Character Creation (Tirr Supplement)

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Rules for Character Creation

While Tirr is a rather grand and expansive world, considering all the planes involved, there are a few limitations placed upon character creation. For one, a player is expected to pick a race, though their character is usually required to be native to the Material Plane, though some exceptions apply.

Campaigns in Tirr happen to be a rather mid- to high-power level, allowing players to go about their way in the campaign being the best they possibly can be, while also allowing them options that allow them to feel the best, too. Part of the problem with some normal sessions of Dungeons and Dragons, I feel, is that characters can feel as though the system is too rigid, or too mundane. The World of Tirr and its allowances are meant to expand on the game and allow players to feel like they're accomplishing things, and allowing them to feel as though what they are doing is truly exceptional.

Ability Scores

Your character's ability scores are determined using a 32 point buy, and like in normal character creation, you may not raise a stat above an 18 before racial modifiers.


Flaws and Traits
  • You may gain up to two approved flaws during character creation.
  • You must gain one approved traits during character creation.
  • Typically, Unearthed Arcana is ignored, here. The flaws and traits presented by that option are usually exploitable, or underwhelming. These flaws can only be allowed by DM Discretion.
  • You may use either Str or Cha for Intimidate, at your discretion. Using Strength with you Intimidation is a much more brutish type of intimidation, often taking the form of some type of musclebound act meant to demoralize another, such as denting a wall nearby without saying anything.
Hit Points
Armor Class
  • A character can only ever benefit from armor class bonuses derived from up to two ability scores, and no more. This means a Monk would normally benefit from both Dexterity and Wisdom modifiers in their armor class, but cannot gain an additional, similar benefit from any other class.
Damage Shock
  • Any time a character would receive damage equal or greater than half his current hit-points, he must roll either a Fortitude or Will Save with a DC of 15 + the amount of damage above half their current hit points. If they fail, they are knocked unconscious for 1d4 rounds. If the DM so deems, the character may make another Fortitude or Will Save to wake up. The DC for such a check is 20 + 1/2HD of the fallen character. Characters with no constitution, and otherwise immune to critical hits, are not subject to this rule.

Classes & Races & Alignment

Some small changes to class dynamics have been made, and, while limited, will probably affect which classes you may want to play.

  • The Paladin's Code of Conduct is somewhat more relaxed. Given the large number of Deities capable of being served, they may do as they feel necessary, so long as their actions are aligned with their deity's views/goals.
  • Paladins can be Any Good Alignment.
  • The Shadowknight's Code of Conduct is somewhat more relaxed. Given the large number of Deities capable of being served, they may do as they feel necessary, so long as their actions are aligned with their deity's views/goals.
  • Shadowknights can be Any Evil.
  • The Mageknight class is entirely based out of Tirasus, as its state guardsmen are its sole practitioners. Its possible for other entities to learn the class, but expect heavy relations with Tirasus to be involved.
  • The Dragoon prestige class is entirely based out of Godsreach, as its Dragoon Corps are its sole practitioners. Its possible for other entities to learn the class, but expect heavy relations with Godsreach to be involved.
Dark Knights
  • The Dark Knight prestige class is an incredibly ancient class that has only one living example. It cannot be taken during character creation unless said character specifically has managed to recover the lost technologies and methods of the Kaladonians.
  • Dwarves are a nigh extinct race, the last few of them being mostly gathered in the Kerrigan region. To choose these means you are limited to applicable locations and will suffer the effects of being nearly isolated from all others of your race, elsewhere.

Homebrew and Other Supplements

Anything not listed in this campaign setting is forbidden, or recommended to be. Most classes are either adapted versions of the originals, or completely created for this campaign, as are races. Some supplements are allowed, and can be found in the resources section.


Characters are expected to act accordingly to their class and personality. Advancement largely occurs as per normal, though certain events may cause spontaneous growth in characters, such as the gaining of feats, traits, and flaws through accomplishments and trials in the actual campaign rather than simply as a by-product of gaining experience.


Alignment is important. It determines the types of deities your character associates with, the classes he might take, and the kind of influence he has on the group, as well as vice versa. While evil alignments are difficult to cope with, a skilled DM can allow it. The only restriction is that the Neutral alignment be given particular attention, as determining actual reason for a character to even participate in the conflicts that the party is likely to endure is difficult for such. That said, freedom from alignments is applicable, as not every Lawful character is completely without his bit of random behavior, every now and then, and the same is for many others.

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