Color Bearer Powers (4e Power List)

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Level 1 At-Will Exploits

Twirling Strike (4e Power)
Plant and Strike (4e Power)
Defensive Banner (4e Power)
Flag Stomper (4e Power)
Flag Guardian (4e Power)
Distracting Wave (4e Power)

Level 1 Encounter Exploits

Shielded Flag (4e Power)
Drench the Flag (4e Power)
Selfless Valor (4e Power)

Level 1 Daily Exploits

Rallying Flag (4e Power)
Plant the Flag (4e Power)
Guardian's Banner (4e Power)

Level 2 Utility Exploits

Level 2 At-Will Utility Exploits

Shading Banner Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Your stance and flag are far more bold and obvious, that they draw the eye of an enemy
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 1
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: The target makes a stealth check 10 DC. On success, the target gains concealment until the end of your next turn.

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Level 2 Encounter Utility Exploits

Healing Banner Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Standing under your flag, others find solace, and can take a moment to recuperate.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Healing
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 1
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self or one ally in burst
Effect: Target can spend a healing surge.

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Banner of Skill Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Standing under your flag, others find themselves inspired and capable at a specific task.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 2
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: You and each ally in the burst.
Effect: Choose a skill. Until the end of the encounter, each target gains +5 to their next check with that skill, and all checks afterwards gain only a +2 so long as they can still see the flag. If by the end of your next turn, they do not use a skill check to get the +5 bonus, it is lost, and only the +2 remains. If they ever lose sight of the flag, they lose the +2 bonus and cannot regain it.

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Tactical Banner Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 2
With incredible vigor, and at your own expense, you wave the flag higher than normal.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Close burst 5
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Roll 1d6. At level 11, roll 2d6. At level 21, roll 3d6. Each target gets a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Each target gets a bonus to attack rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Red Standard: Each target gets a bonus to damage rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Blue Standard: Each target gets a bonus to all defenses equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

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Level 2 Daily Utility Exploits

Watchful Bearer Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 2
Holding high the colors of your party, your eyes scope out the battle, and you see a way to bring victory faster.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 7
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self and each ally in burst
Effect: Roll 1d8. Until the end of the encounter, all attack rolls get that as a bonus. Other bonuses based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Until the end of your next turn, increase target attack rolls further by your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: Until the end of your next turn, increase target damage rolls by your Charisma Modifier.

Blue Standard: Until the end of your next turn, increase all target defenses by your Charisma Modifier.

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Level 3 Encounter Exploits

Clever Strike Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 3
With tremendous bravery, you strike your enemy, putting yourself at risk in the process. This opens you up to be struck back, but you've planned for that. You may get hurt, but so will they!
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage, and push the target 1 square, shifting into what it just occupied yourself. This provokes opportunity attacks by any able to make one against you. If an opportunity attack is done against you, hit or miss, do 1d6 damage against the attacker as an immediate reaction.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d6 again, use the higher result for your damage against the attackers.

Red Standard: Do 1d6 damage plus your Charisma Modifier against the attackers.

Blue Standard: Shift two spaces as a free action if you provoke an opportunity attack. If you provoke more than one, still only shift two spaces.

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Shifting Strike Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 3
With quick footwork, you shift back and forth making a hit and run strike.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One creature
Attack: Constitution Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage.

Gold Standard: Until the end of your next turn, target takes a penalty to a defense of your choice equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: Roll 1d4. The target takes that as ongoing damage, save ends.

Blue Standard: Until the end of your next turn, target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Effect: Before you strike, shift one space. Afterwards, hit or miss, shift one more space. This does not provoke opportunity attacks.

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Ranked Support Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 3
As an ally prepares to make a blow against a foe, you break into enthralled support, causing them to hit their mark better and harder.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Range 10
Trigger: Ally does damage to a single enemy
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Triggering Ally
Effect: The target makes a basic attack as a free action against their first target, with a bonus.

