets with no Constitution score get no save against this effect. In addition, DR and hardness against these attacks is halved.

Adrenaline Overcharge (Ex): The Adrenaline Overcharge ability is a full round action, that can only be used when the Combat rogue is at 5 or more charges of adrenaline. The Combat Rogue flushes all available charges of adrenaline into his system at once, supercharging his body. This effect lasts 5 rounds + 1 round per point of adrenaline over 5 to a maximum of 10 rounds. During this effect, time seems to stand still to the Combat Rogue and can 2 Full Round actions during this time. All Combat rogue abilities cost no adrenaline during this time as well. At the end of the Adrenaline Overcharge. The Combat Rogue acts as if the Time Stop spell has been cast on him. After the Time Stop spell wears off, the Combat Rogue is treated as exhausted for 2d10 minutes. This exhaustion costs double what it would normally cost to remove with Adrenal Fortitude. This ability can be used once per day.

Bonus Feats: The epic Combat Rogue gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic feats) every 4 levels after 20th.

Epic Combat Rogue Bonus Feat List: Any Epic feat listed that the Rogue may apply for. For purposes of qualification, Adrenal Evasion and Roll with it count as, Improved Evasion and Defensive Roll respectively. This counts for up to a maximum of 10 bonus feats acquired in this manner.

Human Combat Rogue Starting Package

Weapons: 2 Short Swords.

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.


Feat: Weapon Finesse.

Gear: Standard Adventurer's Kit and Leather Armor.

Gold: 150 gp.

Playing a Combat Rogue

Religion: Most combat rogue's often don't follow a religion. If he does, it is most often a god of battle.

Other Classes: Combat oriented classes like the fighter and the barbarian work well with this class, as the nature of the class is to go to combat at the first opportunity. Other classes, who prefer to find other solutions to conflicts other than combat will frequently be at odds with the combat rogue.

Combat: A front line skirmisher that frequently goes into and out of the dense portion of combat, because of the classes' low Hit die he cannot survive long in dense combat. Thankfully, the classes abilities allow it to enter and exit combat frequently.

Advancement: The Combat rogue's unique adrenaline system make it a class that is best focused on for the full 20 levels.

Combat Rogues in the World

Now I lay you to eternal sleep

The blade between your shoulders you can keep

I will not watch you where you fall

For you are just another notch upon the wall.

—Arkaid Alkon, Human Combat Rogue

Combat rogues come from all walks of life, most having lived normal lives until accidentally discovering the thrill of battle. Most fight for the sake of fighting and do not care whether they win or lose. Most realize as well, though that a love of battle often does not put food in their stomachs. So most operate as mercenaries or bandits, traveling the world either working for money, or simply stealing it. Most do not live long enough to accomplish much, and those that do never go past being a simple mercenary for the simple fact of anything else just has to much responsibility and inhibits their free spirit.

Daily Life: A combat rogue wakes up in the same bed as every other man or woman. He constantly seeks conflict. If he has a good heart, he will seek out whoever needs help, provided it can be solved with a pair of whirling blades. If he has a heart of darkness, he will start riots, mobs, or enact any type of conflict just to give him a reason to kill.

Notables: Drakier Arkon, Male Human Combat Rogue : Joined as a mercenary and followed a warlord around conquering towns, hamlets, and castles for 13 years. Reported to have never been dealt so much as a scratch during his long career he was also credited with over 20,000 confirmed kills, from kings to knights to peasants.

Arkaid Alkon "The Wraith", Male Human Combat Rogue : Hired by a large troupe of devils to effectively aid their efforts in the blood war. He set off on his own to find a large nesting area for the demons. Upon finding it, he immediately set to work. Flushing all of his adrenaline into himself at one time and rushing into the camp. He slaughtered several hundred demons before they had even noticed something was amiss. In a matter of minutes, he decimated one of the largest known demon outposts on that particular plane without being so much as seen. Effectively ending the blood war for a record 4 minutes and 12 seconds before more demons arrived from the bowels of the abyss.

Organizations: Rarely are there organizations of these people. Mostly because of the carefree lifestyle and attitude of many of them, there is no one to actually rally them. They remain scattered amidst the world, each trying to carve out their own niche in the world with the only way they know how.

NPC Reactions: Normally from a distance, it's quite hard to tell that they have any ability at all. So they react much as they would to any other character holding weapons. Until any dealing with this character is actually had does the carefree, lax, or sometimes downright reckless behavior begin to show.

Combat Rogue Lore

Characters with ranks in Gather Information can research Combat Rogues to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

Gather Information
5Combat Rogues are very deadly.
10Combat Rogues are able to stretch physical capabilities.
15The names of famous combat rogues.
20The specific location of several combat rogues.

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gollark: High efficiency apiarization protocols.
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