< Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga) < Recap < Original

Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga)/Recap/Original/Duel 4 Jail Break

We open to the Domino City Prison, where Prisoner No. 777 is breaking out. As he shoots down a guard, he comments that it's his lucky day, as his horoscope says the stars are on his side. Proclaiming luck to be with him, he successfully escapes the compound.

The school day at Domino High is just ending, and Jonouchi asks Yugi if they want to pick up something to eat on the way home. Yugi proposes the new Burger World restaurant that recently opened with much acclaim among the students. Anzu overhears them and tells them otherwise, saying they most definately shouldn't go. Yugi asks if she can join them at another burger place, but she declines, citing chores and wanting to get home due to the news of the jailbreak earlier that day. While Yugi spazzes out over remembering about the escaped convict, Anzu leaves, thinking "that was close."

Jonouchi believes Anzu has been acting strange as she has not walked home with them over the past few days; he suspects that she is doing "escort service" for rich old men like some girls in other classes. To find out, he and Yugi tail Anzu (with him commenting like a news reporter into an invisible microphone the entire way). Eventually, Anzu enters a building, which turns out to be Burger World. When they approach the building, they are greeted by Anzu dressed in the restaurant's uniform, but upon seeing it's Yugi and Jonouchi, promptly backs up back into the restaurant, her mind racing as she's breaking the school rules with threat of expulsion by having an after-school job, and it doesn't help she things Jonouchi is a "blabbermouth." Yugi and Jonouchi take a seat and discuss Anzu's secret until she comes up, slams the tray with their burgers and drinks down on the table, and writes "Tell and you die!!" on them in ketchup. She tells them she's taking the job so she can follow her dream and travel to America to study dance in New York following graduation. They promise to keep the existence of her job at Burger World a secret, and she decides to pay for the now ketchup-soaked burgers for them.

A little later, the escaped convict is trudging through the woods, thinking he needs some cigarettes and a drink, when he comes across the edge of the forest and sees Burger World. Anzu greets him as he enters, and he promptly grabs her and holds her at gunpoint. He threatens to shoot her if any of them act out of line and has her blindfold herself so she would be too terrified to make a sound. In her head, Anzu fears that she will not be able to fulfill her dream of being a dancer. The convict and Anzu take a seat at a table, and the convict calls on Yugi (described as the "wussy little one") to be the waiter and everyone else to get down on the floor and close their eyes. He orders some booze and Lucky Stripes brand cigarettes. As Yugi's bringing the tray with the order, Anzu figures out it's Yugi and calls out for him to stay back, which results in the convict slapping her. The Millennium Puzzle flashes and out comes the other Yugi...

Yugi sits down opposite the convict and Anzu following placing everything on the table and proposes a game to help pass the time, with the stakes being whoever loses dies. The convict agrees as he draw a cigarette from the carton with his teeth and starts pouring his drink into the glass, while Anzu wonders who's standing up to the prisoner; it sounds like Yugi, but is too confident to be the same person. Jonouchi tries to see what's going on, but a very large person is in the way and he can't move around without alerting the convict and it's too quiet to hear. Yugi explains the game's one rule: as long as they are both at the table, they can only use one of their ten fingers, and only one for the entire game, although they get to choose which finger beforehand. The convict chooses the index finger he has on the gun's trigger, while Yugi chooses his right thumb.

Yugi signals the start of the game. The convict immediately goes to shoot him, but then Yugi flicks open a lighter. Realizing he forgot to ask for a light, being out of practice since he couldn't smoke in the prison, the convict allows him to light his cigarette before killing him. Yugi does so... then quickly places the lighter on the hand pouring the alcohol, which soon starts overflowing out of the glass and into his lap. The convict quickly finds himself in a losing situation: if the lighter drops, the alcohol will be set ablaze, and if he fires his gun the recoil will knock the lighter off. Before taking Anzu and leaving, Yugi tells him the booze is Russain vodka, 180 proof; 90% alcohol. Wondering what happened to his luck, the convict doesn't notice the lit cigarette slipping from beneath his teeth... He promptly goes up in flames. By the time Anzu gets the blindfold off, the normal Yugi has come back. Anzu wonders where her rescuer went and believes she's fallen in love the confident voice's owner. Yugi, meanwhile, moans about how he didn't get to eat his hamburger.

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