Gold Standard: Charisma Modifier bonus to attack roll, +3 to damage roll.

Red Standard: +3 to attack roll, Charisma Modifier bonus to damage roll.

Blue Standard: +1 to attack roll and damage roll. Until the end of your next turn, target gets a bonus to a defense of their choice equal to your Charisma Modifier.

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Frenzied Banner Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 3
You make three quick, weak strikes against your foes, inspiring your allies into a short frenzy.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 1
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One, two, or three creatures in burst
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: If one target, 1d8 damage. If two targets, 1d6 damage per each target. If three targets, 1d4 damage per each target.
Effect: Your frenzy draws in your allies, allowing for a secondary attack.

Range: Close Burst 3

Target: Each ally in burst

Effect: Each target gets a bonus depending on your standard. This bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Gold Standard: Gains a bonus to attack rolls equal to 1d8 plus your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: Gains a bonus to damage rolls equal to 1d10 plus your Charisma Modifier.

Blue Standard: Gains a bonus to all defenses equal to 1d6 plus your Charisma Modifier.

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Surround Them! Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 3
With a valiant strike against a foe, you call upon your allies to surround them and finish the job!
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage. Target 2 allies within 5 squares of you. Shift them up to their move speed closer to the target creature. If there are already at least 2 allies adjacent to the target creature, each may take a basic melee attack against it, with a bonus to their attack rolls equal to your Charisma Modifier.
Miss: No damage. Target 1 ally within 5 squares of you. Shift them up to their move speed closer to the target creature.

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Level 5 Daily Exploits

False Flag Operation Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 5
With deceptive tactics, and less than honorable trickery, you convince a foe to listen to you, and do as you say!
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. Will
Hit: The target is dominated until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The target makes a basic attack against an enemy of your choice as a free action.

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Feint Grip Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 5
You lower your flag, appearing weak before an enemy. Eager to strike a demoralizing blow, it attacks you, as you intended.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: 3[W] + Charisma Modifier damage.
Miss: Your attack misses, and instead the enemy gets a free basic attack against you. Every ally within 10 spaces who saw you get struck gets a benefit based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Increase attack rolls for the rest of the encounter by 2 plus your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: Increase damage rolls for the rest of the encounter by 4 plus your Charisma Modifier.

Blue Standard: Increase Will, Reflex, and Fortitude defenses for the rest of the encounter by 1 plus your Charisma Modifier.

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Defiant Shield Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 5
You see an ally about to get harmed by what you know you can withstand, and throw yourself into harm's way, giving them time to recover and re-situate.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Close Burst 1
Trigger: An adjacent ally is about to take damage from an attack that won't hit you.
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering ally.
Effect: Switch places with the target. Take the damage meant for the target, yourself, with 1d20 plus Constitution Modifier damage resistance. The target may spend a healing surge, and gain additional HP equal to your Charisma Modifier.

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Bloodied Assault Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 5
With your colors streaming behind you, you charge at the enemy forces, and they scatter to avoid your assault.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 2
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Attack: Charisma Vs. Will
Hit: Push each target 3 squares. Each target takes a penalty based on your standard, save ends.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d6. Take a penalty to all defenses equal to that roll.

Red Standard: Take 1d8 damage. Roll 1d6, and take ongoing damage equal to that.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d8. Take a penalty to attack rolls equal to that roll.

Miss: 1d4 plus Charisma Modifier damage, push 1 square.
Effect: Shift two squares before doing the attack.

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Level 6 Utility Exploits

Level 6 At-Will Utility Exploits

Flag Handling Switch Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 6
Seeing an opportunity to utilize a different flag for the battle, you are able to quickly switch them out, from so much experience handling the colors.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Free Action Personal
Trigger: Your turn
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self
Effect: You may sheath one Staff or Spear group weapon, and draw another as a free action.

