Color Bearer (4e Class)

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Color Bearer

Let the flag fly high, and the banners stream through the air, let all that see be inspired.
—Devar, Master of the Colors, Tertiary Roles of Knightly Combat
Class Traits
Role: Leader. While you may be able to don the guise of the other classes with some work, you are undoubtedly a Leader, and your abilities shine through very well here
Power Source: Martial.
Key Abilities: Charisma, Constitution, Strength
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide, Chainmail; Light Shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged, Military Spears, Short Sword
Implements: Staffs or Spears
Bonus to Defense: +2 to Fort, +2 to Will.
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
Healing Surges per Day: 8 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Insight.  From the class skills list below, choose three more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Dungeoneering (Wis), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), History (Int), Intimidate (Cha), Religion (Int)
Build Options: Gold Standard Color Bearer, Red Standard Color Bearer
Class Features: Flying Colors, Invigorating Flag, Flag Waving, Banner Preservation

Color Bearers are of an ancient class of warrior, themselves not the sword of battle, but more a focal point. They march along their brothers into combat, the standard of their liege flying high above them, inspiring their allies, and striking fear into the eyes of their foes, who know what it means when the flag of no quarter is flying, and the might of an empire is crashing down upon them. With their knowledge of culture, religion, and people, and their sturdy determination, they become a rallying focal point of a brigade. Typically the stance is revered through the legions, and when a Color Bearer falls in combat, it's shown as a sign that the army itself has taken a large blow, further large than when any other standard knight lays slain. While Color Bearers are typical of the fields of battle, it isn't uncommon for trained men and women to be sent out to aid heroic adventuring parties in their quests, although they are rarely accepted in as equals. It is only after they prove their worth in combat do they get approval of their unorthodox peers.


Characteristics: Primarily a leader, Color Bearers are able to secondary as defenders. They are a bastion of inspiration for their allies, and desolation for their enemies. Their attacks and skills are targeted at enabling their compatriots, as well as buffing them by flying their colors high
Religion: Color Bearers very often follow the religion of their home people, coupling their beliefs into their own work so as to better help the armies in battle. It is rare for them to worship gods who are against civilization itself. When not of the faiths of their home people, or when they lack a home, they are likely to worship any god of war, or perhaps, none at all.
Races: Humans and Half-Elf Color Bearers are incredibly common, as they march in traditional style into battle along the normal soldiers and knights, often serving as secondary commanders. The ancient fallen empires of the Tieflings and the Dragonborn have left the old ways of the imperial standards intact for them as well, and while they may not lead the grand armies of old, they are excellent supplement to any brigade or adventuring party.

Creating a Color Bearer

There are a few schools of thought on the essentials when it comes to being a Color Bearer, with regards to which flags and standards should be flown, and whether they should be first inspirational for their allies, or demotivational, unto their enemies. The third school sets itself apart from either of those, as the Color Bearer is not at the fore of combat, and is instead slightly behind, focusing on the leader role only.

Gold Standard Color Bearer

Suggested Feat: Mighty Flag (Human Feat: Bearer's Hafted Defense )
Suggested Standard: Gold Standard
Suggested Skills: Diplomacy, History, Religion
Suggested At-Will Powers: Twirling Strike, Flag Guardian
Suggested Encounter Power: Selfless Valor
Suggested Daily Power: Guardian's Banner
Red Standard Color Bearer

Suggested Feat: Flag and Sword (Human Feat: Flag Bearer's Grip )
Suggested Standard: Red Standard
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate
Suggested At-Will Powers: Plant and Strike, Flag Stomper
Suggested Encounter Power: Drench the Flag
Suggested Daily Power: Plant the Flag
Blue Standard Color Bearer

Suggested Feat: Flag and Shield (Human Feat: Charismatic Bearer )
Suggested Standard: Blue Standard
Suggested Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History
Suggested At-Will Powers: Defensive Banner, Distracting Wave
Suggested Encounter Power: Shielded Flag
Suggested Daily Power: Rallying Flag

Color Bearer Class Features

All Color Bearers share these class features.

