Artificer, Variant (5e Class)
Artificers are the practical technicians of the magical world. Unlike wizards or sorcerers who pursue more theoretical research, or clerics and druids who are tied to the mandates of their deities or churches, artificers take the practice of magic and tailor it to the needs of the situation. From maintaining complex enhancements along lightning rail lines or on board an elemental airship, to customizing the combat enchantments for a strike team deep behind enemy lines, artificers take the magic that is already at hand and apply it in a more efficient manner, essentially getting more spell for the silver.
Role: An artificer takes on the role of a magical item expert, combining much of the flexibility of a wizard with the critical eye of a rogue, and provide access to magical effects that the rest of the party would not normally have. The artificer is often able to provide solutions for situations where either brute strength is not enough or the available spells are not appropriate to the task at hand. While they are not incredibly suited for front-line combat, given the proper time to prepare, an artificer's infusions can easily turn the rest of the party into a tailor-made fighting force against their chosen foe.
This is the source of this class
Creating an Artificer
An artificer is the preeminent engineer of magical goods and supplies. Consider what drives your artificer to study and experiment. Is if for fame? For the sake of their knowledge? Proof of concept? Is it under the belief they can make a difference? Or is it really about money?
Think about what your artificer is more focused on. In addition to their main interest a within creation, there will be latitude for most to do other things, but the different schools are better at a certain abilities.
- Quick Build
If you want to be at the edge of the battlefield, combat medic, empower your team directly through draughts, potions and consumables - play the Alchemist.
If you want to avoid battlefields, be an Ian Fleming-esque "Q", help fund the group's ambitions, and be truly focused on magical item creation - Play the Mystic Sage.
If you want to be in the middle of the battlefield, striding through with empowered armor & weapon, and enchant those around you - play the Battlesmith.
If you want to lead a horde of minions - play the Clockwork Engineer.
If you want more utility class with spell casting and item creation - play an Arcane Engineer.
Class Features
As a Artificer you gain the following class features.
- Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Artificer level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Artificer level after 1st
- Proficiencies
Armor: Light armor.
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Chose two from alchemist's tools, herbalism kit, any poisoner's tools, smith's tools, thieve's tools, and tinker's tools
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, and Nature
- Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
- traveler's robes, a formulae book and a schema book
- (a) calligrapher supplies, arcane focus, 2 daggers and ritual book or (b) (Mystic Sage) woodcarver’s Kit and quarterstaff or (c) (Battlesmith) smith's tools, longsword, scale mail or (d) (Clockwork Engineer) tinkerer’s tools, 10 lbs of construct parts
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Infusion Points |
1st | +2 | Field of Study, Infusions, Consumable Proficiency | 2 |
2nd | +2 | Artificer’s Expertise, Minion | 3 |
3rd | +2 | Artificer's Senses, Unravel | 5 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement, enchant | 8 |
5th | +3 | Artificer Recovery, Enduring Enchantment | 12 |
6th | +3 | Field of Study Feature, Univeral Attunement | 16 |
7th | +3 | Sage's Sight, Vocational Advancement, Artificer Senses Improvement | 18 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement, Unravel Improvmeent | 22 |
9th | +4 | Artificer Recovery (2) | 28 |
10th | +4 | Univeral Attunement Improvement | 32 |
11th | +4 | Field of Study feature, Enduring Enchantment Improvement | 36 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement, Unravel Improvement | 38 |
13th | +5 | Artificer Recovery (3) | 42 |
14th | +5 | Field of Study feature | 46 |
15th | +5 | Univeral Attunement Improvement | 50 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement, Field of Study feature | 52 |
17th | +6 | Enduring Enchantment Improvement | 56 |
18th | +6 | Field of Study feature | 60 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 64 |
20th | +6 | Magic Absorption | 68 |
You gain the ability to create Infusions. Infusions are neither arcane nor divine, they are drawn from the complex magical schemas and then infused into the forms listed below. They function just like spells and follow all the rules for spells. For example, an infusion can be dispelled, it will not function in an antimagic area, and an artificer must make concentration check if injured while attempting to imbue or place an infusion. Failure means the infusion is stopped and must be restarted.
As an Artificer, you use schemas in combination with your known Infusion Formulae from the list formulae you have learned, created or discovered. Like spellcasters, you automatically gain Infusions as you progress. Like Wizards, it is possible for you to learn new infusions and schemas. These might include ancient infusions you find in the ruins of Xen'drik or secret infusions known only to the members of certain guilds or organizations.
Infusions have long casting times, you will need to plan ahead as several infusions will take hours, at times even weeks to cast, and as such you cast them from your books - without them, you are nearly powerless.
- Cantrip
You learn the cantrips mending and prestidigitation.
- Arcane Schema
The artificer cannot cast spells, but can use the arcane power necessary to infuse items with magical power trough the use of schemas. A schema is the knowledge necessary to infuse a certain spell onto an object, in order to create a magical item. Some schema's are necessary to research and create a formulae or magic item that have a spell as a requirement for its creation. You are considered a spellcaster with a level equal to your level in this class, for the purposes of creating magical items.
You are able to learn spell's schemas that you keep in your schema book. As with infusions, schemas neither arcane or divine in nature, but an underlying arcane pattern, the most basic form of the magic's effect. Although the schemas follow the same logic of spells in its writing, there are differences enough to make the use of a schema book to cast spells impossible.
You can add spells into your schema book by copying a spell scroll, a spell book or another schema book. Copying schemas costs 20 gp and 1 hour per level of the spell. Additionally, whenever another creature casts a spell of a level you can copy a schema, you can use a reaction to make an Intelligence (Arcana) check against the spell save DC. On a success, you remember the details of the spell and can add it to your schema book. You can only hold onto one spell until you've copied it, and you are must maintain concentration (as if you where concentrating on a spell) to hold the spell schema in memory.
If you take levels in a class that can cast spells, you don't learn the schemas of those spells, being necessary for you to write the spell known into a spell scroll or spell book and copying it into your schema book.
At 1st level, you a total number of spell slots into your schema book equal to 2 + Intelligence modifier (cantrips count as a 1st level spell). The maximum spell level of a schema in your book is equal to your proficiency modifier. For example, at 1st level, you can only have spells of 2nd level or lower on your schema book.
- Formulae
Formulae are essentially the pattern and plan necessary to creating a infusion. A formulae often requires specific schemas and materials.
- Infusion Points
You are limited to certain amount of mystical energy you draw upon each day. This mystical energy is represented by a number of infusion points, as shown in the Infusion Points column on the Artificer table. At the end of a long rest, your used infusion points are restored. In general, infusions maintain themselves for 24 hours, or until the dawn of the next day.
Creating an infusion costs a number of infusion points and materials, as noted in the Infusion Description. When an object is under the effect of an infusion, that object is considered magical for the purposes of detect magic and dispel magic, but unless infusion states otherwise, not for purposes of overcoming resistance to non-magical damage. The total number of Infusion Points invested in a single item or Automaton cannot exceed the artificer's infusion maximum.
- Infusion List
At 1st level all Artificers know the infusions Light and Repair, and may choose an additional Infusions. You learn 1 infusion with each new level. If your field of study grants you an infusion you already know, you may choose another infusion of the same type. You may not learn an infusion whose base Cost exceeds your current level.
- Infusion Ability
Intelligence is your infusion ability for you artificer infusions and spells. You use your Intelligence modifier whenever an infusion or spell refers to your spellcasting ability.
- Infusion save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
- Infusion attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier
You are assumed to have spend the time gaining experience between each level developing your next infusion in your downtime, during rests, doodling at taverns, and so on. You may be taught or develop additional infusions, thought this should be viewed as very unlikely as the artificers view their formulae as trade secrets, nearly sacred, though still some guilds and houses may provide specific guidance. Your DM may opt to replace the list of infusions learned at different levels, with specific infusions that are house, clan or guild mandated.
Consumable Proficiency
At 1st level, you are considered proficient in attack rolls with your Consumables. In addition, you may throw your Consumables twice as far.
Field of Study
At 1st level, you gain a feature from your Field of Study. You can chose between the following: Alchemist, Mystic Sage, Arcane Engineer, Battlesmith, Clockwork Engineer.
You gain features at 1st level, and again at 6th, 11th, 14th, 16th, and at 18th level.
Artificer's Expertise
At 2nd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies based on Intelligence, one skill based on Intelligence and one tool proficiency, or two tool proficiencies. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of the chosen.
Mechanical Minions
Starting at 2nd level, you can spend 1 week and 250 gp building one of the following Minions: Clockwork Helper, Agent, or Iron Grappler. This does not count against the number of constructs you can control, but does count against your ability to summon a familiar.
You may only have the one minion active at a time at 2nd level. You may not dismiss it as with Familiars, upon reaching 0 Hp it is not destroyed (provided it was not disintegrated) it is instead rendered inert and you need only repair the construct to bring it back to functional. An active minion fills an attuned slot.
In addition, when your character cast a summoning spell, the type of the creature is construct, instead of the regular creature type. It resembles the chosen creature, but is make of clockwork gears, screws, wires, hinges and plates.
This creature is also immune to poison and to the poisoned condition, and have advantage in saving throws to resist the charmed condition.
Starting at 11th Level, you can have two minions active at a time.
Artificer's Senses
At 3rd level, you develop your ability to detect the arcane aura of magic items. You can cast both and identify as rituals
Starting at 7th level, when you concentrate (as if you were concentrating on a spell) you are considered to always be under the effect of detect magic.
