Bender of Water (Pathfinder Class)

Bender of Water

Those who bend water are the only benders who can heal people. Apart from that ability, Benders of Water have excellent offensive and defensive capabilities.

Making a Bender of Water

Benders of Water are capable ranged combatants and decent secondary healers.

Abilities: Dexterity is good for attack rolls, and Constitution is nice for health. That said, all ability scores are useful for being a character with ability outside of straight combat.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 2d10×10 gp (110 gp).

Starting Age: Intuitive, as rogue

Table: Bender of Water

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Bends Known
FortRefWill Minor BendsMajor Bends
1st+0+0+2+0 Lunar Influence (Su), Basic Bends (Su), Bending (Su)20
2nd+1+0+3+0 30
3rd+2+1+3+1 41
4th+3+1+4+1 51
5th+3+1+4+1 61
6th+4+2+5+2 72
7th+5+2+5+2 82
8th+6/+1+2+6+2 92
9th+6/+1+3+6+3 103
10th+7/+2+3+7+3 113
11th+8/+3+3+7+3 123
12th+9/+4+4+8+4 134
13th+9/+4+4+8+4 142
14th+10/+5+4+9+4 154
15th+11/+6/+1+5+9+5 164
16th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 175
17th+12/+7/+2+5+10+5 185
18th+13/+8/+3+6+11+6 195
19th+14/+9/+4+6+11+6 206
20th+15/+10/+5+6+12+6 217

Class Skills (6 + Int modifier per level)
Acrobatics (Dex), Appraise (Int), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Profession (Wis) Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Stealth (Dex), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Bender of Water.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Benders of Water are proficient with all simple and with light and medium armor.

Lunar Influence (Su): As the moon changes phases, as does the power of a Bender of Water. At night, as long as the moon is waxing or waning, a bender of water gains +2 to their bending level. During a full moon this bonus is increased to +4. During a new moon their power is unchanged.

Basic Bends (Su): The Bender of Water can lift and manipulate a total of 2^y*y gallons of water, where y is her Bending level, and hold it in place or move it up to 5 ft/Bending Level/round as a move action. She can freeze or melt any water she is manipulating in this manner as a swift action. She can only manipulate water within Close range. The water may be separated and can be shaped into any form. More complicated forms like weapons or structures require a craft (structure) check. Ice made using this ability melts at normal rate. All bends that deal damage gain 1 point of damage per 20 gallons used passed the listed requirement unless otherwise stated. Note that ice weighs 57 pounds per cubic foot, has 3 hp/inch of thickness, and hardness 12.

Bending (Su): The Bender of Water gains a variety of abilities. All Bending abilities require somatic components (broad arm and leg movements), unless stated otherwise; any bending ability which takes a Standard action or longer to use provokes an attack of opportunity, except for maintenance actions. The Bender of Water's Bending level is equal to her Bender of Water level. Bending level stacks from multiple sources.

Saving Throws: The DC for any saving throw for the Bender of Water's abilities are equal to 10 + the Bender of Water's Dexterity modifier + half the Bender of Water's class level.

Minor Bends:

Water Whip: The Bender of Water can use water she has lifted to create a lashing tendril of water to swipe at an opponent. Treat this as a light weapon with reach which deals 1d10 (+1d10 per three Bending levels) points of slashing damage and has a 19-20/x2 critical. This is an attack action that requires at least a pound of water.

Smash: The Bender of Water can use water she has lifted to make ranged attacks. Treat this as a bludgeoning weapon that deals 1d4 points of damage (+1d4 per three Bending levels) and has a 19-20/x2 critical, with a 50' range increment. Anyone hit with this attack is knocked backwards 5' per three Bending levels, -10' per size category above Medium, or +5' per size category smaller than Medium. This is an attack action that requires at least 50 pounds of water. If the target has more than half of its maximum hit points, it stops immediately before being pushed into a dangerous place, such as in a fire, falling off a cliff, or into a cage. The Damage is increased by 1d4 per extra 50 pounds used

Encase in Ice: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Smash". When the Bender of Water hits a target with a Smash attack that weighs at least 100 pounds (quadruple for every size category larger than Medium, halve for every size category smaller than Medium), she may immediately freeze that water into ice, encasing the target. If target fails a Reflex save, he becomes completely incapable of moving, although two consecutive successful Strength checks as full round actions are sufficient to break free. This move may also be used whenever an enemy within 500' is completely enveloped in water for any reason. Encase in Ice cannot be used more than once per round. Note that without this ability any creature trapped within a water bender's ice only needs one strength check to break free that takes a standard action.

