Yaoi Tales
Ruining your favorite Disney stories & generic fairy tales since October 2008.
A Yaoi comic on Smack Jeeves created and illustrated by Kudaki Kitsune which launched October 2008. It takes the Disney movies of your childhood (currently only The Little Merman, although more are scheduled for later), rewrites most of the details of the plots of said films, and makes them into cute yaoi stories.
No, wait! Come back! It's so much Better Than It Sounds. Excusing the now laughable cliché of taking Disney plots and revamping them with yaoi themes to please the masses of online fangirls, Kudaki Kitsune does something very rarely done with her comic: instead of gratuitous sex scenes simply for the sake of Fan Service or lackluster stories and characters that are spawned specifically for the purpose of being cute and/or sexy, she creates wonderful, sympathetic characters in a story all their own, only borrowing main themes from their original text while respecting it simultaneously. Sure, there’s light pandering here and there, and the only “yaoi” it gets is kissing and marriage with only slight mention of sex, but, otherwise, this comic is brimming with humor, sentiment, and even a sense of self-awareness that one rarely finds nowadays; not only does it borrow and pay homage to the fairy tales of our youth, but also subverts old clichés, subverts them back again, and gives the readers something refreshing and just plain fun to read. It’s definitely worth checking out, and is highly recommended as Smack Jeeves’ second most popular yaoi comic (after PikaSemeChu).
Currently only has The Little Merman published, but other releases are planned after TLM’s completion. The series is also on a temporary hiatus due to college interfering with updates, although it has been made clear that the comic will follow through no matter what.
This Webcomic provides examples of:
- All There in the Manual: No comic aside from The Little Merman has even been made yet, but designs have already been released for Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Snow White, The Lion King, and Peter Pan.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy
- Seme: Prince Ariel, Scuttle, Rowan “Red” Hood, Prince Charming, Prince Ferdinand, Simba, etc.
- Schedule Slip: After page 180 into The Little Merman, Kudaki Kitsune went on a hiatus due to an overload of work at college.
- Uke: Prince Eric, Sebastian, The Wolf/“Wolfie”, Cinderella/“Cinder”, Snow White, Nala, and Peter Pan.
The Little Merman
Prince Ariel, the impulsive and somewhat narcissistic son of King Triton, is none too enthusiastic about the potential wives his aide Sebastian is forcing him to choose from. To quell his hot-headed prince (and get him to actually agree with the prospect of marriage), Sebastian allows Ariel to choose his own bride. After meeting up with Ariel’s best friend, the young and energetic Flounder, the three journey to the surface and find Scuttle (who takes a sudden interest in Sebastian). Scuttle informs the prince of a nearby human boat apparently holding a human princess. Ariel, intrigued, decides to see if a human would better suit his interest. Turns out, he was right, and after hearing a beautiful harp song and saving its composer (Prince Eric, seventh son of King Elliot), Ariel decides he and Eric are to marry. Fish Out of Water shenanigans ensue.
- Alliterative Family: Similar to the original with Ariel and her sisters; Elliot, Esau, Edward, Emmett, Evan, Emery, and Eric.
- All Love Is Unrequited: Ursule loves Ariel, who loves Eric (the feeling is gradually becoming mutual). On the other hand, Floatsum and Jetsum obviously hold Ursule as their object of affection, while Ursule has taken a more parental view on them, protecting them and working to make a potion that will restore their limbs.
- All Take and No Give: Ariel’s relationship with Sebastian.
- Art Evolution: It’s definitely noticeable after a while how much smoother and professional the art looks over time.
- Beta Couple: Scuttle and Sebastian, although Sebastian is none too thrilled with the idea.
- Bi the Way: Definitely Scuttle, possibly Ariel, Eric and Ursule.
- Black Sheep: Eric among the other royals. The servants certainly make sure he knows this, too.
- Butt Monkey
Ariel: “[My future wife] must be someone my father won’t like or approve. Sebastian can take the blame.”
Flounder: “Sounds good to me! :D”
Sebastian: D: Prince Ariel is so bold...
- Camp Gay: The sixth prince, Emery, whose first scene ends with him running off to flirt with some cute guy. He even likes Ariel for a slight bit, but decides to help give Eric advice on getting Ariel’s affection instead.
