< Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga) < Recap < Original

Yu-Gi-Oh! (manga)/Recap/Original/Duel 2 Lying Eyes

Yugi introduces himself and the Millennium Puzzle to the readers, before we see him talking to Jonouchi about a... questionable video that Jonouchi was watching. He says that even while squinting he couldn't make out the censored parts. Yugi is excited when Jonouchi says he'll lend the video to him sometime. The two then come across a ZTV channel van in front of the school- Yugi suggests that there might be someone famous who goes to their school. He looks inside the van but can't see through the one-way glass- but inside, a man points and says that Yugi's going to be the star of their next project...

We see a reporter outside of the school, presenting a show called "Survival Morning", and a feature on school violence. After she introduces the segment, and the director (from the van) drools at her for a bit, the director says she can leave, and calls over an intern. The director shows the intern a picture of Yugi and says that the show will catch him being beaten up on camera. The intern doesn't understand how they'll get the footage, until the director tells the intern to get a school jacket that fits him, because he's going to be on camera as the bully.

In class, Yugi, Anzu, and Jonouchi discuss the possibility of there being a star at the school.. Anzu hasn't heard anything, but Jonouchi insists that there is one in disguise. In the halls, the intern finds out Yugi's whereabouts from a passing student- his goal is to call Yugi out behind the gym and beat him up. He soon passes Yugi and Jonouchi in the hallway, as the latter storms off due to not being believed by Yugi about the presence of a star at school. The intern calls out to Yugi and says that he knows the star at school. Yugi, of course, is very excited. The intern, whose name is apparently Fujita, says he'll introduce him to her behind the gym. Yugi's heart pounds.

Behind the gym, Fujita waits anxiously, while the director and the cameraman hide in the bushes. Eventually, Yugi arrives carrying flowers. When Yugi asks Fujita where the star is, he socks Yugi in the face and says it was a lie. Jonouchi runs out to protect Yugi (carrying his own camera...) and threatens Fujita, who says the director told him to do it. Said director soon comes out to stop the filming. He says it was bad luck that Yugi was picked to be the victim, "about the same odds as rolling the die and getting a one". He says that sympathy for Yugi will cause the viewers to send in letters, and make Yugi a star. Jonouchi starts to fight the director but he says he's recording the whole thing, and gains the upper hand in the fight. He claims the power of the media to make anyone a laughingstock. As the director leaves, the Puzzle activates and the other Yugi emerges...

At the ZTV building, the director is getting into (or out of) his car, talking with a coworker about the success of the program. He says maybe next time he'll kill someone in front of the cameras. But he soon sees Yugi in the side view mirror, who declares that the director has trespassed in his soul and that he must play a game of dice. He also gives a bit of a history lesson about the use of calf and sheep heelbones as dice in ancient Egypt, which visibly weirds the director out. The rules of the game are that each person rolls the die once, whoever rolls lowest wins, and the director wins in case of a tie- but of course, if he loses, it's a Penalty Game. The director doesn't want any of it, but Yugi rolls the die anyway... and it comes up 6. The director laughs, saying he doesn't need to roll at all, but Yugi says it's not over until he rolls. The director picks up the die and tosses it at Yugi's face, hitting him square between the eyes- it lands with the 1 facing up. The director declares victory, but Yugi says no... He had blocked the die with the tip of the Millenium Puzzle, and the director is shocked to find that the impact caused the die split in two, resulting in him rolling a 7. Yugi hits the director with a Penalty Game, in which he begins to see first Yugi's face and then everything as a pixelated mosaic. We get a nice picture of the director with his eyes blurred out, as Yugi smirks at his fate.

The next day Jonouchi gives the video he was watching before to Yugi, but Anzu intercepts it and goes off with it, with Yugi and Jonouchi chasing frantically after her.

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