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Level 6 Encounter Utility Exploits

Triage Banner Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 6
Seeing an ally come to harm beside yourself, you immediately plant the flag and aid them before resuming your duties.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Close Burst 1
Trigger: Adjacent ally takes damage
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Triggering ally
Effect: Target may spend a healing surge, and heals additional HP equal to your Charisma Modifier. They get further bonuses based on your standard, until the end of your next turn.

Gold Standard: Gain additional HP equal to 1d6.

Red Standard: If able, make a basic attack against the attacking enemy immediately as a free action.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d4, all defenses increase by that.

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Battlefield Aid Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 6
Seeing an ally in distress, you do all you can from your knowledge and training to help them out.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Melee touch
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Ally
Effect: If the target is suffering from any condition, or held, roll 1d6. If you rolled a 1, do nothing. Else, they may roll a saving throw against the effect with your roll as a bonus.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d6 twice, use the higher of the two rolls.

Red Standard: If you rolled a 1, on their next saving throw, add 1 to the throw anyway.

Blue Standard: If you roll a 6, you gain the effect until the end of your next turn, and they are immediately alleviated of it.

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Level 6 Daily Utility Exploits

Oath of the Standard Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 6
In a moment of battle, you tell an ally that so long as the banner flies, they shall not fall.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 2
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One ally in burst
Effect: Target gains resist 3 to all damage until the end of the encounter. Additional, a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Twice during the encounter, if an attack roll is unsatisfactory, they may reroll it, but have to use the second roll.

Red Standard: Thrice during the encounter, if a damage roll is unsatisfactory, they may reroll it, but have to use the second roll.

Blue Standard: Increase the bonus to resist 5 to all damage.

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To The Last Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 6
Your own body feels weak, but with selfless determination, you drive your allies to regain the use of their own, at any cost!
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 6
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped. You are bloodied.
Target: Each ally in burst that can see you
Effect: Each target may make a saving throw. If the target is effected by a condition but fails the throw, you may roll 1d4. Whatever the roll is, you take that much damage, but add twice of it to the target's roll.

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Level 7 Encounter Exploits

Unwavering Wall Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 7
You sanction an area to defend with your life, utilizing your body to intercept some damage meant for an ally.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Wall 3
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in wall
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, target gets +4 to damage resistance against all types. If the target is hit, roll 1d4, and take that much damage yourself. If there is an enemy in the wall, make a secondary attack.

Secondary Attack: Charisma Vs. AC

Secondary Target: Each enemy in wall

Secondary Hit: 1[W] + Charisma Modifier damage. Push the enemy 1 square and knock it prone.

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Twin Banners Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 7
With your quick motions, you make it appear as if there are two flags held high, instead of your one.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Close Burst 4
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self and each ally in burst.
Effect: Each target gets a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d8. At level 11, roll 2d8. At level 21, roll 3d8. Each target gets a bonus to attack rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Red Standard: Roll 1d10. At level 11, roll 2d10. At level 21, roll 3d10. Each target gets a bonus to damage rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d6. At level 11, roll 2d6. At level 21, roll 3d6. Each target gets a bonus to all defenses equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Special: Does not stack with Invigorating Flag. Does stack with any other Color Bearer power. Can be used twice in an Encounter, but only once per round.

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Banner Wave Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 7
You swing your flag out in front of you in a sweeping arch, slashing multiple foes and putting them at a disadvantage.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Wall 3
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each creature in wall
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage, push target 1 square and knock it prone.
Miss: Push target 1 square.

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Level 9 Daily Exploits

Flag Trip Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 9
With a quick strike you swipe a foe off its feet, and with a second, you immobilize it.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Weapon, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Charisma Modifier damage. Slide the target adjacent to you, perform a secondary attack against the same target. The target is knocked prone.

Secondary Attack: Strength Vs. AC

Secondary Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage. The target is stunned and takes a penalty equal to your Charisma Modifier to AC until the end of your next turn.

Secondary Miss: Half damage, target takes a penalty equal to your Charisma Modifier to AC until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Half damage, target is knocked prone.