At 3rd level, you may expend concentration use 1 infusion point to suppress an ongoing magical effect until the beginning of your next round. The magical effect is merely interrupted, and resumes for the remaining number of rounds.
At 8th level, you have become so attuned to the flow of magic you are able to effect such, you may spend 3 infusion points to effectively dispel magic. For magic being cast you may spend your reaction to attempt to Unravel the the spell as its being cast, to do so you must succeed an Intelligence (Arcana) check against the spell save DC of the caster. On a success, you can spend a number of infusion points equal to the level of the spell x 2 to cast counterspell, as a 3rd level spell.
At 12th level, you gain advantage on Intelligence (Arcana), dispel magic and counterspell checks. For the sake of Counterspell such attempts are as if you use a 6th level spell slot.
Ability Score Increase
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. Or you may choose a Feat. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
At 4th level, as an Action you can surround a melee weapon or up to 20 pieces of ammunition with a magical field for 10 minutes. While this magical field is active, the enchanted object counts as a magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. You can use this feature once, being unable to use it again until you complete a short or a long rest.
Artificer Recovery
At 5th level, when you finish a long rest, you may regain 1/2 of Infusion Point from used, destroyed or expired infusions.
At 9th level, you can use this feature once per day when you finish a short rest.
At 13th level, whenever you succeed on a saving throw against a spell or magic effect, you regain 1 Infusion Point.
Enduring Enchantment
At 5th level when you create an infusion, you can choose to enhance the enchantment, making it last for 24 hours. Doing so costs the Artificer dearly. Cost Maximum Health, Constitution and a Level of Exhaustion. The artificer reduces their Maximum Health by twice the Infusion point cost, takes a point of Constitution damage, and adds a level of Exhaustion. The character does not regain the Infusion Points, Constitution damage, nor the damage from Maximum HP until either the Infusion(s) are broken, used or a week has passed. However Levels of exhaustion can be removed as normal.'
At 11th Level, your Infusions can last up to two weeks. (Charged Items regain charges (not to exceed their MAX) at the start of each day)
At 17th Level, you no longer gain levels of Exhaustion when you use this feature.
Universal Attunement
At 6th level, the Artificer's intimate familiarity with magic, and magical equipment allows them to gain the benefits of most any item intuitively. The artificer is may spend a short rest to become attuned to any magic item they hold which requires attunement. The artificer can do this even if the item has class or level restrictions.
At 10th level, you may now attune an additional item (Typically this means 4), and it only takes 10 minutes for you to attune an object.
At 15th level, It takes you 1 minute to attune. If another creature is already attuned to the item you also become attuned to such, (this does not cancel that creatures attunement to the item, merely preempt such until they regain control. If both are holding it, engage in a magical Grapple over the item's attunement - Using Arcana checks.
Vocational Advancement
At 7th level you add half of your proficiency bonus to your attempts with any tools you do not have expertise in.
Sage Sight
At 7th level, Once per long rest, you may take 10 minutes to generate the effects of Legend Lore (no components are needed), but the lore is focused on arcane lore, history, and persons around such.
At 9th level, when using a magical item with charges, you may use your own infusion points to power the device. By expending 1 Infusion point plus 1 point per spell slot level of the effect, you grant the device an additional charge, and (where possible) increase the effective spell slot of the effect being generated.
Magic Absorption
At 20th level, whenever you succeed on a saving throw and as a result that spell doesn't generate an effect (damage or impart a condition) You regain a number of infusion points equal to the spell slot used.
Alchemist are masters of concoctions, potions and reagents, they can make potions faster than other Artificers, and are skilled in enhancing creatures' potential. They have some healing abilities and coupled with the Agent Minion, an effective delivery device for the battlefield.
- Bonus Proficiency
You gain proficiency with the Alchemist Kit & Glassblower’s Tools
- Bonus Infusion
You gain 1 additional Infusion with each level. The infusion must be of the type Consumable.
- Alchemist's Knowledge
At 1st level, you learn the either Acid or Potion of Health and the Potion of¹.. Infusions.
At 5th level, you learn Potion of².. Infusion.
At 9th level, you learn Potion of³.. or the Flashbang Infusion Infusions.
At 13th level, you learn Potion of⁴.. or the Potion of Vitality Infusions.
At 17th level, you learn Potion of⁵.. or the Bottled Storm Infusion.
- Quick and Unstable Consumables
At 1st level you may choose two from the following Infusions if you know them: Acid, Alchemist's Fire, Alchemist's Frost, Holy Water, Holywrath Stone, ICB, Poison, Sympathetic Balm, Phosphorus Stick, Tanglefoot Bag, Thunderstone, or Universal Antidote, for no infusion cost. You are able to spend a bonus action to craft an unstable consumable. The Unstable Consumable created degrade into uselessness at end of your turn. The Unstable Consumable may be generated as powerful as if you had spent two points at 6th level, and as powerful as if four point at 14th level.
At 5th level, you may pick another from the additional Unstable Consumable list.
At 10th level, you add another Unstable Consumable List; which now expands to include: Alchemist's Acid, Greasebomb, and Smokebomb.
At 15th level, you add another Unstable Consumable that you've figured out how to quickly craft.
- Combine Consumables
- At 6th level, when you create a Consumable, you can create a single Consumable out of the effects of two Consumables. If both Consumables require a ranged attack, you resolve the Consumable with a single attack roll.
For example, you can spend 2 points on an Acid effect, and 2 point on an Alchemist's Fire effect. On a hit, this Consumable would deal 4d6 + 2 acid damage, and cause the target to begin taking 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. (Note normally mixing magical potions results in very possible Miscibility Misfires See DMG)
At 14th level, you can combine 3 Consumable effects.
- Enhanced Consumables
At 11th level, the dice used by your Consumables increases by 1 size (d4 increases to d6, d6 increases to d8, d8 increases to d10, d10 increases to d12, and d12 increases to 2d8).
- Healing Infusion
At 14th level, whenever you create a potion, you can also infuse it with one of the following effects:
Curative Admixture: The character that drinks the potion heals 1 hit points per Infusion Point spent on the potion.
Resistive Formula: The character that drinks the potion gains resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage until the start of your next turn.
Shielding Elixir: The character that drinks the potion gains 1 temporary hit point per Infusion Point it cost.
- Doubled Output
At 18th level, you create two of that consumable for the single cost.
Arcane Engineer
Arcane Engineers are more focused upon the engineering of spell schema than on infusion formulae. They trade some of their ability to produce magical devices for magical casting potential. They are a poor sorcerer, but they are the only Artificer that has direct, immediate spell casting ability.
- Bonus Proficiency
You gain proficiency in Arcana (or expertise if already proficient).
- Cantrip
You learn two Cantrips from the following list: Gust, Control Flames, Mage Hand, Magic Stone, Light, or Minor Illusion
- Arcane Knowledge
You learn three 1st-level spells of your choice from either the wizard or the Expanded spell list below.
You learn an additional spell at every odd level taken in the Artificer class. Your spellcasting ability is Intelligence. The spells you learn may not exceed the following chart.
At 4th level, you can learn 2nd level spells.
At 7th level, you can learn 3rd level spells.
At 10th level, you can learn 4th level spells.
At 14th level, you can learn 5th level spells.
At 17th level, you can learn 6th level spells.
Spell Level | Spells |
1st | Armor of Agathys, Bless, Shield of Faith |
2nd | Barkskin, Enhance Ability, Find Traps, Heat Metal, Magic Weapon, Spiritual Weapon |
3rd | Bestow Curse, Spirit Guardians, Water Walk |
4th | - |
5th | Awaken, Destructive Wave, Maelstrom, Planar Binding, Swift Quiver |
6th | - |
- Arcane Spellcasting
You can cast any spell you know. (Spells and Schemas are different things) Doing so uses infusion points equal to twice the spell slot used, you may not use a higher spell slot then the highest spell level you can learn. You also gain "overcharge" (as per the 9th level ability).
- Ritual Spellcasting
You can cast any spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag. Doing so uses 1 infusion point regardless of its level.
- Arcane Adaptability
When you learn a spell you may instead learn a variant of that spell (chosen upon leveling up), if the spell does a damage type, you may cast a variant of the spell which does another form of damage or gives another equal condition (ie - deaf and silenced;restrained and grappled) or requires a different Save (Dex vs Wis). You may develop a variant version of 1 spell at every even level taken in the Artificer class. At 6th level: You may cast a spell the requires an melee/touch attack roll on a willing recipient that you can touch -- casting the spell as normal but spending an additional Infusion point. The recipient thereafter become the "wielder" of that spell on their turn and can use it with their own attack/action rolls.
- Arcane Implement
At 6th level, you craft an implement. The implement costs 500gp and takes 2 weeks to build. This implement can be an orb, a Medallion, a staff, a rod, a Libram, or a wand. When you craft the implement you must choose Verbal or Somatic. When you cast through this implement you can't spend more points than your level maximum level of known spells, but yours spells cast through the object no longer require the chosen (verbal or somatic).
- You also learn an additional cantrip from any list.
- Implement Expertise
At 11th level, spells cast through your implement gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls, saving throw DC's.
- Implement Mastery
At 14th level, your implement adds certain bonuses to spells cast through it, depending on the type of implement you've crafted.
- Libram of Versatility: With each new level you gain you may choose to either gain a new spell or develop another variant.