- Cast Full of Pretty Boys: Well, it IS a yaoi webcomic. Flounder and Princess Claire seem to be the only reoccurring female characters.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Ariel may be clingy… and easily jealous, but it’s fairly muted. Although he was willing to do something when he thought Claire was marrying Eric. It’s played entirely for laughs, and could easily have something to do with his lonely childhood or his mommy issues.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Scuttle, definitely, although he does have some moments of clarity.
- Cool Big Sis: Princess Claire, Elliot’s fiancée, is definitely this to Eric.
- Cute Clumsy Boy: Eric, a trait he supposedly shared with his mother.
- Cute Mute: Ariel after trading his voice, especially in his more emotional moments. It helps that he’s also very affectionate.
- Deadpan Snarker: Sebastian. Although, given his role, it’s more necessary than not.
- Deal with the Devil: Averted; Ariel makes a deal with Ursule, his voice in exchange for a potion that will change his species for three days, but Ariel is by far the more devious one.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Ariel. Lampshaded when he first shows up on land and Eric's brothers mistake Ariel for a girl. When Eric points out that[1] Ariel is a guy, one of his brothers simply chuckles and asks if Emery has "rubbed off on him".
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Because Sebastian really deserves it.
- Dysfunctional Family: King Elliot and his three wives and seven sons for starters...
- Extreme Doormat: When it comes to both his brothers and the servants, Eric never says no to anything asked of him.
- "Falling in Love" Montage: Ariel and Eric’s date on day two. Ursule is not pleased.
- Fantastic Racism: Implied; when shown a mermaid whose tail is that of a dolphin, Ariel comments that they’re better as pets than wives.
- Fish Out of Water: Just like his Disney counterpart, Ariel is a nearly literal example. He at one point takes a cue from Esau and attempts to propose to Eric… with a donut. Give the guy some credit, at least it looks like a ring.
- Gender Flip: Ariel and Flounder, although the names were kept (the name Ariel is actually a unisex name). Ursule as well, although his name did get altered slightly.
- Genki Girl: Flounder, the polar opposite of her Disney counterpart. Eric’s mother also seemingly is one, although we have yet to actually meet her.
- Green Eyed Red Head: Eric, and his mother before him.
- Harmful to Minors: Comical. While Sebastian gets molested by Scuttle, Ariel covers Flounders eyes, commenting that if Sebastian were into such things, he shouldn’t do it in front of Flounder since she’s just a kid.
- Holding Hands: While touring the kingdom, Eric doesn’t mind Ariel holding his hand.
- "I Want" Song: Parodied.
Sebastian: *While Ariel sings the origininal lyrics to "Part of Your World"* “You could at least sing something less cheesy...”
- Interspecies Romance: Merman/Human, for one thing, but Scuttle has said to have dated other crabs before Sebastian.
- Interrupted Declaration of Love
- Lonely Rich Kid: Implied with Ariel.
- Love At First Note: Granted, it’s not Eric’s singing that Ariel falls in love with, but his song on the harp that catches Ariel’s attention.
- Love At First Sight: Scuttle for Sebastian.
- Marry for Love: Ariel (although originally did this only to get back at his father) as well as Esau (who asks a peasant girl named Abigail to marry him). At one point, the princes even discuss whether Esau will be disowned or not. Even King Eliot the first is in on it, as Eric's mother was suspected of being a pirate, worked in the castle, and wasn't a native citizen of his country.
- Missing Mom: Ariel and Eric’s mothers (a touchy subject for them both), as well as the king’s first two wives before Eric’s mom. So far, King Triton is the only parent the readers have seen (and his appearance was only a few pages long). Ursule also mentions his mother at one point, but quickly changes his train of thought. The "Let's Explain the Genealogy of the Royal Family to Ariel" arc provides more insight on the (human) princes' mothers.
- Modest Royalty: All of Eric’s family, although Esau gets special mention as he proposes to a peasant girl despite his royal blood.
- Mood Whiplash
- Not Evil, Just Misunderstood/TheAloner: Ursule is far from evil (hell, the protagonist is way more conniving than he is), but he’s been banished from Atlantica and lives with only Floatsum and Jetsum for company in solitude. What’s worse, Ursule’s father was the cause of Floatsum and Jetsum’s lack of limbs, having cut them off in cold blood for experimentation purposes when they were young. Years later, a guilt-ridden Ursule strives to create a limb-growth potion to help them.
- Oblivious to Love: Eric before Emery’s intervention.
- One Head Taller: Ariel and Eric.
