
An open problem is a problem for which no solution has been found. An example is "Do oscillators of all periods exist in Conway's Game of Life?".

Unsolved problems can be subdivided into several basic categories:

  • Periods: Do oscillators, spaceships, guns or puffers exist of a particular period?
  • Unusual-growth patterns: What is the long-term effect of a predefined pattern? For example, it is unknown whether the Fermat prime calculator grows indefinitely.
  • Solvable problems: Some problems are known to have a solution, but as yet no pattern has been built. For instance, no Conway's Life quadratic growth replicator has been built to date, but a workable blueprint is available, and no really large new technical problems would have to be overcome to complete the construction.
  • Construction and destruction problems: These include finding the smallest Garden of Eden, building a stable eater that can absorb any single glider aimed at it, determining whether a particular object has a glider synthesis, or discovering an unstoppable-growth pattern.
  • Spatial minimization problems: Find an object that satisfies some criterion that fits within a certain bounding box. Examples include Mike Playle's prize for a small stable reflector.
  • Temporal minimization problems: As above, but concentrating on speed rather than size.

List of problems

Open and previously open problems include:

Problem Status Year posed Posed by Year solved Solved by
one cell thick infinite growthsolved?Nick Gotts1998Stephen Silver
The question “is there a one-cell-thick pattern exhibiting infinite growth?was answered in the affirmative.
Coolout Conjecturesolved<1992Richard Schroeppel2001Richard Schroeppel
The question “given a partial Life pattern that's internally consistent with being part of a still life (stable pattern), is there always a way to add a stabilizing boundary?” was answered in the negative.
Garden of Edensolved??<1970Edward Moore
The existence of a Garden of Eden in Conway's Game of Life was known from the start because of a 1962 theorem by Edward Moore that guarantees their existence in a wide class of cellular automata.
Grandfather problemsolved1972John Conway2016mtve
The question “is there a configuration which has a father but no grandfather?” was answered in the affirmative.
The question “do oscillators of all periods exist?” remains open for Conway's Game of Life; no oscillators are known for period 19, 38 and 41, and no non-trivial oscillators are known for period 34.
Replicatorssolved??1982Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Conway, Richard K. Guy
The question “do replicators exist in Conway's Game of Life?” was answered in the affirmative.[1]
Still life finitization problemsolved?Dean Hickerson2019Martin Grant
The question "given a still life without finite boundaries, can any MxN finite window of it be preserved within a finite still life by adding appropriate unchanging cells around it?" was answered in the negative.[2]
Unique father problemopen1972John Conway
The question “is there a stable configuration whose only father is itself?” remains open.
Universal computer / Universal constructorsolved?John Conway1982Elwyn R. Berlekamp, John Conway, Richard K. Guy
The question “does Conway's Game of Life support universal computation and universal construction?” was answered in the affirmative.[1]
gollark: and then do magic and it's all fine
gollark: That doesn't actually help with *arranging them onscreen*.
gollark: No.
gollark: Also, Python libraries generally seem to be imperative stuff with a thin OOP veneer which makes it slightly more irritating to use.
gollark: ```Internet Protocols and Support webbrowser — Convenient Web-browser controller cgi — Common Gateway Interface support cgitb — Traceback manager for CGI scripts wsgiref — WSGI Utilities and Reference Implementation urllib — URL handling modules urllib.request — Extensible library for opening URLs urllib.response — Response classes used by urllib urllib.parse — Parse URLs into components urllib.error — Exception classes raised by urllib.request urllib.robotparser — Parser for robots.txt http — HTTP modules http.client — HTTP protocol client ftplib — FTP protocol client poplib — POP3 protocol client imaplib — IMAP4 protocol client nntplib — NNTP protocol client smtplib — SMTP protocol client smtpd — SMTP Server telnetlib — Telnet client uuid — UUID objects according to RFC 4122 socketserver — A framework for network servers http.server — HTTP servers http.cookies — HTTP state management http.cookiejar — Cookie handling for HTTP clients xmlrpc — XMLRPC server and client modules xmlrpc.client — XML-RPC client access xmlrpc.server — Basic XML-RPC servers ipaddress — IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library```Why is there, *specifically*, **in the standard library**, a traceback manager for CGI scripts?


  1. Berlekamp, Elwyn R.; Conway, John H.; Guy, Richard K. (2004), Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, 4 (2nd ed.), pp. 927-961
  2. Martin Grant (December 28, 2019). Re: Unproven conjectures (discussion thread) at the forums
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