- Medallion of Metamagic: You gain one Metamagical ability from Sorcerer. Pay the costs in Infusion Points.
- Orb of Imposition: You have advantage on Constitution saving throws made to maintain Concentration on a spell cast from your Orb of Imposition.
- Rod of Power: You deal an extra point of damage per damage die
- Staff of Defense: When you cast a spell out of your Staff of Defense, choose one creature you can see. That creature has disadvantage on attack rolls made against you until the start of your next turn.
- Wand of Accuracy: You add 1d4 to attack rolls of spells cast out of this implement.
- Improved Implement Expertise
At 18th level, the bonus granted by your Implement Expertise feature improves to +2.
Mystic Sage
This Artifier focuses on the creation of goods. Written works in particular, and is horrible at combat.
- Bonus Proficiency
You gain proficiency with two of the following artisan kit/tools; Calligraphy Supplies, Carpenter's Tools, Cook's Utensils, Painter's Kit, Potter's Tools, Weaver's, and Woodworker’s Tools.
- Bonus Cantrip
You learn 2 Cantrips from the Following List: Message, Vicious Mockery, Guidance, or Mage Hand.
- Bonus Infusions
You gain an additional "Artistic/Wonderous” Infusion with each level.
- At 1st level, you learn Quill of Longwritting and Quill of Dictation.
- At 3rd level, you learn Wand of ... and Rune Infusions.
- At 5th level, you learn Reading Glasses, and Cynic’s Goggles.
- At 7th level, you learn Goggles of Truesight and Quill of Law.
- At 11th level, you learn Rune of Shadowtendril.
- At 17th level, you learn Bottled Storm.
- ReCharged
- At 1st level, You may, as a bonus action, use 1 infusion point + 2 points per spell slot level to grant a magic item with a Temporary single charge.
- At 6th level, you reduce the infusion cost of making a wand, stave, rod by 1 point (You still may not exceed your Max Infusion cost).
- At 12th level, if you put a charge into an item that broke within the last hour as a result of expending its last charge, you may repair it. (effectively a revify for charged magical items). When you do this, rather than your overcharge granting an additional charge, it returns the item's ability to gain more charges the next day.
- Alternate Rule: The Artificer must have one or all of the schema(s) necessary to recharge the item to use this ability.
Enduring Enchantment (This replaces the Enduring Enchantment received at 6th level)
- At 1st level, when you create an infusion you may choose to enhance the dweomer making it last one day. Doing so costs the Artificer dearly. In addition to the Infusion point costs the artificer reduces their Maximum Health by that same amount as well as take a point of Constitution damage. You may not regain the Infusion Point(s), CONstitution damage, and damage from Maximum HP until either the item(s) are broken, used or a week has passed.
- At 6th Level you may add infusions points to an Enduring Enchantment, taking it further - you may not add more Infusions points than your Maximum Infusion and your infusions last up to a week.
- At 12th Level you no longer take Constitution damage when you craft an enduring enchantment.
- Expeditious Enchanter
- At 5th level, you double your effective daily productivity from 25gp a day (DMG pg. 129) for magical goods to 50gp of work a day.; and from 5 gp a day for mundane to 15gp a day;
- At 10th level, the daily magical productivity increases to 75 gp of work a day; Mundane is 50gp of work a day.
- At 15th level, the daily magical productivity increases to 100gp of work a day; Mundane is 75gp of work a day.
- At 20th level, the daily magical productivity increases to 150gp of work a day; Mundane is 125gp of work a day.
Rarity | 5th | 10th | 15th | 20th |
Common | 2 Weeks | 1 Week | 4 days | 1 day |
Uncommon | 3 Months | 6 Weeks | 3 Weeks | 1 Week |
Rare | 2 Years | 16 Months | 1 year | 8 months |
Very Rare | n/a | n/a | 6 years | 5 years |
- Increased Infusions
- At 11th level, your Maximum Infusion Pool in increased by (2 x Intelligence modifier)
- Frugal Fabricator
- At 14th level, the costs (gold) for the infusions is ½ the listed expense and 1 less Infusion point (Minimum 1 pt) - provided you are able to work on your project for 2 hours each day your work is not lost.
You find the thrill of battle your life's passion.
- Bonus Proficiency
- You gain proficiency with all martial weapons and Heavy Armor; and either Shields or Smith Tools.
- Bonus Cantrip & Schema
- You gain two cantrips from the following list; Green Flame Blade, Blade Ward, Shillelagh, and Sword Burst.
- Bonus Infusions
- You gain 1 additional Constant type Infusion with each level.
- Battlesmith's Knowledge
- At 1st, You learn the Magic Armor and Magic Weapon Infusions.
- At 5th level, you learn Elemental Resistance and Vengeance Weapon Infusions.
- At 9th level, you learn Protective Armor Infusion.
- At 13th level, you learn Quickened Weapon Infusion.
- At 17th level, you learn Antimagic Armor Infusion.
- Arcane Rejuvenation
- You can as an action expend a number of Infusion Points no greater than your level plus proficiency bonus. You gain temporary hit points equal 2 * the number of Infusion Points spent. You may do this once per short rest.
- Battle Engineer Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with martial weapons and heavy armor.
- Extra Attack
- At 6th level, when you take the Attack action, you make two attacks instead of one.
- You may use a bonus action to make a single attack if you've cast or used an item that casts a spell as your action.
- Signature Enchantment
At 11th level you may choose up to 5 Infusion Points of a single Infusion. The Infusion must be one that affects a weapon or armor. You thereafter lose those infusion points until your next level, but any Infused weapon/armor you wield that you've created gains that Infusion as well at no additional cost. Each level you may reassign those points to a different infusion. At 17th level, you may choose up to 8 points for the Infusion.
- For example, an 11th level Battle Engineer chooses to have the Signature Enchantment of Elemental Weapon (fire), When they wield an infused greatsword with Bleeding Weapon. Greatsword is infused by both Bleeding Weapon and Elemental Weapon(fire).
- Mass Enchantment
- At 14th level, all allies within 60 feet of you gain the benefit of your Battle Engineer Signature Enchantment, when they wield one of your infused weapons/armor.
- Arcane Army
- At 18th level, allies within 150 feet of you may attune themselves to a fourth magic item. This magic item must be a weapon or armor. If your allies are not within 150 feet of you, they cease to gain the benefits of being attuned with that item.
Autonomous Engineer
- Bonus Proficiency
- You gain proficiency with Tinkerer’s Kit.
- Bonus Schema
- You have the Animate Object Schema.
(Mending an Autonomous Infusion sync’d to you will heal/repair 1 Hp per casting )
- Bonus Infusion
You gain no additional infusions with each level.
- Clockwork Engineer's Infusions
- At 1st level, you learn the Arbalest Infusion.
- At 5th level, you learn Clockwork Bomb.
- At 9th level, you learn Total Repair.
- Clockwork Companion
- When an Automaton Infusion created by you and synced to you is reduced to 0 hit points, it is rendered inert instead of destroyed. It doesn't need to make death saves, but if it's attacked further you will need to take 10 minutes more for each additional assault to restore it's function. If the automaton was dropped to 0 hp after the end of your last turn, you your Turn, as an action and can get into the square with the downed automaton, for two infusion point, you can return the Automaton to functional with 1 hit point.
- At 3rd Level you may have up to ½ your Artificer Level worth of Constructs operative - (though you may never have more than your Charisma Bonus under your control at one time. (all action economy is maintained))
- At 3rd Level, Autonomous Engineer’s can assign the Automaton(s) to take the Guard, or Evade, Actions, which they will continue doing so until ordered to stop.
- Evade Attacks against the Automaton are at disadvantage, if attacked on its next turn it will disengage and takes its move to get away from combat, it will continue to move this way until not attacked for a turn, at which point it will then return.
- Guard Assign the Automaton a creature or 15ftx15ft cube to watch over. When a creature either attacks creature or a creature not designated by its Sync'd owner enters the space, it attacks them.
At 5th level, Automatons gain an Semi-Autonomous Command interpreter. As an Bonus Action you command your Automaton (a single Automaton or a designated sync'd group) to perform a simple a full action command (attack, dash, evade, etc) which it will repeat (ie attack that creature, dig a hole, walk between these points) until attempting the task becomes impossible, it's sync'd companion or creator is killed, or it is given another command. The DM interprets the command's execution unless you specifically are micromanaging (in which case any action/bonus/reaction the automaton uses, so do you)
- At 7th Level, your synced Automatons execute one additional attack when performing an attack action (May not exceed 3 attack actions a round), if you wish you may now use either a bonus action or a reaction action to modify the semi autonomous command action. Or as a full action you may give two command actions; (commanding different automatons/groups.)
- At 17th level, your commands may consist of up to your Int Bonus number of Stacked commands. ::Example:[
- (1st Priority) Defend Unconscious Ally
- (2nd Priority) Kill Designated Creature
- (3rd Priority) Assist Closest Ally (Grant Help)
- In that a total of 9 words convey that the Automaton should defend an unconscious ally, (and if none exists), attack a designated creature until it’s dead (or until an ally is brought to unconsciousness - at which point the Automaton would disengage and defend the body of the ally), however if the initial target is killed before an ally is dropped to 0 hp. It would move to the closest ally and mirror its engagement (attempting a skill).The DM should limit the number of words the player can use to make them VERY cautious of wording of such.