- Only Sane Man: Poor, poor Sebastian. Among the princes, Evan seemingly takes up this role.
- Our Mermaids Are Different: Different from the mermaids of Disney canon, merfolk have more detailed tails, gills, and webbed fingers and ears.
- Rebel Prince: Ariel is intent on marrying someone of his choosing no matter what King Triton or Sebastian think. One of the criteria is actually “someone my father won’t like or approve”.
- Royal Brat: Ariel when he was younger, before becoming a rebellious teenager. In a prequel fanfiction written by Kudaki Kitsune (Xoverlover on deviantart), it reveals that from day one, he did not make Sebastian’s job easy.
- Serial Romeo: Scuttle, oddly enough, has had many one true loves before Sebastian.
- Single-Target Sexuality: Ariel thinks nothing of the girls Sebastian presents to him, but as soon as he falls in love with Eric, he’s persistent.
- Spoiled Sweet: Eric. All his brothers, really; even Emery, who is fairly vain, is a pretty sweet kid.
- Stalker with a Crush: Ariel on some levels, and Kudaki Kitsune makes no effort to hide it.
- Strong Family Resemblance: All the princes, save for a few of the first four, all look much more like their mothers than their father. Eric specifically looks very similar to his redheaded, green-eyed mother.
- The Unfavorite: Eric, at least among the servants.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Ursule knew Ariel long before Ariel fell for Eric, but his feelings were never returned. And he’s not that subtle about it, either.
- Villain Decay: The original Ursula was a power-hungry, overweight sociopath; Ursule is a total Woobie with a crush on the protagonist and a Dark and Troubled Past. The one time he tried to be villainous, it totally backfires. Xoverlover says, if the two were ever to meet, their relationship would be the equivilant to that of a cheek-pinching aunt and her wary nephew.
- With This Ring: Ariel witnesses Esau proposing to Abigail in her bakery, and in an attempt to propose to Eric, he gets the closest thing he can: a donut. Eric doesn’t get it.
- Wholesome Crossdresser: Happy cross-dressing holidays!
- The Woobie: Eric and Ursule. Sebastian, too, has been so overburdened with Ariel’s carelessness to not be this.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Flounder is a bit too enthusiastic about Ariel's true love being a boy. She not only blushes when she sees him getting cuddly with him but she's also very disappointed when Sebastian shoots the idea down.
- Youngest Child Wins: Despite being the youngest of seven, the child of a suposedly hated queen who was suspected of being a pirate and seducing the king to cover up the fact that her child may or may not have been his, and the brunt of the servants’ abuse, Eric is more than likely to marry the future king of the sea.
- You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry: Floatsum and Jetsum, although not yet seen in action, are reassured by the author as a force to be reckoned with when Ursule is threatened.
Little Red Ridding Hood
- Innocent Fanservice Boy: Wolfie.
- Love Triangle: According to the sketch, Red loves Wolfie and Wolfie loves the Huntsman.
- Evil Matriarch: The Wicked Stepmother. Maybe.
- Fairy Godmother: Or Godfather, actually.
- Friend to All Living Things: Cinder’s friends consist of a humanoid bird and mouse.
- Hair of Gold / Blue Eyes: Cinder.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen / The Faceless: The Wicked Stepmother, at least as far as the character sketch goes.
- I Kiss Your Hand: It will happen, this troper guarantees it.
- Our Fairies Are Different: Instead of a sparkling, winged woman with a smile, this Fairy Godfather wears a business suit, has slicked back hair, and looks more as if Fairy God-parenting is an industry. The only “fairy” things about him seem to be his magic wand, and the star and crescent moon on his collar.
- Could remind one of the Pixies. Of course, it might also be a Mafia joke.
- Prince Charming: The Prince. Who knows, maybe he’ll even have a name.
- Rags to Riches
- When the Clock Strikes Twelve
Snow White
- Camp Gay: Snow gives off these vibes. He admits to being gay on his character sketch, but he's also noticeably feminine, both appearance and personality wise (see "Team Mom" below).
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Snow.
- Genre Savvy: Snow White, ala his character’s sketch.
- Or, he could just be really secure in his sexuality.
- Meaningful Names: The seven dwarves toddlers.
- Team Mom: Snow White apparently has “Mother Duck Syndrome”.
The Lion King
- What Beautiful Eyes!: Simba makes Nala his counselor because he has pretty eyes.
- ↑ the very naked and very affectionate