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Topped Flag Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 9
After finishing an enemy off, you don their head upon your flag. A symbol of what will befall the rest of your foes.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Close Burst 10
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 HP
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped.
Target: Any enemy within burst that can see you
Attack: Charisma Vs. Will
Hit: Target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Charisma Modifier, save ends.
Miss: Target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your Charisma Modifier until the end of your next turn.

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Colorful Movements Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 9
You move like the wind, the colors of your flag flutter as you dart across the battlefield, laying help at the feet of your allies.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Personal
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Effect: You expend your move action as well when doing this power. Move up to twice your speed across the battle, with your flag in the air. Every ally you pass adjacent to gets a bonus based on your chosen standard. You must end up back on the square you started on.

Gold Standard: Each target rolls 2d6. For the next three turns, they gain a bonus to attack rolls equal to that plus your Charisma Modifier. While you move, enemies may make opportunity attacks against you as normal.

Red Standard: Each target rolls 2d8. For the next three turns, they gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to that plus your Charisma Modifier. While you move, enemies may make opportunity attacks against you, with a +2 bonus to their attack rolls.

Blue Standard: Each target rolls 2d4. For the next three turns, they gain a bonus to all defenses equal to that plus your Charisma Modifier. While you move, enemies may make opportunity attacks against you, with a -2 penalty to their attack rolls.

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Level 10 Utility Exploits

Level 10 At-Will Utility Exploits

Helping Hand Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 10
Seeing an ally struggle at a task, you offer a helping hand.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Melee Touch
Trigger: An adjacent ally attempts a skill check in a skill you're trained in or saving throw.
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Triggering ally
Effect: Add your Charisma Modifier to their roll.

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Level 10 Encounter Utility Exploits

Place at Ease Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 10
Standing in the shadow of your flag, your allies find themselves at ease.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Personal
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, all allies who start or end their turn next to you gain 1d10 plus your Charisma Modifier temporary HP.

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Level 10 Daily Utility Exploits

Personal Standard Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 10
You see an ally capable of greatness, only to be held back by how much harm their body can take. You sacrifice your own flesh to keep them going.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Range 5
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One ally in range
Effect: Immediately shift adjacent to the target. Whenever the target moves, you may move to keep up with them as a free action. Any opportunity attacks they provoke go to you, with a +2 to attack rolls against you. Further, you take an additional 1d6 damage on hits from opportunity attacks. Whenever the target makes an attack against a creature, if you are able, you may make a basic attack against the same creature as a free action. Further, your target gets a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d8, add your Charisma Modifier. The target gets this as a bonus to all attack rolls while this effect is in place.

Red Standard: Roll 1d10, add your Charisma Modifier. The target gets this as a bonus to all damage rolls while this effect is in place.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d4, add your Charisma Modifier. The target gets this as a bonus to all defenses while this effect is in place.

Special: You can not make move actions while this power is in effect. You may end the effects of this power as a free action. If movement is forced upon you, the effects of this power end immediately.

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Level 13 Encounter Exploits

Flag Feint Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 13
A foe nearly strikes at the flag, attempting to demoralize your friends, but with a quick jerk, you pull back as they stumble to the ground.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Melee touch
Trigger: An enemy does damage to you through a melee attack.
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflexes
Hit: 1d8 plus your Charisma Modifier damage, target goes prone. You take no damage.

Red Standard: The target also takes 1[W] damage.

Miss: The target falls prone, and you take half damage.

Blue Standard: The target falls prone, and you take no damage.

Effect: Shift 1 square away from the target.

Gold Standard: If you fail the first roll, you may roll on this power again.

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Banner of Distraction Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 13
An enemy attempts to strike at you, using the flag to keep track of you, but your grip on it leaves them missing you completely, and leaving themselves open to an attack by your allies!
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Melee touch
Trigger: An enemy does damage to you with a melee attack.
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: You teleport behind the target, taking no damage. This action gains the teleport keyword. The target takes 1[W] + Charisma Modifier damage.
Miss: You move one space, and take full damage. You fall prone.

