Xyber 9: New Dawn

Xyber 9: New Dawn is a Science Fiction animated show by Saban.
Terrana once was a utopia of technological advances and living in peace, but that age ended long ago. Amid the ruins, King Renard pushed his troops out and all over the land, while Queen Tatania tries her hardest to win her country back. King Renard is too powerful, because he is an ally of Machestro, an evil lord of the underworld thought only to exist in myth. Jack, The Chosen One and a 15-year-old orphan, is called upon by the people of Terrana. In order to become king, he needs to kill Machestro. Jack would be nothing without Xyber 9, a scepter-like "thinking machine" or superintelligent computer, the last of the Xybers. Machestro tries to get Xyber 9 from Jack to make him vulnerable. The series follows Jack's intergalactic adventures and struggles.
The show itself got screwed over badly by the network. In 1999 the first ten episodes were shown, only for the show to be completely dropped in favor of the likely better sponsored NASCAR Racers. In 2007, the next 12 episodes were shown after the first 10 in one Jetix block, but the series ended on a less than satisfying note. Fans have risen again on the Internet, who admire the story for its well-developed plot.
Tropes used by the series:
- After the End: The civilization that produced the Xybers ended in fire probably centuries before the series starts.
- Aggressive Negotiations: Renard pulls this in the third episode.
- Agony Beam: Machestro's battle armor allows him to throw these around.
- Airborne Aircraft Carrier: The HMS Independence.
- Airstrike Impossible: Jack does quite a few of these, though the last one ends up with his plane destroyed.
- Alien Sky: Terrana has two moons, with both usually visible in the night sky at the same time.
- All Animals Are Dogs: Honk, the little wild boar thing that follows Jack around. Most other critters on Terrana are an aversion.
- Apocalypse How: The Eye of Darkness would've ended up as at least a partial Class 3a, if not a Class 4.
- Base on Wheels: Renard's command ship, essentially a tank the size of an aircraft carrier with a huge main gun.
- Berserk Button: Whatever you do, do NOT call Jack "boy".
- Big Bad: Machestro
- Bling of War: All of the faction leaders have fairly cool suits of armor.
- The Big Guy: Willy
- The Chosen One: Jack
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Anakonda and Roselyn both have their moments of this, though Roselyn does it a little more.
- Conspicuous CG: Most of the vehicles were done this way; it did not age well.
- Cute Little Fangs: Anakonda, unless she's pissed off and hissing at someone.
- Deadpan Snarker: Jack, Xyber 9, Mick; the entire cast of heroes have their moments, though.
- Eyes of Gold: Machestro.
- Faceless Goons: The standard Machina uniform is full body armor, including a face concealing helmet.
- Fangs Are Evil: These, along with every other part of his look make Machestro seem rather cat-like.
- Feed the Mole: Renard does this, once he figures out he has a spy.
- Feudal Future: There's kingdoms, empires and lots of peasants, and yet there's also hoverbikes, Airborne Aircraft Carriers, and various forms of energy weapons.
- Fling a Light Into the Future: The Ancients did this by giving Xyber 9 free will and sealing him away from the cataclysm that destroyed nearly everything else they built.
- Gentle Giant: Willy
- Hair of Gold: Jack has it, just another way to show his purity and nobility.
- Hellish Pupils: Machestro's eyes are slitted like a cat's, strangely enough so are Anakonda's. Though in her case, 'snake-like' would probably be a better descriptor.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Odo as the voice of Xyber 9.
- Highly-Conspicuous Uniform: The Machina uniforms are usually some shade of maroon or red, compared to the more drab uniforms of Tatania's or even Renard's military.
- The High Queen: Queen Tatania
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Machestro is a victim of Explosive Overclocking after trying (and failing) to kill Jack in the series finale.
- Hostage for Macguffin: Lots of times. This also has shades of The Sadistic Choice, as Xyber is just as much of a person as anyone else.
- Ignorant of the Call: As much as Jack says he wants to be a hero at first, the moment anyone actually calls him The Chosen One, he vehemently denies it.
- Jerkass: Mick
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Mick, and Jack sorta starts out as this too.
- Karmic Death: Machestro and Renard both end up on the receiving end of this.
- Kid Hero: Jack is 15 and it shows, though with the help of his team he starts growing up a little.
- King Arthur: A lot of the plot is taken from it, and so are some of the characters.
- Lady of War: Queen Tatania and Miss Thorpe.
- The Lancer: Mick, though Anakonda sometimes fills this role as well.
- Living Relic: Xyber 9.
- Lost Technology: Xyber 9, the Garden of the Ancients, battle medallions/battle armor, and probably most of the tech in the Underworld.
- Love Triangle: Anakonda and Princess Roselyn go at it over Jack in a way that would make most harem anime females proud.
- Man Behind the Man: Machestro and his Machina are probably the only things keeping Tatania from winning the war.
- Master Swordsman: Ikira is this, dual-wielding two katana-like blades.
- Mecha-Mooks: The Hunter Claws
- The Messiah: The people start seeing Jack as this, starting with the storyteller in the first episode, but he really hates the idea.
- Modest Royalty: Roselyn's usual dress really isn't all that fancy.
- Mr. Vice Guy: Mick has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with treasure . . . doesn't stop him from blowing up a statue that his rival managed to steal, though.
- Nature Hero: Anakonda
- Not Good with People: Anakonda, an obvious type 2.
- The Obi-Wan: Ikira
- Opposing Combat Philosophies: Renard focuses more on ground based combat, Tatania's forces attack from the air. Also, he's more likely to just dump infantry on an area than she is.
- Parental Abandonment
- Raised By Snakes: Anakonda
- Rebellious Princess: Princess Roselyn
- Redemption Equals Death: Renard rebels against Machestro to save his daughter, ending in the obvious.
- Ridiculously-Human Robots: Xyber 9; he has free will, as well as the full range of human emotion.
- Robot Buddy: Xyber 9.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: Queen Tatania, Princess Roselyn does the same eventually.
- Scavenger World: An odd example; lots of things are scavenged from the ruins, and yet Tatania's scientists manage to come up with a new fighter plane design.
- Tim Curry: Voices King Renard.
- Too Good to Last
- True Companions: Jack's group slowly matures into this.
- Tsundere: Anakonda is generally a Type A, though she has Sugar and Ice moments as well.
- 24-Hour Armor: A result of Limited Wardrobe and Merchandise-Driven; a character who has armor will always be in it on screen.
- Used Future: The planet's been blasted back to feudal times, except for all the leftover tech from the previous civilization lying around.
- Wave Motion Gun: The Rail Cannon.
- Weakened by the Light: The Machina can't handle sunlight due to the virus they're all infected with.
- We Will Meet Again: Declared by Machestro at the end of Balance of Power.