Wolf's Retarded Mission
A Super Smash Bros. Machinima created by Dexterboy124. Notable because like Smashtasm it keeps a steady story and plot, and like Brawlgasm, takes Refuge in Vulgarity. It intertwines with the series Not Exactly Royalty which is also made by Dexterboy124.
Examples include
- Anti-Humor: Wolf's pirate joke. "What does a pirate drive?" "A cAR?" "No, it's a helicoptAR, get it, because of the AR?" "No, a ship!"
- Ass Shove: Bowser when Wolf tells the crew the satelite is in his "anal passage."
- Bad Impressionists: Jigglypuff when impersonating Bowser.
- Bad Liar: Wolf when talking to Snake.
- Black Comedy Burst: In almost any given situation.
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Bowser when it comes to Wolf.
- I Have Your Wife: Vixon tells Wolf that Mrs. Wolf is at his base being raped in an effort to convince Wolf to assassinate Peach. Later, however, it is explained that Wolf's wife has been dead for 10 years. This trope is used again in a later episode where Vixon threatens to mutilate Wolf's mother, who is also dead.
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Jigglypuff and Fox's pirate jokes.
- Insane Troll Logic: What's the best way to get revenge on someone? Taking a dump on their faces, of course!
- I Was Just Joking: After Vixon performs fellatio on Wolf, it's revieled that Wolf didn't really mean for him to.
- I Will Tear Your Arms Off: After Mr. Game & Watch annoys Wolf one too many times, Wolf threatens to rip off his head. And stuff it up his mother's rear end.
- Laughably Evil: Vixon. Especially with his nipple obsession.
- Literal Ass Kissing: Wolf's crew suggests this after wolf "captures" Fox.
- New Job Episode: Episode 6. Or, at least, a big part of it.
- On Second Thought: "On second thought, I'd rather die."
- Our Slogan Is Terrible: The slogan for Balls In Your Face Industries. Granted, the company name isn't much better, but still.
- Redundant Romance Attempt: Wolf's first date with Daisy.
- Refuge in Vulgarity: A large number of the jokes.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Wolf.
- Simpleton Voice: Mr. Game & Watch.
- Talking to Himself: Dexter Manning, who created, wrote, and directed the show, also voiced a large amount of the male characters, including all of Wolf's crew members (Jigglypuff, Bowser, and Mr. Game & Watch.)
- This Trope Is Bleep: "Do you want to go back to my house and lick my-" "HEY!" "Stamp collection?"
- Toilet Humour: So many jokes in the series.
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