Blue Standard: You take only half damage.

Effect: Two allies within 3 spaces of the target may take a basic attack against it as a free action, with bonuses based on your standard.

Gold Standard: With a bonus to their attack roll equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: With a +3 to their attack roll and a bonus to their damage roll equal to your Charisma Modifier.

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Change Places Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 13
Seeing yourself about to be hit by an attack, you quickly knock an enemy in the way of the attack to save yourself.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Close Burst 1
Trigger: You are hit by an attack, and an enemy ( not the one who did the attack ) is adjacent to you, and not to be hit by the same attack
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering enemy
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: You switch places with the target and take no damage. The target now rolls as if they were an original recipient of the attack.
Miss: You switch places with the target and take half damage. The target now rolls as if they were an original recipient of the attack.

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Level 15 Daily Exploits

Mighty Toss Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 15
With great strength, you hurl your flag at an enemy, planting it within its flesh, marking it for all to strike next.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Range 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 3[W] + Strength Modifier damage, target is immobilized, save ends. Any ally that strikes the enemy gains a bonus based on your standard ( save ends ).

Gold Standard: 1d10 plus your Charisma Modifier added to attack rolls.

Red Standard: 1d12 plus your Charisma Modifier added to damage rolls. A further +4 bonus to attack rolls.

Blue Standard: The target cannot make opportunity attacks against yourself or any ally, regardless if they strike it. Further any strike grants a 1d8 plus your Charisma Modifier bonus to a defense of their choice for attacks made by the target.

Miss: Half damage, target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. The effects of a hit last until the end of your next turn, with one exception.

Blue Standard: The target cannot make opportunity attacks against yourself or any ally ( save ends ).

Effect: Shift up to your move speed closer to the target. If you are not adjacent, move the remaining squares closer to the target until you are adjacent. The shifting does not provoke opportunity attacks. The moving does not provoke opportunity attacks by the target, but it does by others. Opportunity attacks this move provokes get a 1d6 bonus to attack rolls against you.

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Eye Catching Compulsion Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 15
Seeing the benefits of your actions on your comrades, an enemy decides to ignore everyone else and solely attack you.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Range 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. Will
Hit: The target grants combat advantage to all your allies, save ends.
Effect: Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier to attack and damage rolls against you. The target gains a penalty to attack and damage rolls that do not include you as a target equal to your Charisma Modifier. Upon attacking you, two allies within your Charisma Modifier squares of you may make a basic attack against the target as an immediate interrupt. If one or both of them are unable to make a hit with the attack, the target's attack proceeds as normal. If they both make a hit against the target, the target's attack is canceled.

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Impromptu Battlements Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 15
Utilizing what you have around you, you make makeshift fortifications to protect your allies from attacks, first clearing the area of enemies.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement, Zone, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close burst 3
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma Vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Charisma Modifier damage. Push the target outside of the burst with the fewest possible moves. Knock the target prone.
Miss: Half damage. Push the target outside of the burst with the fewest possible moves.
Effect: You set up a makeshift fort around you after moving the enemies away. The fort offers 5 damage resist to all damage for your allies while they are in the zone, and acts as difficult terrain for enemies to pass through. The fort has its own HP, equal to 12 plus your Constitution Modifier, and defenses equal to 10 plus your Constitution Modifier, and can be targeted by enemy attacks and destroyed, ending the boon it grants. Further, more bonuses based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Once per round, an ally may reroll an attack roll they made inside the zone, with a bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier added to it.

Red Standard: Each enemy within the zone takes 1d6 damage. Add your Strength Modifier onto the max HP for the fort.

Blue Standard: Each ally and self gain a +5 bonus to all defenses while in the zone.

