Tag: hexadecimal

52 Let's golf a BIBABOBU decoder 2018-08-29T08:50:28.210

46 Print the f × f times table 2016-12-17T01:16:15.437

46 Better Hex Color Codes for Your Internet 2017-05-30T02:26:17.527

45 Hexadecimal and the Alphabet 2015-12-19T18:21:57.570

42 Numbers that are actually letters 2015-12-12T19:09:01.350

30 Output the HTML colors 2016-12-10T03:45:02.453

26 Pronouncing Hex 2015-07-17T13:07:19.613

25 Convert to Bibi-binary 2016-09-03T12:46:47.913

25 Magic popcount numbers 2016-12-01T01:31:36.063

25 Converting "0xUsernames" 2017-01-02T14:28:54.460

23 Help me procrastinate on my computer repairs! 2015-02-21T00:30:39.270

23 Convert a number to Hexadecimal 2015-12-31T02:04:58.617

23 "Add one" to every color in an image 2016-06-19T15:47:47.427

23 Rotate a camera; save an Astronaut 2017-03-01T20:42:49.933

23 Find the closest three-digit hex colour 2019-06-28T19:51:43.507

20 Swap the Endianness 2017-11-25T17:23:42.793

20 Code Golf Measurer © 2019 2019-10-07T16:58:35.300

17 The Woz Monitor 2016-10-01T08:45:07.950

15 Convert xxd output to shellcode 2016-08-08T14:03:50.000

14 The 3x3 Hexa Prime Square Puzzle 2016-10-15T19:34:30.053

11 How to convert HEX2 to RGBA? 2017-06-29T15:46:07.777

10 Hexadecimal Counter 2015-07-12T16:02:31.040

4 Reverse an xxd hexdump 2016-11-09T03:49:55.703

1 Binary to Hexadecimal 2017-08-27T20:07:14.940

1 Render a monospaced bitmap font from image 2018-04-15T06:20:59.220

1 0xDEADBEEF is not tasty, but still 0xFEEDBEEF 2018-10-30T20:03:18.060

0 Python code to produce C++14 hex integer literal with ticks 2019-02-20T04:48:31.063

-2 Generate a hexdump of a file! 2015-10-20T20:20:03.983

-2 Convert alphanumeric (base-36) sentences into hexadecimal (base-16) sentences 2019-05-25T00:46:20.053

-6 Print the input in hexadecimal 2016-02-14T17:23:42.327