Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Abridged Series
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX has spawned some of the most Abridged Series out of all anime series, apart from Death Note. DarkSideIncorporated's original account was terminated by Nihon Ad Systems (and have now moved to "DarkSideCorporated", and some of RaymsCreator's episodes have been blocked by 4Kids! Entertainment.
- Actor Allusion: There's a reference to ShadyVox's Lion King fandubs in episode 2.
- Berserk Button: Jaden + marijuana - Cheetos = RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.
- Buried Alive: Played for Laughs with Tory.
- Butt Monkey: Syrus and Jaden (see Chew Toy).
- Call Back: Syrus comments that stealing mail is fun in episode eight, which he did in episode two.
- Captain Obvious: Syrus, lampshaded by Jaden.
Jaden: Syrus, we can play "State the Obvious" later!
Jaden: Once again, thank you, Captain Obvious.
- Catch Phrase:
- Reaction shot!
- Sucks to be you.
- (Really?) F*** no!!
- Shutup.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Alexis. She can be Dangerously Genre Savvy sometimes... and other times really really not.
- Chew Toy: For constant emotional trauma, Syrus. For constant physical torment, Jaden (At least once an episode something or someone will cause him grievous bodily harm... and he's broken his coccyx more than once)
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: During Wheeler the monkey's training to be a Duelist, every time it made a mistake, Miley Cyrus music gets blasted in his ears. Alexis wants in on this training.
- Contractual Immortality: Unfortunately for Jaden, everyone is Genre Savvy enough to know he can't die. Hence nearly every single character has mortally wounded him at some point... including an off-screen dog who did something unspeakable to his legs and ate his liver.
Jaden: I'm the main character, I can't be harmed.
Syrus: Oh really? (cocks gun)
Jaden: Uh, guns are my only weakness!
- Cosplay Otaku Boy: Syrus says he likes cosplay, much to Jaden's displeasure.
- Crossover: With the other Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series for the Yu-Gi-Oh Tenth Anniversary Movie.
- Dissimile: About half of everything Harrington says.
- The Ditz: Alexis.
- Drinking Game: "Nuts on the Table". It's just as painful as it sounds.
- Dumb Blonde/Brainless Beauty: Alexis, oh so much.
- Expy: Chazz is basically Seto Kaiba from the original series. Then again, he's too rich to be an expy.
- Even Evil Has Standards: While more of a Jerkass than evil, even Jaden who constantly rags on Syrus and acts more like a dick to him than a friend admits that Zane was too much of a dick to Syrus when they were younger.
- Gone Horribly Right: "OMG! We tried resurrecting Jinzo, and we did!"
- Groin Attack: Nuts on the table.
- Heh Heh, You Said "X": Heh, heh, you said "pump action".
- Bob, this is not the time or the place!
- Another example from the same episode, when Wheeler the monkey changes all its monsters to Beast types:
Jaden: Wow, talk about bestiality! ...Heh heh.
- Heroic BSOD: Jaden was very much hoping Wheeler the monkey's deck would not be monkey-themed. Boy was he wrong.
- Ho Yay: With all the ways Jaden describes his relationship with Chazz, his "eternal rival", you'd think someone would bring this up. But he really only wants to skip class to find him.
- Syrus has a restraining order out against Jaden who tends to violate his personal space in very unwanted ways. Jaden does ask Syrus if he'd be uncomfortable if Jaden kisses him.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Jaden. "Don't you dare try to run away from me, Syrus, you can't win! I've been playing Sonic all day." Accompanied immediately thereafter by sound effects from the games.
- Interspecies Romance: Prof Banner and his partner, Pharaoh, aren't in a relationship. He was just joking.
- Jerkass: Jaden. And Zane.
- Larynx Dissonance: All the females, particularly Alexis.
- Made of Explodium: All duels somehow end with an explosion. Also lampshaded.
- Most Common Card Game:
Jaden: "King Me."
Syrus: "Jaden, we're playing Yahtzee."
Jaden: "Oh, well, okay, then I want to buy Mayfair."
Syrus: "What the hell are you talking about!"
Jaden: "Go fish."
- Noodle Incident: Jaden does a real Motor Mouth one.
Jaden: Oh, you watch me. I'll get this guy faster than the time I was hit by the birthday party and everyone got out... ...made things worse and it was rumored that Chazz and Bastion had a gay relationship and no one believed it... ...and Syrus was convinced that he was pregnant and then he made us go to the emergency room where--
- No Periods, Period: The story of Alexis' first period... in class.