Improved Encase In Ice: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Encase in Ice". Encase with Ice may be used with any attack. If that water does not hit the weight limit needed it instead starts to cover the target in ice. This ice does not impede movement but does cause cold damage equal to half the damage from the attack every round on your turn. This effect does stack, but is removed if the creature takes fire damage. This does stack with freezer burn.

Ice Spikes: The Bender of Water can use ice she has lifted to make a ranged attack against everyone in a 60 foot cone. This attack deals 1d6 points of piercing damage (+1d6 per three Bending levels). This is a standard action that requires at least 10 pounds of water. The damage is increased by 1d6 per 100 pounds.

Ice Shard: The Bender of Water forms a shard of ice that may be used to make a ranged attack with medium range. This deals 1d6 points of piercing damage plus an additional 1d6 points of piercing damage for every 20 gallons of water used to make the attack. This may be shifted into a swarm of shards to do half damage splashing in a radius of 5 feet +5 feet per 40 gallons used. This method causes it to deal half damage and allows a reflex save rather than an attack.

Bubble: The Bender of Water can prevent any loose water from entering within close range (or a shorter distance, if desired). This can be initiated or maintained with a swift action. Forcefully thrown water can still enter within this bubble, although any damage or movement caused by that water is halved. When entering water the Bender may choose to have a small bubble form around them and one ally per three levels within close range. This use allows for breathing without difficultly. While maintaining this cold damage each creature affected by this takes 3 x bender level less cold damage.

Heal: The Bender of Water can use water to assist in a healing check. She can cure 1d6 hit points (+1d6 per Bending level) with a DC 20 Heal check. If she beats the check by 10 points or more, the target is also healed of 1 point of ability damage per three Bending levels. This is a full-round action that requires at least one pound of water.

Improved Form Ice: The Bender of Water can turn the water she's levitating into ice as a free action. The Ice is now sturdier with 8 hp/inch rather than 3 hp/inch. Hardness and weight are unaffected. This also increase Encase in Ice's DC by 2. Note normal hardness is hardness 12, and normal weight is 57 pounds per cubic foot.

Greater Form Ice: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Improved Form Ice". She can turn the water she's levitating into ice as a free action. The Ice is now sturdier with 13 hp/inch rather than 8 hp/inch. Hardness increased to 15 rather than 12. Weight is unaffected. This also increase Encase in Ice's DC by 2. Note normal weight is 57 pounds per cubic foot.

Master Form Ice: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Greater Form Ice". She can turn the water she's levitating into ice as a free action. The Ice is now sturdier with 5 hp per level/inch rather than 13 hp/inch. Hardness increased to 3 per level rather than 15. Weight is unaffected. This also increase Encase in Ice's DC by 2. Note normal weight is 57 pounds per cubic foot.

Freezer Burn: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Greater Form Ice". She may cause ice formed become much colder. Whenever a creature comes in contact with ice they take cold damage equal to the bender's Bending Level. This damage is added to all ice attacks.

Improved Freezer Burn: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Freezer". She may cause ice formed become much colder. Whenever a bender uses freezer burn they triple the damage dealt.

Block (passive): The Bender of Water gets a +1 shield bonus to AC (with an additional +1 per two Bending levels) while levitating at least 20 pounds of water within or adjacent to her square. This bonus is increased by +1 for every 100 pounds past the first 20 used to block in this way.

Improved Block (passive): This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Block". The Bender of Water gets a +2 shield bonus to AC (with an additional +1 per Bending level) while levitating at least 10 pounds of water within or adjacent to her square. This bonus is increased by +2 for every 75 pounds past the first 10 used to block in this way.