Flying Colors: Color Bearers are nothing without their flags, which are either mounted upon a staff, or a spear. Because of this, many Color Bearer attacks require that they are wielding at least one or the other, in order to effectively utilize their standards. Because of this, they are able to use either staff or spear as an implement for all powers with the implement keyword. Further, Color Bearers find themselves following one of the following schools for their type of flag.

Gold Standard: The most common standard, Gold Standard Color Bearers are a motivating force, waving high the flag of the people with gilded edges, inspiring their comrades to strike true and strike with precision. They are less about brutish strikes, and more about accuracy on the battlefield. They themselves reap of this benefit, gaining a +1 to all attack rolls they make with spears or staffs. This increases to +2 at level 21. Further, theirs is a respected position, and they are versed in the wiles of political diplomacy, and get a +2 to diplomacy check, but another additional +1 to diplomacy checks with nobles, from knights, to lords, to kings. These bonus increases to +3 and +2 at level 21 respectively.
Red Standard: The second most common standard, Red Standard Color Bearers are a courageous force, waving high the flag of the people with blood stained trimming, inspiring their comrades to strike forth and spill the blood of their enemies, pushing their allies to strike with the force of the gods. They themselves reap of this benefit, gaining a +1 to all damage rolls they make with spears or staffs. Further, theirs is a respected and feared position, they get a +1 to intimidate checks, and an additional +2 to intimidate checks against commoners. These bonuses
Blue Standard: The least common, but perhaps most valued, standard, Blue Standard Color Bearers are a virtuous force, waving high the flag of the people with silvery blue laced edges, offering solace and protection under the banner. They are not about striking hard, or striking true, but about keeping their allies defended. They themselves reap of this benefit, gaining a +1 to all defenses. This increases to +2 at level 11, and a +4 at level 21. Further, theirs is a respected and honored position, they get a +2 to all diplomacy checks, a +2 to all insight checks, and a +2 to all heal checks. These bonuses increase to +3 at level 21.

Invigorating Flag: The sight of the flag drives your allies onward harder into battle. You gain the Invigorating Flag at-will power.

Invigorating Flag Color Bearer Class Feature
You strike the base of your flag into the ground, reminding all that the banner still waves.
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Close Burst 2
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Self and each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gets a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d6. At level 11, roll 2d6. At level 21, roll 3d6. Each target gets a bonus to attack rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Red Standard: Roll 1d8. At level 11, roll 2d8. At level 21, roll 3d8. Each target gets a bonus to damage rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d4. At level 11, roll 2d4. At level 21, roll 3d4. Each target gets a bonus to all defenses equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Special: This bonus stacks with any other Color Bearer power. It does not stack with itself.

Flag Waving: With a rallying cry and a wave of your flag, you spur on your allies to fight longer. You gain the Flag Wave power.

Flag Wave Color Bearer Class Feature
With an elegant wave of your flag, you can inspire nearby allies to fight longer!
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Healing, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Close Burst 3
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in the burst that can see you
Effect: Each target gains temporary hitpoints equal to your Charisma Modifier

Banner Preservation: Your duty as Color Bearer takes precedent over your own well being. You gain the Banner Preservation encounter power.

Banner Preservation Color Bearer Class Feature
As your body begins to waver, you still hold the flag high and proud. Your display drives your allies morale further high.
4e Power Usage::Encounter  Martial, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Immediate Reaction Close Burst 5
Trigger: You become bloodied
Requirement: Staff or Spear group weapon equipped
Target: Each ally in burst
Effect: Each target gets a bonus based on your standard.

Gold Standard: Roll 1d8. At level 11, roll 2d8. At level 21, roll 3d8. Each target gets a bonus to attack rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Red Standard: Roll 1d10. At level 11, roll 2d10. At level 21, roll 3d10. Each target gets a bonus to damage rolls equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.

Blue Standard: Roll 1d6. At level 11, roll 2d6. At level 21, roll 3d6. Each target gets a bonus to all defenses equal to the roll plus any implement bonus until the end of your next turn.


A Color Bearer's powers are called chivalrous exploits, acts of learned skill and tactical influence earned through deep study and practice following the ways of an ancient tradition. Some are better for the Gold Standard, some are better for the Red Standard, and some are better for the Blue Standard. A list can be found Color Bearer Powers (4e Power List).


A full list of Color Bearer only feats can be found here.

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