< Wrong Genre Savvy
Wrong Genre Savvy/Fanfic
Examples of Wrong Genre Savvy characters in Fanfic include:
- The Marvel Comics fanfic Minion has the Author Sue being a young woman who realized that the Laws of Narrative actually controlled their universe. She even deduced the existence of the comic-book Sliding Time Scale. Using that knowledge, she got herself as a job as a minion of Doctor Doom, eventually becoming his wife and seeking to destroy the Laws of Narrative so all these super-geniuses and super-beings will quit wasting their time in dramatic nonsense.
- The Pokémon Fanfic Latias' Journey features an RPG Episode where at one point they get quizzed by a skeleton, and this happens:
Phanphy: Wait! I saw this on TV once! I know the answer! Is it a Hoennese Swellow or an Orrean Swellow?
Skeleton: HOENNESE.
Phanphy: No, you were supposed to say you didn't know, then fall off a cliff.
- In the Naruto fic "A Few Angry Words" Pain seems to think he's Julius Caesar marching into Rome. He's more like the Antichrist marching into the Jezreel Valley.
- It's still not entirely certain who's right Genre Savvy in Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, but we know Draco isn't the Chessmaster he thinks he is, and Hermione does not in fact seem to be in a romantic comedy. Smart money's on Dumbledore's being wrong that it's a fantasy, and Harry may not actually be right that it's sci-fi (at least not the sort of sci-fi he thinks it is.)
- Otaku Three, Eva Revolution! by Jared "Skysaber" Ornstead features a protagonist who deliberately uses Wrong Genre Savvy (along with a lot of information no one else has and a good dose of Mary Sue-ishness) as a weapon to un-deconstruct the Humongous Mecha genre in a Neon Genesis Evangelion timeline.
- We Just Want to Help You by Jeanne Hedge is a fic where a random fan of Bubblegum Crisis finds herself in the Tokyo of 2035, hurries over to offer to help Ms. Stingray... and gets tranked and sent to the loony bin when it turns out she's not actually in Bubblegum Crisis, but a relatively close (but significantly divergent) Alternate Dimension.
- In the Glee fic Hunting the Unicorn, the Warblers call Kurt and Blaine a fairy tale couple when they're a Deconstruction of one. Blaine's attempt to be Kurt's Knight in Shining Armor is the result of a Wide-Eyed Idealist meeting the Wrong Guy First and just having a shitty life in general. And Alex thinks he's the Dogged Nice Guy who'll end up with Blaine after he breaks up with his selfish, demanding tyrant of a boyfriend, but Kurt is Blaine's Second Love while Alex is the stalker they don't even know about.
- In the Firefly fanfic Forward, a pirate gang that attacks Serenity includes an Arrogant Kung Fu Guy who, upon seeing River, thinks that she is the Worthy Opponent suitable to test his skills against, like in most martial arts stories. His mistake becomes apparent when River shoots him twice in the head.
- Later on, the crew goes to help a village that is being attacked by amoral mercenaries. The entire scenario seems like a classic Western tale where the heroes protect the helpless against an enemy with overwhelming firepower. In reality, they're in a psychic horror story involving a Town with a Dark Secret where everyone is being mind-controlled by an unstable telepath.
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