- Infuse Automaton
- At 6th level, you can infuse an Automaton with infusions that can target a weapon or armor. You still cannot exceed your level for Infusion Maximum on the total number of points invested in your Automaton. Additionally, if you can cast spells, You may now also cast any spell with self as the target on one of your sync'd Automatons.
- Sync
- At 11th level, you can sync with multiple Automatons at one time (Each takes 1 attunement slot, but you may never have more than your Charisma Ability Modifier (minimum 1))
- Reinforced Automaton
- At 14th level, when you create an Automaton or restore it to its full hit points, that Automaton gains 20 temporary hit points.
choose between one of the following;
- At 18th level, either
- Adamantine Automaton
- your Automaton’s gain a +1 bonus on their AC, STRength, DEXterity, and CONsitution ability scores, and gain +10 movement.
- Lifelike Automaton
- Your skill transcends into artistry - your Automaton’s gain proficiency with Deception (+10) for the purposes of appearing to be living creatures, They gain speech (limitedly) and their movements and behavior are disturbingly realistic. Cost of the automatons is doubled. They retain their abilities which often will clearly demonstrate them to be constructs, but a horse, dog, or even child will appear real to the casual inspection. Your Automatons gain +2 bonus to their Intelligence,Wisdom, and a +6 to Charisma ability scores.
Infusion Points
The base requirement to create the infusion. Many infusions may allow for additional points to spent to increase the effect, number of charges, or duration the infusion remains.
Infusions categories
- Constant Infusions
Give the benefit described until your Infusion Points reset. It takes 1 minute to enhance an item with a Constant Infusion. You may spend an Action to recall a Constant Infusion. If you do so, you regain the Infusion Points that were spent on the Infusion, and the item is no longer under the Infusion effect. In general Constant infusions components are recyclable.
- Charged Infusions
Give the benefit described until your Infusion Points reset, along with a certain number of charges. It takes 1 minute to enhance an item with a Charge Infusion. An action cannot trigger more than one Charge Infusion - for example, a character cannot use a Master's Wand of Fireball and a Staff of Everburning Flame on the same casting of Fireball. Expending a Charge expends a certain number of Infusion Points. You may spend an Action to recall a Charge Infusion. If you do so, you regain the number of Infusion Points that have not been expended, and the item is no longer under the Infusion effect.
- Consumable Infusions
Are items that are ingested or applied - they are a one used item. These items degrade to uselessness when your Infusion Points reset. It takes 1 minute to create a Consumable Infusion. You may spend an Action to recall a Consumable Infusion. If you do so, you regain the Infusion Points that were spent on the Infusion, and the Consumable Infusion is rendered inert,but the reagents are recoverable to make the infusion again. When used the reagents for consumables are lost.
- Artistic Infusion
Are scroll, tomes, librams, manuals, figurines, tapastries, illustrations that once used their arcane words are burned from the page. The writing fades and smudges to uselessness in 24 hours. You may not recall the points from Scribbed infusions. The base cost is usually in paper, which is recyclable when the infusions fades, the incidental costs are normally ink which runs about 1 sp per page (and each level of spell formulae takes one page).
- Automaton Infusions
Are magically animated creatures who are unerringly faithful. There are some special rules for their use. creatures that exist until your Infusion Points are reset, or until reduced to 0 hit points. It takes resources and 10 minutes per infusion point to create an Automaton. You cannot recall Automaton Infusions. When created, an Automaton Infusion is attuned to it’s creator, this is referred to as being “Synced”. A creature can only have one Automaton synced to it at any given time*, and an Automaton can only be synced to one creature. The Artificer can choose to give an automaton’s control to another person. unlike traditional Attunement with the Artificer’s help the attunement/syncing takes 10 minutes to hand over, and the artificer can take 1 minute to reclaim an Automaton they created. All Automatons have damage immunities to poison and psychic damage, and condition immunities to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, petrified, and poisoned conditions. However a successful deception/imitation of its handler’s voice may pre-empt the automaton’s current action
- Autonomy/Automatons Action
On the synced creature's turn, the Automaton can be commanded (as Ranger’s Animal Companion) to move up to its walking speed, engage in an attack action or any actions the infusion has listed. As a result all Automaton Constructs act the round AFTER it’s hander*. It’s handler must can spend an action of the appropriate type to have the Automaton take that action. If the Construct cannot hear (is silenced; deafened) or its handler cannot speak (silenced, incapacitated, paralyzed, petrified, or unconscious) the Autonomaton stops moving if not engaged in an autonomous action. If its handler is unconscious the Automaton stops its actions at the end of its next round. As an action
At 5th level, you gain an Semi-Autonomous Command per round. As a bonus action this can be used to give Construct an action it will repeat (ie attack a creature, dig a hole, follow me) until another action.
At 9th level, Automatons will execute an additional (2) attacks when performing at attack action. You can also use a reaction to give an Automaton a full Command Action; Automatons may roll separate initiatives.
At 13th level, Automatons will automatically use reactions for the Attack attack of opportunity if it is already engaged in combat.
At 17th level, you may give your Automatons up to your Int Bonus number of Stacked commands. Example:[
- (1st Priority) Defend Unconscious Ally
- (2nd Priority) Kill Designated Creature
- (3rd Priority) Assist Closest Ally ]
In that a total of 9 words convey that the Automaton should seek to defend an unconcious ally, and in the absence of that then attack a designated creature until it’s dead (or until an ally is brought to unconsciousness - at which point the Automaton would disengage and defend the body of the ally), if the initial target is killed before an ally is dropped to 0 hp. It would move to the closest ally and mirror its engagement (attacking a creature or attempting a skill).
This the material cost for the goods being used to create the infusion.
If the 'Reuse' Tag appears after the Cost, the cost is one time, regardless of if its used future the instance of the infusion may be reused and do not require the additional / renewed expenditure (unless the Infusion is broken/destroyed)
If the 'Recycle' Tag appears after the Cost, the cost is one time and provided the Infusion is not destroyed or used (such as with consumables) you may just repurposed the components - ie you return their material costs to your provisions.
This lists the required Schema(s) you will need to have or have access to a caster with the spell in order to create the infusion.
Casting Time
The time it takes to create the infusion from scratch, commonly its 1 catagory more time (reaction, bonus action, attack, action, Round, Turn, Minute, 10 Minute, 1 Hour, Short Rest, 8 hours, Long Rest, 12 Hours, and 1 Day.
If the 'Renewable' Tag appears after the Cost, that is a time to reinfuse the dead time Resuable item.
Is the duration period of time the effect remains in place on the infusion.
Artificer Spells | ||
1 Point | 2 Points | 3 Points |
Ablative Armor Acid |
Alchemist’s Acid Aquatic Armor |
Angelic Weapon Berserker Weapon |
4 Points | 5 Points | 6 Points |
Aegis Armor Armor of Distortion |
Aboleth Slime Antipathy Armor |
Antimagic Armor Bottled Storm |
Animated Armor
- 1 infusion point, automaton
The Animated Armor is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. The Animated Armor has 10 in all ability scores. Action: The Animated Armor makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d8 + 2 bludgeoning damage. For every two extra infusion points you spend, the Animated Armor makes an additional attack on its action command.
Animated Chains
- 1 infusion point, automaton
The Animated Chain is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level HP, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. The Animated Chain has 10 in all ability scores. Action: The Animated Chain makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled and restrained. The Animated Chains can grapple a creature of any size. The escape DC of the grapple is your infusion saving throw DC. If you spend 2 extra infusion points, you may add a set of manacles. Creatures grappled by the Animated Chains have disadvantage on ability checks made to escape.
Clay Golem
- 3 infusion points, automaton
The Clay Golem is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 5 * your level, and AC of 10 + you Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. The Clay Golem has 10 in all ability scores, and advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Action: The Clay Golem makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 2d6 + 5 bludgeoning damage. Action: Until the end of your next turn, the Clay Golem has a +2 bonus to AC and Dexterity saving throws, and you can have the Clay Golem make its melee attack as a bonus action. Once you use this action, you must complete a short rest before you can use it again.
Clockwork Bomb
- 2 infusion points, automaton
The Clockwork Bomb is a small construct, has hit points equal to 2 * your level, and AC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, a walking speed of 20 feet, and a climbing speed of 20 feet. The Clockwork Bomb has a 10 in all ability scores. Action: The Clockwork bomb detonates. All creatures within 10 feet of the bomb must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d8 fire and 1d8 thunder damage, halving the damage on a successful save. If the Clockwork Bomb is reduced to 0 hit points or takes fire damage, it uses this ability automatically. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the blast deals an extra 1d8 fire damage and an extra 1d8 thunder damage, and the radius of the blast increases by 10 feet.
Clockwork Steed
- 1 infusion point, automaton
The Clockwork Steed is a large construct, has hit points 2 * your level, and AC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, a walking speed of 40 feet. The Clockwork Steed has 10 in all ability scores. Action: The Clockwork Steed takes the Dash action. For every extra infusion point you spend, the Clockwork Steed's walking speed increases by 10 feet.
- 1 infusion point, automaton
The Arbalester is a small construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level, an AC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Arbalester has 10 in all ability scores. Action: The Arbalester makes a ranged attack roll against a creature within 60 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d6 + 2 piercing damage. For every two extra infusion points you spend, the Arbalester makes an additional attack on its action command.