Sustain Minor: The zone persists

Sustain Standard: The zone persists. The fort gains 1d6 HP.

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Level 16 Utility Exploits

Level 16 At-Will Utility Exploits

Silver Tongue Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 16
You catch yourself mid-sentence before you say something wrong, and try again to speak with your best foot forward.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Personal
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Effect: Gain a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: You may reroll any diplomacy skill check once, use the better result.

Red Standard: You may reroll any intimidate skill check once, use the better result.

Blue Standard: You may reroll any diplomacy skill check once, use the second result, even if it's worse.

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Level 16 Encounter Utility Exploits

Out of the Way Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 16
Seeing an enemy about to be hit, you shove them out of the way, while trying to stay safe yourself.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt '
Trigger: An adjacent ally is about to take damage from an attack.
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: Roll 1d20.

If you roll a 19 or above, slide the ally the fewest possible spots needed for them to avoid the attack.

If 15 to 18, slide the ally the fewest possible spots needed for them to avoid the attack, and roll 1d6. They take that much damage from your shove.

If 10 to 14, slide the ally the fewest possible spots needed for them to avoid the attack, and roll 1d6. They take that much damage from your shove. Additionally, you take half damage from the attack yourself.

If 5 to 9, slide the ally the fewest possible spots needed for them to avoid the attack, and roll 1d6. They take that much damage from your shove. Additionally, you take full damage from the attack yourself.

If 2 to 4, slide the ally the fewest possible spots needed for them to avoid the attack, and roll 1d6. They take that much damage and are knocked prone. Additionally, you take the full damage from the attack yourself.

If 1, knock the ally prone. You both take full damage from the attack.

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Rallying Point Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 16
You rally your allies about you before sending them off into battle again.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 5
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gains temporary HP equal to your Charisma Modifier, and a bonus based on your standard. This bonus lasts until the end of your next turn.

Gold Standard: On the target's next attack, add 1d10 plus your Charisma Modifier to their attack roll.

Red Standard: On the target's next attack, roll 1d10. If 10, the attack does ongoing damage equal to your Charisma Modifier, save ends.

Blue Standard: The target gains a bonus to all defenses equal to your Charisma Modifier.

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Level 16 Daily Utility Exploits

True Grit Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 16
Through sheer determination, you are able to fight off an effect or help an ally fight off theirs.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self or one ally
Effect: Autosuccess on a saving throw.

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Level 17 Encounter Exploits

Jump Strike Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 17
You leap forward at an enemy, and plant the flag into their body as you crash down upon them, inspiring your allies to charge forth as well.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Range equal to your Strength Modifier
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage.
Miss: Quarter damage.
Effect: Up to your Charisma Modifier allies may shift up to their move speed toward an enemy, and make a melee basic attack against them.

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Flagged Assault Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 17
You strike your flag in an accurate thrust into an enemy, making them stumble slightly as your allies rain blows down upon them.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma plus either Strength or Constitution Vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] plus Strength Modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: Each ally within 5 squares of the target may take a basic attack against it as a free action, with a +3 to attack rolls.

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Blind Wrap Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 17
You wrap your flag quickly around the eyes of an enemy, disorienting it, causing it to strike one of its allies instead of you.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. Will
Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage. The target makes a basic attack against a target of your choosing
Miss: Full damage, the target makes a basic attack against you.

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Level 19 Daily Exploit

Cutting Pace Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 19
You cut in and out, ruining the timing and accuracy of a foe's attacks, staying nimble to keep yourself safe in the process.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength Modifier damage.
Effect: If the target attacks before the end of your next turn, you may move up to your Charisma Modifier in squares adjacent to the target and attack it with a melee basic attack as an immediate interrupt. If you deal damage, the target takes a penalty to its attack roll equal to your Charisma Modifier. This movement provokes opportunity attacks.

Gold Standard: You gain your Charisma Modifier bonus to your attack roll.

Red Standard: Roll 1d6, the target takes ongoing damage until the end of your next turn.