Greater Block (passive): This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Improved Block". The Bender of Water gets a +3 shield bonus to AC (with an additional +2 per Bending level) while levitating at least 10 pounds of water within or adjacent to her square. This bonus is increased by +3 for every 50 pounds past the first 10 used to block in this way.

Fog: The Bender of Water can turn up to 25 pounds of water per Bending level within Close range into fog. 50 pounds of water becomes one 5' cube of fog. Fog prevents sight as obscuring mist.

Fog Spikes: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Fog". While within an area with fog or mist or the like, the bender may cause the water in the area to form into small spikes. This causes 1 point of piercing damage per Bending level per 5 feet moved within the area to any creature within medium range. The bender may stop creatures from taking damage if they are able to sense them. This effect persist for one minute per Bending level or until the affected fog disperses.

Improved Fog Spikes: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Fog Spikes". While within an area with fog or mist or the like, the bender may cause the water in the area to form into small spikes. This causes 2 points of piercing damage per Bending level per 5 feet moved within the area to any creature within medium range. The bender may stop creatures from taking damage if they are able to sense them. This effect persist for one minute per Bending level or until the affected fog disperses.

Tentacles: The Bender of Water shields her arms with tentacles of water that provide a +1 bonus to Grapple checks per Bending level. Maintaining these tentacles is a swift action, but creating them is a standard action that requires at least 25 pounds of water. Gain an additional +1 per 100 gallons used.

Form of the Octopus: The Bender of Water surrounds herself with a ring of water from which sprout eight tentacles of water. This ring occupies every square adjacent to the Bender of Water with 5' and 10' reach, and can take up to eight attacks of opportunity per round with the Bender of Water's attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage (+1d8 per three Bending levels). Creating and maintaining this ring is a full-round action which requires at least 150 pounds of water. This gains 1d8 damage per extra 300 pounds of water used. All tentacles may be used to attack the same target. This is considered a melee attack but the range can increase with long distance bending to close range.

Gather Water: The Bender of Water can obtain water from inanimate plants, sweat, her own blood (or the blood of those she touches), and the air. In general, 5 cubic feet of air can produce 1/4 gallon of water, but only half as much in arid or dry environments. 5 feet cubic feet of plant matter can produce 2000 pounds of water, although most cubic feet with plant matter in them are less than completely full. Performing this bend requires a move action. If the Bender has the "Puppeteer" major bending they may attempt to take blood out of a creature. The creature must succeed a fortitude save or take 1d4 points of damage per Bending level. The bender gains 2 pounds of water per point of damage this deals.

Water Movement (passive): The Bender of Water can move on the surface of the water at very high speeds, and can also move underwater without difficulty. The Bender of Water gains a 40 ft (+5 ft per bending level) swim speed which can be used while submerged or on the surface of the water. She also may move and attack normally while underwater, even with slashing weapons such as axes and swords or with bludgeoning weapons such as flails, hammers, and maces, provided that the weapon is wielded in the hand rather than hurled. If she already has a swim speed it is increased by 40 ft (+5 ft per bending level).

Water Wave: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Water Movement". The Bender of Water may move with "Water Movement" with up to one willing creature per bending level. As long as the Bender as access to water equal to their weight, and anything she is carrying along, she may cause a bubble of water to form around the creatures and propel them through the air with "Water Movement's" speed. One pound of water per creature is lost for every mile traveled this way.

Long Distance Bending (passive): The Bender of Water's bending techniques (including the basic bend) increase one range increment (melee to close, close to medium, medium to long). This may be taken twice, increasing the range each time.

Ice Claws: The Bender of Water can sheathe her fingers in claws made of ice. Any unarmed attacks she makes with her hands deal 1d6 additional points of slashing damage (+1d6 points of cold damage per three Bending levels). This requires one pound of water per hand. For every extra 50 gallons used, this weapon gains a 5 foot reach. (Max 100 feet)

Frost Breath: The Bender of Water can deal 1d6 points of cold damage (+1d6 per Bending level) to each target in a 10' (+5' per Bending level) cone. A reflex save is allowed for half damage. This is a standard action, and does not require any water to use.