Dancing Shield
- 3 infusion points, automaton
The Dancing Shield is a small construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Dancing Shield has 12 in all ability scores and adds your proficiency bonus to all saving throws. When synced to a creature, attack rolls against that creature have disadvantage while the Dancing Shield is within 5 feet of it. Reaction: When an attack targets a creature synced to the Dancing Shield while the Dancing Shield is within 5 feet of the synced creature, the Dancing Shield becomes the target of the attack.
Dancing Sword
- 2 infusion points, automaton
The Dancing Sword is as small construct, has hit points equal 2 * your level, an AC of 10 + Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a flying speed of 30 feet. A Dancing Sword has 10 in all ability scores. Bonus action: The Dancing Sword makes a melee weapon attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d6 + 3 slashing damage.
Flesh Golem
- 2 infusion points, automaton
The Flesh Golem is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 5 * your level, and AC of 10 + you Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. The Flesh Golem has 10 in all ability scores, and advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. The Flesh Golem is immune to lightning damage, and gains 10 temporary hit points whenever it would take lightning damage. When the Flesh Golem takes fire damage, it has disadvantage on attack rolls for 1 round. Action: The Flesh Golem makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d10 + 4 bludgeoning damage. For every two extra infusion points you spend, the Flesh Golem makes an additional attack.
Furtive Filcher
- 2 infusion points, automaton
The Furtive Filcher is a small construct, has hit points equal to 2 * your level, and AC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 40 feet. The Furitve Filcher has 10 in all ability scores. The Furtive Filcher adds twice your proficiency bonus on Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) and Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Action: You can see and hear using the Furtive Filcher's senses.
- Bonus Action: The Furtive Filcher takes the Hide action.
- Bonus Action: The Furtive Filcher makes a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
Helmed Horror
- 4 infusion points, automaton
The Helmed Horror is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 5 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Helmed Horror has 10 in all ability scores and adds your proficiency bonus to all saving throws.
- Bonus Action: The Helmed Horror makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 2d6 + 4 slashing damage.
- Reaction: When a creature within 5 feet of the Helmed Horror moves farther than 5 feet from the Helmed Horror, it makes a melee attack roll against that creature. On a hit, the attack deals 2d6 + 4 slashing damage.
Iron Cobra
- 3 infusion points, automaton
The Iron Cobra is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level, an AC of 10 + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 40 feet. An Iron Cobra has 10 in all ability scores. An Iron Cobra adds your proficiency bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity, and has Darkvision out to 60 feet.
- Action: You can see and hear through the Iron Cobra's senses.
- Bonus Action: The Iron Cobra takes the Hide action.
- Bonus Action: The Iron Cobra makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 1d6 + 2 piercing damage. An Iron Cobra has a special cavity in its body that can be filled with one does of poison. If that cavity is filled, then the Iron Cobra can use that poison on a creature it hits with this attack.
Iron Defender
- 4 infusion points, automaton
The Iron Defender is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 4 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Iron Defender has 12 in all ability scores and adds your proficiency bonus to all saving throws. Reaction: When a creature within 5 feet of the Iron Defender attacks the synced creature, the Iron Defender makes a melee attack roll. On a hit, the Iron Defender deals 1d10 + 4 piercing damage.
Iron Golem
- 6 infusion points, automaton
The Iron Golem is a large construct, has hit points equal to 6 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Iron Golem has 12 in all ability scores and proficiency in all saving throws. An Iron Golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
- Action: The Iron Golem makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 10 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 3d10 + 6 slashing damage.
- Action: The Iron Golem breathes a 15-foot cone of poison gas. Each creature in the area must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 2d8 poison damage and poisoned for 1 round.
Shadesteel Golem
- 6 infusion points, automaton
The Shadesteel Golem is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 6 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. A Shadesteel Golem has 12 in all ability scores and proficiency in all saving throws. A Shadesteel Golem has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. The Shadesteel Golem adds your proficiency bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks, and has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks in dim light or darker.
- Action: The Shadesteel Golem makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 3d8 + 6 bludgeoning damage.
- Action: The Shadesteel Golem unleashes a pulse of negative energy. All creatures within 5 feet of the Shadesteel Golem must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 necrotic damage and have disadvantage on all attack rolls, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round. Constructs and Undead are immune to this effect.
- Bonus Action: The Shadesteel Golem takes the Hide action.
Shield Guardian
- 4 infusion points, automaton
The Shield Guardian is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 6 * your level, an AC of 10 + your Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. An Shield Guardian has 12 in all ability scores and adds your proficiency bonus to all saving throws. When synced to a creature, attack rolls against that creature have disadvantage while the Shield Guardian is within 5 feet of it.
- Action: The Shield Guardian makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 2d8 + 3 bludgeoning damage.
- Reaction: When an attack targets a creature synced to the Shield Guardian while the Shield Guardian is within 5 feet of the synced creature, the Shield Guardian becomes the target of the attack.
Stone Golem
- 5 infusion points, automaton
The Stone Golem is a medium construct, has hit points equal to 6 * your level, and AC of 10 + you Intelligence modifier + your proficiency bonus, and a walking speed of 30 feet. The Stone Golem has 10 in all ability scores, adds your proficiency bonus to all saving throws, and has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
- Action: The Stone Golem makes a melee attack roll against a creature within 5 feet. On a hit, the attack deals 3d6 + 4 bludgeoning damage.
- Action: One creature within 10 feet of the Stone Golem must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature can't use reactions, its speed is halved, and it can only make one attack on its turn. These effects last for 1 round.
Ablative Armor
- 1 infusion point, charge
This armor has 1 charge. When the wearer of this armor would take bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, the wearer can expend a charge to gain resistance to that attack. Doing so expends 1 infusion point. For every extra infusion point you spend, this armor gains an additional charge.
Angelic Weapon
- 3 infusion points, charge
This weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage. In addition, this weapon has 3 charges. When the wielder hits with an attack, the wielder can expend a charge to allow one ally within 30 feet of the wielder to regain hit points equal to the extra radiant damage dealt. Doing so expends 1 infusion point. As an action, the wielder of this weapon can touch it to another creature and expend 3 charges to remove the effect of a single disease or poison from that creature. For every extra point you spend, the weapon gains an additional charge. If you spend six infusion points, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 radiant damage.
Boots of Infinite Stride
- 5 infusion points, charge
These boots have 1 charge. The wearer can teleport to one spot he or she can see. Doing so expends the charge and 5 infusion points.
Diamond Cincture
- 1 infusion point, charge
This belt has 1 charge. The wearer of this belt can expend 1 charge as a bonus action to spend 1 hit die. This expends 1 infusion point. For every extra infusion point you spend, the belt gains an additional charge.
Eladrin Boots
- 2 infusion points, charge
These boots have 1 charge. The wearer of these boots can expend the charge to cast Misty Step. Doing so expends 2 infusion points. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the boots gain an additional charge.
Entropic Weapon
- 3 infusion points, charge
This weapon has 1 charge. When the wielder hits with an attack with this weapon, the wielder may expend 1 charge to give the target disadvantage on all saving throws for 1 round. Doing so expends 3 infusion points. For every extra three infusion points you spend, this weapon gains an additional charge.
Escaping Armor
- 2 infusion points, charge
This armor has 1 charge. When hit by an attack, the wearer of this armor can spend a reaction to expend a charge to teleport 30 feet. Doing so expends 2 infusion points. For every extra two infusion points you spend, this armor gains an additional charge.
Forceful Weapon
- 3 infusion points, charge
This weapon deals an extra 1d6 force damage. In addition, this weapon has 3 charges. When the wielder hits with an attack, the wielder can expend a charge to force the creature hit must make a Strength saving throw. If the target fails, it is push 10 feet and knocked prone. Doing so expends 1 infusion point. For every extra point you spend, the weapon gains an additional charge. If you spend six infusion points, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 force damage.
Hedge Wizard's Gloves
- 1 infusion point, charge
These gloves have 1 charge. The wearer of these gloves can expend 1 charge to gain the ability to cast Druidcraft, Prestidigitation, or Thaumaturgy for 1 minute. This expends 1 infusion point. For every extra infusion point you spend, the gloves gains an additional charge.
Lifesaver Armor
- 3 infusion points, charge
This armor has 1 charge. When the wearer is reduced to 0 hit points, he or she can expend the charge to immediately spend a hit die. Doing so expends 3 infusion points. For every extra three infusion points you spend, the armor gains an additional charge.
Quickened Boots
- 1 infusion point, charge
These boots have 1 charge. As a bonus action, the wearer can spend a charge to move up to his or her walking speed. Doing so expends 1 point. For every extra infusion point you spend, the boots gain an additional charge.
Staff of Everburning Fire
- 3 infusion points, charge
This staff has 1 charge. When the wielder of this staff casts a spell that deals fire damage, any target of the spell gets hit or fails its saving throw takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a Dexterity saving throw to extinguish the flames. This expends 3 infusion points. For every extra three infusion points you spend, the staff gains an additional charge.
Staff of Ruin
- 2 infusion points, charge
This staff has 1 charge. When the wielder of this staff casts the Hex spell, he or she can expend 1 charge to increase the damage of Hex to 1d8. This expends 2 infusion points. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the staff gains an additional charge.
Staff of Winter Winds
- 2 infusion points, charge
This staff has 1 charge. When the wielder of this staff casts a spell that deals cold damage, any target of the spell gets hit or fails its saving throw is pushed 10 feet in any direction. This expends 2 infusion points. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the staff gains an additional charge.
