Period-246 glider gun

Period-246 glider gun is a true period glider gun with period 246, discovered by Dave Buckingham in June 1996. The 180-degree mod-123 symmetry of its bookend-based engine makes it trivial to modify it into a double-barrelled gun.

Period-246 glider gun
<html><div class="rle"><div class="codebox"><div style="display:none;"><code></html>x = 43, y = 38, rule = B3/S23 34bo$34b3o$32b2o3bo$31bobob2obo$32bobobobo$36bob2o$33bo2bo$34bobo$33b 2ob2o2$2o$bo20b2o$bobo16b2o3bo$2b2o21bo15b2o$19bo5bo15bo$20bo3bo14bobo $21b3o15b2o7$29b2o$29b2o$22b2o$21bo$22b2o3$5b4o$4bo4bo$3bobo3bo$2bobo 3bo$2bo$2bo$2bo2bo$3b2o! #C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 THEME 6 GRID GRIDMAJOR 0 SUPPRESS THUMBLAUNCH ]] #C [[ AUTOSTART ]] <nowiki>#C [[ THUMBSIZE 2 GPS 41 HEIGHT 480 Z 10 T 116 PAUSE 2 T 239 PAUSE 2 LOOP 1230 ]]</nowiki> <html></code></div></div><canvas width="200" height="300" style="margin-left:1px;"><noscript></html> File:Period246glidergun.png <html></noscript></canvas></div></html>
Pattern type Gun
Number of cells 81
Bounding box 43×38
Period 246
Barrels 2
Discovered by David Buckingham
Year of discovery 1996

Upon the discovery of R49, Aidan F. Pierce noted that the same stable catalyst can also support the inactive part of the gun.[1]


  1. Aidan F. Pierce (October 4, 2019). Re: Oscillator Discussion Thread (discussion thread) at the forums
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