Zombie Waffe
Zombie Waffe is a post-apocalyptic webcomic drawn and written by Malin Falch. The comic follows Ståle, a Norwegian exchange student who looks forward to a Zombie Apocalypse, until he's in the middle of one. In his world, zombies and the LARS disease which causes them only plague third-world countries. When the largest recorded outbreak hits the Congo, Ståle predicts that the end is imminent. U.S. troops are sent in and all contact with the soldiers is lost. When they do come back to the edge of the quarantine, they are infected and begin to escape and spread.
Fifty-three days later, Ståle has been separated from Zeke, his best friend and fellow survivor. Ståle must seek refuge with the mysterious Detlef, juggling survival and the search for Zeke.
- Action Survivor: Ståle.
- All Just a Dream: What at first appears to be a flashback of how Ståle and Zeke got separated ends up being a dream of Ståle's.
- Apocalypse How: Type 2.
- Badass: Detlef.
- Big Damn Heroes: Detlef saves a weak and unarmed Ståle from a zombie construction worker.
- Boom! Headshot!
- Casual Danger Dialog: The characters will frequently have a chat as there are zombies stumbling around a few feet away from them.
- Chainsaw Good: It's the first thing Zeke grabs when he hears about the outbreak in the Congo.
- Combat Pragmatist: Detlef.
- Gas Mask Longcoat: Detlef wears a gas mask and hoodie most of the tme, giving the same effect.
- Genre Savvy: Ståle and Detlef.
- Heroic BSOD: Ståle, many times.
- Not Using the Z Word: Averted, it's in the title and the characters say it regularly.
- Our Zombies Are Different: They are fast, plague-zombies and still alive.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: The dog that follows Ståle, which Detlef named Fritz.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Ståle remarks that killing a zombie with an ax is gross, to which Detlef replies by telling him to "stop being a pussy."
- Technically Living Zombie
- The Virus: LARS (Likasi Acute Rabies Syndrome).
- Zombie Apocalypse: 28 Days Later and Zombieland rules.
- Zombie Gait: Played with. The zombies with all their limbs intact can move normally, although they're not particularly graceful.