Thundering Armor
- 2 infusion points, charge
This armor has 1 charge. When the wearer of this armor is hit by an attack, he or she can spend her reaction to expend the charge. Doing so causes the armor to cast Thunderwave, with a saving throw DC equal to your infusion saving throw DC. This expends 2 infusion points. For every two extra infusion points you spend, the armor gains an additional charge.
Vampiric Weapon
- 3 infusion points, charge
This weapon deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage. In addition, this weapon has 3 charges. When the wielder hits with an attack, the wielder can expend a charge to gain temporary hit points equal to twice the extra necrotic damage dealt. Doing so expends 1 infusion point. For every extra infusion point you spend, the weapon gains an additional charge. If you spend six infusion points, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 necrotic damage.
Aegis Armor
- 4 infusion points, constant
Attacks made against friendly creatures within 5 feet of the wearer of this armor have disadvantage.
Alchemical Metal
- 1 infusion point, constant
This weapon gains the properties of a metal of your choice, such as cold iron or silver.
Antimagic Armor
- 6 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Antipathy Armor
- 5 infusion points, constant
All space within 10 feet of the wearer is difficult terrain for hostile creatures.
Aquatic Armor
- 2 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor can breathe underwater and has a swim speed equal to his or her base walking speed.
Aquatic Helm
- 1 infusion point, constant
You enchant one helm or other piece of headgear. The wearer of that headgear can breathe underwater.
Armor of Celestial Splendor
- 1 infusion point, constant
Attack rolls against the wearer of this armor have disadvantage while the wearer of this armor is at full hit points.
Armor of Distortion
- 4 infusion points, constant
Attack rolls made against the wearer from more than 30 feet away have disadvantage.
Astral Boots
- 2 infusion points, constant
Whenever the wearer of these boots teleports, the distance teleported increases by 10 * the spell slot used. If no spell slot was used, the distance increases by 10 feet.
Belt of the Brawler
- 1 infusion point, constant
The wearer of this belt deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage with unarmed attacks.
Berserker Weapon
- 3 infusion points, constant
The wielder of this weapon does not provoke opportunity attacks if he or she is moving towards an enemy.
Bleeding Weapon
- 4 infusion points, constant
This infusion can only be applied to weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage. A living creature hit by this weapon must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of every turn for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of every turn, ending the effect on a successful save. A creature can also make a Wisdom (Medicine) check as an action a DC equal to the save DC, ending the effect on a success.
Blurred Speed Armor
- 2 infusion points, constant
Attacks of opportunity made against the wearer of this armor have disadvantage.
Boots of Speed
- 1 infusion point, constant
The wearer of these boots has his or her base walking speed increased by 10 feet. For every extra infusion point you spend, the bonus to speed is increased by 10 feet.
Boots of Water Walking
- 2 infusion points, constant
The wearer of these boots can stand and walk on any liquid surface as if it were solid ground.
Camouflaged Armor
- 3 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
Candle of Shadows
- 2 infusion points, constant
Bright light within 30 feet of this candle is reduced to dim light. The holder of this candle can turn this effect on or off as a bonus action.
Candle of Sunlight
- 2 infusion points, constant
The candle creates bright light within 30 feet. This light is considered sunlight, and so triggers Sunlight Sensitivity and similar effects. The holder of this candle can turn this effect on or off as a bonus action.
Courageous Armor
- 4 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor is immune to the frightened condition.
Cynic's Goggles
- 2 infusion points, constant
The wearer of these glasses or similar item has advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) checks made to discern illusions.
Darkstalker Armor
- 5 infusion points, constant
While in darkness, the wearer of this armor is invisible and cannot be detected by blindsight or tremorsense. If you spend six infusion points, the wearer of this armor gains these benefits in darkness and dim light.
Dimensionlock Weapon
- 2 infusion points, constant
A creature hit by this weapon can't teleport or change planes for 1 round.
Earthbinding Weapon
- 4 infusion points, constant
A flying creature hit with this weapon must make a Strength saving throw or fall.
Earthbound Armor
- 2 infusion points, constant
When the wearer of this armor would be forced to moved, he or she can reduce that movement by up to 10 feet. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the wearer can reduce the movement by another 10 feet.
Earthglide Armor
- 6 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor can burrow up to his or speed through nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While doing so, the wearer doesn't disturb the material he or she moves through. The wearer of this armor gains tremorsense out to 10 feet.
Electrified Armor
- 3 infusion points, constant
Any creature that touches the wearer of this armor, or hits the wearer with a melee attack using a metal weapon, takes 1d6 lightning damage. For every extra three infusion points you spend, the damage increases by 1d6.
Elemental Immunity
- 6 infusion points, constant
The wearer of the armor gains immunity to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage.
Elemental Resistance
- 3 infusion points, constant
The wearer of the armor gains resistance to acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage.
Elemental Weapon
- 2 infusion points, constant
This weapon deals an extra 1d4 acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage. For every extra two infusion points you spend, the weapon deals an additional 1d4 damage of the selected type.
Feyslaughter Weapon
- 3 infusion points, constant
This weapon is treated as being made of cold iron. Whenever this weapon deals damage to a Fey creature, the target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or lose the ability to use a spellcasting for 1 round.
Freestride Boots
- 3 infusion points, constant
The wearer of these boots ignores difficult terrain.
Forceshield Gauntlet
- 1 infusion point, constant
When the wearer of this gauntlet is not holding anything in his or her hand, this gauntlet projects a shield of force, giving the wearer a +2 bonus to AC. This bonus stacks with a bonus to AC from magic armor.
Glamoured Armor
- 2 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor can use a bonus action to make assume the appearance of a normal set of clothing or some other kind of armor. The wearer decides what it looks like, including color, style, and accessories, but the armor retains its normal bulk and weight. The wearer can end this effect as a bonus action.
Goggles of Night
- 1 infusion point, constant
A pair of glasses or similar clothing grants the wearer darkvision in a 60-foot-radius. If the wearer has darkvision, wearing the goggles increases its radius by 60 feet.
Goggles of Truesight
- 6 infusion points, constant
A pair of glasses, goggles, or similar clothing grants the wearer truesight out to 30 feet.
Healer's Gloves
- 1 infusion point, constant
Whenever the wearer of these gloves casts a healing spell, the spell heals an additional 1d6 hit points. For every extra infusion point you spend, the number of extra hit points healed increases by 1d6.
Helm of the Wild Hunt
- 4 infusion points, constant
This helm or similar piece of clothing grows antlers. As an action, the wearer of this helm can make a Strength-based melee weapon attack with these antlers, dealing 1d6 piercing damage on a hit. If the wearer of this helm casts the Hunter's Mark spell, the wearer always knows the direction to his or her quarry, and the extra damage dealt increases to 1d8. In addition, if the wearer of this helm can teleport to within 5 feet of the quarry as an action if he or she is within 60 feet of the quarry.
Kinetic Weapon
- 5 infusion points, constant
This weapon deals and extra 1d8 damage. In addition, the wielder of this weapon gains a fly speed of 20 feet. If wielder doesn't end his or her turn on solid ground, he or she falls.
- 1 infusion point, constant
COST: one object The item shines with bright light for 20 feet, and dim light 20 feet beyond that. The wielder or wearer of the item may turn this ability on or off as a bonus action. For every extra Infusion point you spend, you gain 10ft of bright and dim illumination.
Potion Bandolier
- 1 infusion point, constant
A character wearing this belt can drink a potion as a bonus action.
Protective Armor
- 4 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor gains a +1 bonus to AC and all saving throws.
Quickened Weapon
- 5 infusion points, constant
The wielder of this weapon can make a single attack with this weapon as a bonus action.
Reading Glasses
- 1 infusion point, constant
The wearer of these glasses or similar clothing can read any language.
- 1 infusion point, constant
You may touch a construct or object. The construct or object touched regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your intelligence modifier, or 2.5ft square of mundane material. This ability has no effect on living creatures or undead. For every extra infusion point you spend, you repair an additional 1d8 hp or you automatically repair and additional 2.5 square feet. This ability has no effect on living creatures or undead.
Returning Weapon
- 1 infusion point, constant
This infusion can only be used on a weapon with the thrown property. The weapon immediately flies back to the thrower's hand after making an attack.
Riverine Armor
- 5 infusion points, constant
The armor adds a +2 bonus to AC, and cannot be destroyed.
Runes of Shadow Tendrils
- 5 infusion points, constant
A weapon is inscribed with these runes. Whenever the wielder of this weapon hits with an attack, he or she may force the target to make Strength saving throw or be grappled by the shadow tendrils. The escape DC is equal to your infusion saving throw DC. A creature grappled by the shadow tendrils takes 1d6 cold and 1d6 necrotic damage at the start of each of its turns, and attacks made with this weapon have advantage against the grappled creature. The wielder may not grapple more than one creature at a time with the shadow tendrils, and shadow tendrils release their grapple if the wielder moves more than 5 feet from the creature the tendrils are grappling.
- 2 infusion points, constant
The runestaff can be infused with one 1st level spell that you currently have access to (for example, via a scroll or wizard's spellbook). Any creature carrying the runestaff can cast that spell as if it had that spell known and prepared. For every extra infusion point you spend, the level of the spell the runestaff can be infused with increases by 1.
Spider Gloves
- 3 infusion points, constant
While you have your hands free, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings with a climbing speed equal to your walking speed.