Blue Standard: Moving doesn't provoke opportunity attacks. After the attack, hit or miss, shift one square away from the target.

Sustain Minor: The effect continues until the end of your next turn.

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Opportunistic Victory Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 19
You know you can pull off this victory, if you take advantage of every opportunity you can.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target may make up to your Charisma Modifier in opportunity attacks per round until the end of your next turn.

Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of your next turn.

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Fly High the Colors Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 19
Your body finally breaks from all your effort, and even as your mind fades into the darkness, you make one last stand for the colors you bear.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Close Burst 10
Trigger: You reach 0 or fewer HP
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in burst that can see you
Effect: Each target gains a bonus based on your standard until the end of the encounter. This stacks with other bonuses.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d10. All targets get this as a bonus to their attack rolls. This stacks with all other bonuses. One time during the rest of the encounter, they may reroll a failed attack roll, with an additional bonus equal to your Charisma Modifier.

Red Standard: Roll 1d12. All targets get this as a bonus to their damage rolls. This stacks with all other bonuses. One time during the rest of the encounter, they may choose to apply your Charisma Modifier as ongoing damage to an attack that has hit. Save ends the ongoing damage.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d8. All targets get this as a bonus to all defenses. This stacks with other bonuses. One time during the rest of the encounter, when they take damage, they may roll 1d10. On a 10 they avoid all damage, and can shift 2 squares as a free action.

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Level 22 Utility Exploits

Level 22 At-Will Utility Exploits

Restful Flag Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 22
Recovering under the colors always seems to treat you well.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Melee touch
Trigger: Adjacent Ally spends a healing surge
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: The triggering ally
Effect: Target heals an additional 1d10 HP

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Level 22 Encounter Utility Exploits

Knightly Initiative Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 22
You hang back initially, letting your allies go before you.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You roll for initiative
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self
Effect: You may decrease your initiative roll by up to your Charisma Modifier. For every point you remove from you own, you may add it to the rolls of all your allies.

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Level 22 Daily Utility Exploits

Tactical Rearranging Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Utility 22
You direct your allies into better positioning, confusing your enemies to move into inopportune places as well.
4e Power Usage::Daily  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 10
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each creature in burst that you can see
Effect: If they are an ally, shift them up to your Charisma Modifier. If they are an enemy, slide them 1d4 squares. Roll for each enemy.

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Level 23 Encounter Exploits

Enemy Flip Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 23
You slide the grip of your flag out and down, between the legs of an enemy, and flip them over your head, sending them crashing down on the other side of you.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength Vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3[W] + Strength Modifier damage, the target slides into a square opposite of you. The target is knocked prone. The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Miss: Half damage, the target is knocked prone.

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Flag of the Slayer Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 23
You strike your flag into an enemy, holding them still for long enough that an ally may strike against them with all their might.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement, Weapon
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Melee Weapon
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One Creature
Attack: Charisma Vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength Modifier damage. One ally within 5 squares of the target may use a standard action immediately, if it is used to attack the enemy. They get a bonus depending on your standard.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d6, add that to their attack roll.

Red Standard: Roll 1d8, their attack on a hit does that as ongoing damage. If they already do ongoing damage, the damage is increased by that roll. Save ends.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d4, until the end of your next turn, they get a bonus to all defenses against attacks the target makes equal to that.

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Off Limits Color Bearer 4e Power Type::Attack 23
You mark one of your allies as untouchable by enemy attacks, and for a while, this seems true.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Range 5
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: One ally in range
Effect: The target gains 1d10 plus your Charisma Modifier untyped bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn.

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Level 25 Daily Exploits

Level 27 Encounter Exploits

Level 29 Daily Exploits

gollark: KiWI™
gollark: Unless you're me. I have an exemption.
gollark: If you stand RIGHT BESIDE it it activates self-defense protoĸols.
gollark: It's a GTech product.
gollark: ĸeænu
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