Ice Projectile: When the Bender of Water throws a weapon, she may encase its handle in ice in order to have greater control over its path, and to accelerate it in flight. This gives it +1 per Bending Level to the attack roll, +1d4 to damage per three Bending levels, and allows her to treat concealment as though it was 20 percentage points lower. This attack uses moister from the palm and does not require any water to use.

Semi Solid Weapon: When ice is used to make a weapon, the bender can keep the weapon in a semi solid state that can warp around the target's armor and shield hitting them directly. This causes it to only need to hit touch ac. The weapon must remain within close range. This does not need actions to maintain.

Improved Ice Weapons: A Bender of Water can focus on a single ice weapon (per three levels) within close range, concentrating it into a deadlier weapon. It gains the bender's level to hit, and twice that to damage. This requires a standard action to maintain.

Greater Ice Weapon: This Bend can only be taken if the Bender of Water already knows "Improved Ice Weapon". Improved Ice Weapon now only takes a move action to concentrate. The bonuses that ice

Pressurized Water: A bender may condense water to a fraction of it's size, while maintaining the weight. The size is reduced to 1/y the normal size for the weight, where y is the bending level. This does not require concentration and lasts 1 hour/level or until the bender is out of close range. Note normally 60 pounds of water (8 gallons) takes up one cubic foot. Water that is condensed before being used for an attack gains extra damage equal to the bender's Bending Level.

Major Bending:

Tidal Wave: With a standard action, the Bender of Water can raise a swell of water with a height equal to her Bending level or less, and a length not greater than 10 feet per Bending level. She can then move that wave up to 5 feet per Bending level as a standard action. Targets hit by the wave must make a Fortitude save or be brought with it.

Sense Water (passive): The Bender of Water can sense and pinpoint all water within Close range (Medium if she has "Long Distance Bending"). Among other things, this lets her automatically notice living creatures (or other beings that contain water) and ignore concealment against them. If it's raining or underwater, she can ignore movement penalties for being blind.

Distortion Effect: The Bender of Water can bend water around herself in layers, using refraction to make herself invisible. Activating this is a full round action that requires 100 gallons of water (quadruple for every size category larger than Medium, and half for every size category smaller than medium). It takes a move action to sustain this ability. While she is using this ability, the Bender of Water and all of her equipment are invisible. The Bender of Water may do this to one creature within close range per three levels.

Puppeteer: At night during a full moon, the Bender of Water can attempt to lift and otherwise manipulate characters within close range with liquids inside them like water. This allows complete control of one's body until the duration ends or the bender loses concentration. A will save may negate this. A character who has successfully resisted this ability becomes immune to this ability for 1d4 rounds. A Bender of Water may control up to one creature per bending level. This is a swift action to preform but takes a standard action to maintain all currently controlled creatures. She may only use the body's physical attributes. Any non-extraordinary or natural abilities (like punching) can be used.

Maelstrom: In a large body of water, the Bender of Water can create a gigantic whirlpool which sucks objects towards it and under the surface of the water. The Bender of Water can create a whirlpool which is 10ft wide at base, up to 5 ft per bending level wide at top, and up to 10 ft per bending level deep. The Maelstrom pulls objects under the surface of the water and shoots them out at its' base. The Maelstrom cannot be programmed and lasts until the Bender of Water stops concentrating on it. Creating and maintaining a Maelstrom is a full-round action.

Rain: A Bender of Water may cause it to start raining within 1 mile per Bending Level. This rain is extremely heavy causing all creatures within to gain concealment. However the bender may choose to have it be a light rain or anywhere in between. The maximum effect creates 2 pounds per leve of water per 5 foot square per round. The rain persist for 1 round per Bending level.

Moment of Clarity: As a full round action during a full moon the Bender of Water enters a state of pure understanding and connection to the moon. This state lasts until either the bender takes damage, or the moon sets. She must spend a swift action every turn to maintain this state. During this time the limit the bender can control is doubled, and damage dealt is doubled as well.

Favored Class Bonuses are not finalized and require more races to be added

Table: Alternate Favored Class Bonuses
Race Bonus
UndineIncrease the DC of Bending by +1/4

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