Spiked Armor
- 1 infusion point, constant
Any creature that starts its turn in a grapple with the wearer this armor takes 1d4 piercing damage. For every extra infusion point you spend, the damage increases by 1d4.
Springheel Boots
- 1 infusion point, constant
A creature wearing these boots can jump twice the normal distance, though that creature can't jump farther than his or her remaining movement would allow.
Spiritward Armor
- 6 infusion points, constant
Creatures with the Celestial, Fiend, or Fey type, or Undead with the Incorporeal Movement feature, have disadvantage on attack rolls against you, and you have advantage on saving throws from effects from those creatures.
Spiritward Weapon
- 3 infusion points, constant
Damage from this weapon ignores the resistances and immunities of Celestial, Fiend, and Fey creatures, and Undead with the Incorporeal Movement feature. When you hit one of those creatures, you may push that creature 10 feet away from you.
- 3 infusion points, constant
This infusion can only be used on a ranged weapon that requires ammunition. This weapon can be fired without ammunition, firing bolts of lightning instead. When this happens, all damage that would have been done by the weapon is lightning damage, and the target and each creature within 5 feet of the target takes 1d4 thunder damage. For every extra three infusion points you spend, the thunder damage is increased by 1d4.
Thrown Weapon
- 2 infusion points, constant
The weapon gains the thrown property with a normal range of 20 feet and a long range of 60 feet. The weapon immediately flies back to the thrower's hand after making an attack.
Unstoppable Armor
- 5 infusion points, constant
The wearer of this armor gains the benefits of the Freedom of Movement spell.
Veil of Undeath Armor
- 5 infusion points, constant
You have advantage on saving throws against the charmed, exhausted, and frightened conditions, and resistance to necrotic damage. In addition, Undead creatures must make a Wisdom (Insight) check with a DC equal to your infusion saving throw DC to determine you are a living creature. On a failure, they believe you to be an Undead creature.
Vengeance Weapon
- 3 infusion points, constant
Attack rolls made with this weapon have advantage against the last creature to damage the wielder.
Venomous Weapon
- 1 infusion point, constant
When first infused, and over the course of a short rest, this weapon generates its own venom. The first time the wielder of this weapon hits with an attack after it has been envenomed, the weapon deals an extra 1d6 poison damage. For every extra infusion point you spend, the poison damage dealt by this weapon increases by 1d6.
- 1 infusion point, constant
The wearer of these boots ignores difficult terrain caused by forests, overgrowth, and the like.
Warlord's Weapon
- 2 infusion points
When the wielder of this weapon hits with an attack, the next attack against the target before the end of the round has advantage.
Aboleth Slime
- 5 infusion points, consumable
A character can use the slime in this vial to coat one weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the slime takes an action. Alternatively, a character can throw a vial of slime up to 30 feet, treating the vial as an improvised ranged weapon. A creature hit by the vial or, a weapon or ammunition coated in the slime, must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become diseased for 8 hours. A diseased creature can't regain hit points outside of water, and takes 1d12 acid damage for every 10 minutes it remains outside of water, unless moisture is applied to its skin. A diseased creature also has disadvantage on saving throws against being charmed. This disease can only be cured by Heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher.
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of acid up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage. For every extra infusion point you spend, the acid deals an extra 2d6 + 2 damage.
Alchemist's Acid
- 2 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of alchemist's acid up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d8 acid damage, and if the target is wearing metal armor, it takes a -1 penalty to AC. This effect can only be undone by having the armor fixed, which takes one day. This process can be shortened to one hour with access to appropriate materials whose value is equal to half the cost of the armor. If the penalty to AC reduces the armor's AC bonus to 10, the armor is destroyed. The Alchemists's Acid might have effects on other metal objects, as determined by your DM. Alchemist's acid cannot destroy magic armor. For every extra infusion point you spend, the acid deals an extra 1d8 + 1 damage. For every two extra points you spend, the AC penalty increases by 1.
Alchemist's Fire
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of alchemist's fire up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at the start of each of its turns. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a Dexterity saving throw to extinguish the flames. For every extra infusion point you spend, the fire deals an extra 1d4 damage.
Alchemist's Frost
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of alchemist's fire up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 cold damage, and has its speed reduced by 10 feet for 1 round. For every extra infusion point you spend, the alchemist's frost deals and extra 1d10 + 2 cold damage, and reduces the target's speed by 5 more feet.
Bottled Storm
- 6 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw a vial of bottled storm up to 120 feet. The vial releases a storm that extends 30 feet out from where the vial falls, and 150 into the air. This storm lasts for 1 minute. Winds cause ranged attacks through the storm to have disadvantage, and cause the air to be difficult terrain for flying creatures. Torrential rains cause the area to be heavily obscured. Each creature that starts its turn in the storm or enters it must make a Dexterity saving throw or be struck by lightning, taking 4d8 lightning damage on failed save, and half as much on a successful save. Creatures wearing metal armor or made of metal have disadvantage on this saving throw.
Bottled Sunshine
- 5 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw a vial of bottled sunshine up to 120 feet. The liquid void releases a burst of magical light that extends 30 feet out from where the vial fell. Creatures in the light must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 8d8 radiant damage, and be blinded for 1 minute. Undead creatures are also turned for the duration. Creatures with sunlight sensitivity or weakness have disadvantage on this saving throw. A creature can repeat this saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Carrion Crawler Toxin
- 4 infusion points, consumable
A character can use the poison in this vial to coat one weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon must make a Constitution saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the poison on itself on a success.
Eldritch Poison
- 6 infusion points, consumable
A character can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be affected by the poison for 1 minute. An affected creature must succeed on a Charisma saving throw at the start of each round or take 6d6 necrotic damage and suffer 1 level of exhaustion. A successful save reduces the damage by half. A creature that dies while affected by this poison crumbles to faintly glowing dust.
Essence of Green Slime
- 4 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of essence of green slime up to 60 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 acid damage at the start of each of its turns and has disadvantage on Strength and Constitution saving throws for 1 minute. A creature can end this damage by using its action to make a Dexterity saving throw to clear off the essence of green slime. For every extra infusion point you spend, the essence deals an extra 1d10 damage.
- 4 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the flashbang up to 60 feet. Creatures within 15 feet of the flashbang must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded and deafened for 1 minute. Creatures with sunlight sensitivity or weakness have disadvantage on this save. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success.
Gravedust Poison
- 5 infusion points, consumable
A character can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be affected by the poison for 1 minute. An affected creature has disadvantage on Strength attacks, ability checks, and saving throws, and must succeed on a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns or take 3d8 necrotic damage and fall prone.
- 2 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of greasebomb up to 60 feet. This spreads grease within 10 feet for 1 minute. This grease is difficult terrain. Any creature that starts its turn standing on the grease, or that attempts to walk over it, must make Dexterity saving throw. Any creature that fails falls prone. In addition, any creature within 10 feet of the greasebomb when it goes off must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or have any items its carrying slip out of its hands, and has advantage on ability checks made to escape grabs for 1 minute.
Holy Water
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of Holy Water up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 radiant damage if it is a fiend or undead. Otherwise, the Holy Water has no effect. For every extra infusion point you spend, the Holy Water deals an extra 2d10 + 2 damage.
Liquid Void
- 4 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw a vial of liquid void up to 60 feet. The liquid void releases a burst of magical darkness that extends 20 feet out from where the vial fell. The magical darkness lasts for 1 minute. Creatures that enter the void or start their turn their take 1d8 cold and 1d8 necrotic damage.
Potion of Etherealness
- 4 infusion points, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, the character gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 minute or until the character ends the effect as an action. If you spend five infusion points, the character gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 10 minutes. If you spend six infusion points, the character gains the effect of the etherealness spell for 1 hour.
Potion of Invisibility
- 2 infusion points, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, it makes that character becomes invisible for 1 round. While the character is invisible, anything the character is carrying or wearing is invisible as long as it remains in contact with the character. The effect ends early if the character attacks or casts a spell. If you spend three infusion points, the character becomes invisible for 1 minute. If you spend four infusion points, the character becomes invisible for 10 minutes. If you spend five infusion points, the character becomes invisible for 1 hour. If you spend six infusion points, the character becomes invisible for 8 hours.
Potion of Invulnerability
- 4 infusion points, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, that character gains resistance to all damage for 1 minute.
Potion of Vitality
- 5 infusion points, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, it removes any exhaustion that character is suffering, cures any disease or poison affecting that character, and maximizes the effect of any Hit Die that character spends to regain hit points within the next 24 hours.
- 1 infusion point, consumable
A character can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a Constitution saving throw or take 1d10 poison damage. For every extra infusion point you spend, the poison deals an extra 1d10 + 2 damage.
Potion of Bolstering
- 1 infusion point, consumable
A character that drinks a potion of bolstering gains 2d6 temporary hit points. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action. For every extra infusion point you spend, the potions adds an additional 2d6 + 3 temporary hit points.
Potion of Enlarge/Reduce
- 1 infusion point, consumable
When you create this potion, choose the Enlarge or Reduce effect of the Enlarge/Reduce spell. A person that drinks this potion gains the effect of the spell for 1 round. If you spend two infusion points, the character gains the effect of the spell for 1 minute. If you spend three infusion points, the character gains the effect of the spell for 10 minutes. If you spend four infusion points, the character gains the effect of the spell for 1 hour. If you spend five infusion points, the character gains the effect of the spell for 8 hours.