- Off-Model:
- Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: Inverted and subverted in Episode 13
Alexis: Is that an erection in your pocket or are you just a tennis ball?
- The Other Darrin: In Episode 5 and 6, ShadyVox voiced all the characters during Xthedarkone's temporary absence.
- Overly Long Gag: Bob's, um, Susan's phone call.
- Tory falling through their glass doors.
- Pretty Fly for a White Guy: Syrus, in episode 9, when he raps.
- Zig-zagged with Jaden, who can't rap within the series itself (such as episode 9) but in the crossover videos he can rap extremely well.
- Running Gag: Numerous, including...
- Reaction shot!
- Meanwhile, back at the toolshed. (+1 watermelon)
- Subverted when the announcer tries to say, "Meanwhile, at Duel Acadetoolshed"! His attempt to get a watermelon failed.
- That's the last time we take directions from a blind guy!
- Also Jaden experiencing grievous bodily harm (usually inflicted by the other characters) off-screen. E.g.:
Jaden: Ow! My coccyx!
- Crowler getting hit in the face with balls.
Crowler: And that was the last time I ever got hit by a ball. (Gets smacked in the eye with a tennis ball) Oh God, not again!
- Schedule Slip: Although intoxicated, ShadyVox said a new episode would be finished soon. (He was telling the truth. One did come out.)
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Chazz.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Jaden tries to surrender both his Winged Kuriboh card and quit the Academy because of how insane it all is, but by trying to quit he accidentally reforms the villain of the week and he gives up on trying to leave.
- Shout-Out:
- It doesn't work nearly as well as when Syrus tries it.
- And Jaden got cut off before he could finish his.
- It doesn't work nearly as well as when Syrus tries it.
- Probably unintentional but in Episode 6 'Taggin' Tactics' we have this exchange.
Syrus: Jaden, do we really have to do this?
Jaden: Yes, yes we do because that's what friends do.
- "Ring, ring, ring. Phone call! Phone call!"
- "Come on, let's go! Three on three, Red vs. Blue, no camp kills!"
- Sorry I Left the BGM On: Jaden uses "Flawless (Go to the City)" by George Michael in his first duel. It is lampshaded and becomes a Leitmotif in later episodes.
- Stop Helping Me!: Winged Kuriboh in Episode 14.
- Strange Minds Think Alike
- Subverted Rhyme Every Occasion: The Paradox Brothers are really out of practice at first. They get better.
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: "Syrus, sit down! And I definitely did not put a whoopee cushion there."
- Syncro-Vox: "Tennis (close-up to Jaden's mouth) suuuuucks."
- Take That:
Jaden: That's right! That Millenium Item is as fake as all the other Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Abridged Series! Everybody knows that mine is the best!
- And of course, LittleKuriboh's low frequency in uploading videos is also mentioned.
Jaden: I gotta comment. "First Post." Yes! I am awesome... I'm gonna ask him when the next one's going to be.
- It's more of a Take That against fans of either series anyway. Right down to Jaden thinking being the first to comment is special.
- The Unintelligible: Chumley.
- Jaden subverts this by interpreting one of Chumley's grunts in incredible detail.
- Chumley finally starts talking while dueling his father - and he is not pleased. But it's never mentioned again anyway.
- Winged Kuriboh. Jaden can also understand him, though.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Chumley and his father.
The Sephirex version provides examples of
- Berserk Button / Cluster F-Bomb: Do not steal Alexis's Lucky Charms.
- Emo Kid:
Chazz."I'm not emo, it's just my card!" - Gag Sub: In Episode 11, when the subtitles counted the days of Jaden and his friends' travels, eventually they read, "The Day I Stopped Caring What Day It was!"
- Hide Your Lesbians: 4Kids Lesbo Alarm!
- No Fair Cheating: So. Totally. Averted.
- Phrase Catcher: Dimitri - and he even did it wrong, too: "Turn your game on!"
- Precision F-Strike: Holy s***! Did Yubel say f***?
- Talking Is a Free Action: Subverted.
Jaden: Okay, the longer they rhyme and argue, the more time I have to set up my deck and cheat.
- Take That:
- "Man, these guys are worse than K-Fed!" / "Alright, Jaden, let's knock 'em dead!"
- "Who watches Chaotic?"
- The Unintelligible: Bastion (even in his head) and Winged Kuriboh.
- Too Dumb to Live: TWICE, Bryer has a card that says "If you play this card you win" in his hand and he doesn't play it.
- Not to mention a Chuck Norris card the first time around.
- Wall of Text: Bastion's description of Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of Chuck Norris.