Potion of Flying
- 1 infusion point, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, it gives the character a flying speed equal to his or her normal speed for 1 round. If the potion wears off while the character is flying, the character must use his or her movement to descend. If the character fails to land before 1 minute passes, he or she falls. If you spend three infusion points, the character gains a flying speed for 1 minute. If you spend four infusion points, the character gains a flying speed for 10 minutes. If you spend five infusion points, the character gains a flying speed for 1 hour. If you spend six infusion points, the character gains a flying speed for 8 hours.
Potion of Healing
- 1 infusion point, consumable
A character that drinks a potion of healing regains 2d4 hit points. Drinking or administering a potion takes an action. For every extra infusion point you spend, the potion heals an addtional 2d4 + 2 hit points.
Potion of Regeneration
- 1 infusion point, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, that character regains 1 hit point at the start of every round for 1 minute. For every extra point you spend, the number of hit points gained at the start of every round increases by 2.
Potion of Resilience
- 1 infusion point, consumable
When you create this potion, choose one ability score. A creature that drinks this potion has advantage on saving throws of that ability score for 1 minute. For every extra point you spend, choose an additional ability score. The creature that drinks this potion has advantage on saving throws of all chosen ability scores for 1 minute.
- 2 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw a smokebomb up to 60 feet. The smokebomb releases a cloud of smoke that heavily obscures everything within 15 feet of the smokebomb for 1 minute. This smoke can be dispersed by a strong wind.
- 3 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw a smokestick up to 60 feet. The smokestick releases a cloud of smoke that heavily obscures everything within 20 feet of the smokestick for 1 minute. This smoke can be dispersed by a strong wind. Alternatively, the smokestick can be attached to piece of ammunition. If it is, then the smokestick goes off when the piece of ammunition is fired, and the cloud of smoke is centered on the target.
Tanglefoot Bag
- 2 infusion points, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the tanglefoot bag up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the bag as an improvised weapon. On a hit, if the target is touching the ground, target's speed becomes 0, and it can't benefit from any bonus to its speed, for 1 minute. If the target is flying with wings, it must make a Dexterity saving throw or fall. Once it hits the ground, it is affected as a creature touching the ground. On its round, the target can spend its action to make Strength saving throw. If successful, the creature is no longer affected.
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the thunderstone up to 20 feet. Every creature within 5 feet of the thunderstone must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 1d8 thunder damage and being deafened for 1 minute on a failure. For every extra infusion point you spend, the thunderstone deals an extra 1d8 + 2 damage.
Universal Antidote
- 2 infusion points, consumable
When a character drinks this potion, it cures any disease or poison affecting that character.
Walking Death
- 3 infusion points, consumable
A character can use the poison in this vial to coat one slashing or piercing weapon, or a single piece of ammunition. Applying the poison takes an action. A creature hit by the poisoned weapon or ammunition must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns for 1 minute. On a failure, the creature takes 8d6 necrotic damage and the effect ends. For every infusion extra point you spend, the damage increases by 3d6.
- 1 infusion point, consumable
As an action, a character can throw the vial of Weedkiller up to 20 feet. Make a ranged attack against the target, treating the vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit, the target takes 2d10 necrotic damage if it is a plant. Otherwise, the Weedkiller has no effect. For every extra infusion point you spend, the Weedkiller deals an extra 2d10 + 2 damage.
Clockwork Helper
Medium construct, lawful netural
Armor Class 10 + your proficiency bonus (natural armor)
Hit Points 14
Speed 25 ft.
STR 10 (+0) DEX 8 (-1) CON 12 (+1) INT 13 (+1) WIS 14 (+2) CHA 6 (-2)
Saving Throws Strength , Constitution
Skills see Crafter
Damage Immunities The dragon is immune to the damage type associated with it.
Senses Blindsense 20 ft., Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 11
Languages all languages known by its creator.
Might of the Master. The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the clockwork’s helper skill and saving throw bonuses (above( and the bonuses to hit and damage of its rend attack, and the number of hit points restored by its Repair action (below).
Rock, paper, scissors. Melee Weapon Attacks: -1 to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d3 bludgeoning, piercing or slashing (hammer, knife, awl punch).
Crafter. This minion shares its creator’s proficiencies and their proficiency bonus for checks with tools or kits, nature and investigation, and may craft any mundane item its owner could. The Minion can also assist the artificer on the crafting of a other items (granting advantage) on checks for such, may allow for the item to be completed faster.
Utilitarian Form. This minion is itself the embodiment of one tool and kits (+ 1 every 3 additional artificer levels), these kits may be exchanged (you must possess the new kit) and requires a long rest.
At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter - the Clockwork Helper may be given 1 infusion point to be used in its work.
Any kit it embodies it is proficient with, and provides resistance to a damage type; Smith - Fire; Alchemist - Acid; Cook’s - Slashing; Leatherworking/Woodcarver - Piercing; Mason - Bludgeoning; Artist - Psychic; Glassblower - Lightening; Weaver - Thunder; Jeweler’s/Tinkerer’s - Radiant;
Low Gear. The construct is considered Large for the purposes of determining its carrying/lifting/pulling capacity and is not slowed by being encumbered. Snow/Mud/Ice is not considered difficult Terrain - Stairs or changes in height of more than 8” are. The construct cannot jump or ‘side step’ and has disadvantage on Dexterity Checks.
Obsessively Helpful. When not actively commanded, the Helper engages in the help action to its owner, or if prevented from such, seeks and gathers reagents (If it possesses an alchemy or herbalism kit), and fixes things if left alone for 10 minutes it will effectively do the same as a ‘’Mending’’ cantrip. If it cannot do that… it tiddies up (regardless of whose things or where it is) This minion is capable of speech and communication.
Mechanical Relay
Tiny construct, unaligned
Armor Class 16 + half your artificer level
Hit Points 4 + your levels of artificer
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft., fly 15.ft + 2,5 x your artificer level
STR 4 (-3) DEX 17 (+3) CON 10 (+0) INT 5 (-3) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 5 (-3)
Saving Throws Strength , Constitution
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities The dragon is immune to the damage type associated with it.
Senses Blindsense 20 ft., Darkvision 60ft, passive Perception 11
Languages none, but can understand the creator.
Might of the Master. The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the mechanical rellay skill and saving throw bonuses (above( and the bonuses to hit and damage of its rend attack, and the number of hit points restored by its Repair action (below).
Wayfinder. The artificer can connect to the Mechanical Relay to see through it up to 120 ft (+20 ft per level) and converse through it up to 1 mile away.
Sneaky Lil’ Bugger
The Perception checks against the minion at disadvantage when it's been motionless for 1 full round.
Speaker. The Artificer can use the relay to speak through or see through, the Mechanical Relay cannot due such by itself.
Poisonous Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d2 piercing damage, and then up to three times per short rest the target must succeed Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 1 minutes. If its saving throw result is 5 or lower, the target falls unconscious for the same duration. Another fluid may be used, but only 1 potion (up to 18 oz) will fit. one does will last for 4 attacks. Each attack does ½ the dose’s possible damage/healing upon a failed save.
At 5th level its native toxin becomes stunned
At 10th level its native toxin becomes incapacitated
Hide and Peek: When not directed, the Minion seeks to fly/crawl into a dark unobserved spot and cling there - awaiting orders. Passive Stealth (16 + (½ level of artificer))
At 5th level, the Agent may produce light 30 ft bright, 60 ft dim, upon command.
at 6th level, the Agent may take the form of a mundane tiny object.
Iron Grappler
Small construct, unaligned
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 8 + 3 hit points per artificer level
Speed 30 ft.
STR 13 (+1) DEX 15 (+2) CON 13 (+1) INT 6 (-2) WIS 9 (-1) CHA 6 (-2)
Saving Throws Strength , Constitution
Skills Perception +3, Intimidation +2, Athletics +2
Damage Immunities The dragon is immune to the damage type associated with it.
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages none, but can understand the creator.
Might of the Master. The following numbers increase by 1 when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the mechanical rellay skill and saving throw bonuses (above( and the bonuses to hit and damage of its rend attack, and the number of hit points restored by its Repair action (below).
Whip Bash. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature. Hit: 1d4 bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a (Large DC 8) (Medium DC 12) (Small DC 15) Strength or Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone.
at 5th Level: Damage increases to d8; saving throw DC (Large DC 10) (Medium DC 14) (Small DC 16)
at 10th Level: Damage increases to 2d6; saving throw DC (Large DC 10) (Medium DC 16) (Small DC 18)
Binding Straps. Despite its size the Grappler may attempt to grapple up Medium Sized creatures. (at 7th level it may attempt to Grapple Large Creatures; at 11th level it gains advantage on Grappling attempts, at 16th it may grapple up to 3 Medium creatures within 15 feet or each other.
Prone creatures that are Grappled are considered incapacitated.
Active Defense. As an Autonomous Action (up to your proficiency bonus number of times per long rest) the Iron Grappler will use its straps as a shield (if its not grappling) and defend against attacks gaining a situational +5 AC bonus for that attack only. At 10th Level: creatures with weapons must make a Strength or Dexterity Save or else be disarmed, other creatures will be knocked prone.
Combat Nuisance. The Iron Grappler autonomous engages in dodge as its action and disengage as its bonus - whenever it's not directed to engage. Attackers get disadvantage on attack rolls against it, and the Grappler counts as an ally for the purposes of flanking or rogue sneak attacks when within 10ft of the creature.
Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 13
Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light armor, simple weapons, tinker's tools.
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