Wish (manga)
Dr. Shuichiro Kudo is walking home one night when he saves a super-deformed angel named Kohaku caught in a tree by a crow. In return for its rescue, the angel offers to grant one wish. However, what does a man who has everything wish for? Thus, Kohaku decides to stay with Kudo until he decides on a wish, as well as complete its original mission of find the missing Angel Master of wind, Hisui.
A four volume manga by CLAMP, it was animated in a short music video as well as recorded as a drama cd.
If you were looking for the tropes involving wishes, see Make a Wish and Be Careful What You Wish For.
Tropes used in Wish (manga) include:
- Beauty Equals Goodness
- Cannot Spit It Out: Though Kokuyo tries, he can't reveal that Kudo is destined to die soon as God continues to interrupt him.
- Cats Are Mean: Played with; they are actually demons in animal rather than human form, and for some reason, they actually really like Kudo.
- Shinju is actually a much straighter example than Ruri or Hari. Every time he sees Shuichiro, he tries to bite him. Because he's in love with Kohaku too and sees Shuichiro as his rival.
- Celestial Deadline: Most angels have an adult form during the day and a chibi form at night. Vice versa for demons. If they fully master all magic, they can keep their adult forms all the time.
- Distant Finale
- Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors: The four Angel Masters each hold power over a specific element.
- Foe Yay: Koryuu's motive for bullying Kohaku. Ruri and Hari even point this out, much to Koryuu's annoyance.
- God Is Evil: subverted: God's punishment on Kohaku for leaving heaven is seen as amazingly harsh by all of the characters, until it is later revealed that this is to ensure his meeting with Kudo's reincarnation 100 years afterward. Sooo.....GodIsGood, only very mysterious. Which is actually surprising for Manga.
- God also seems to accept the relationship between an Angel Master and the Son of the Devil, at least by the end of the quartet.
- Female Angel, Male Demon: English translation only, and only for convenience of pronouns, but still present.
- Friend to All Living Things: Kohaku
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Koryuu later on
- Killed Off for Real: Kudo, who is later reincarnated
- Kissing Cousins: Koryuu was Kokuyo's lover and sort-of Stalker with a Crush, until Kokuyo met Hisui.
- Meaningful Name: Most characters' names mean various gemstones (Kohaku = amber, Hisui = jade, and so on.)
- Names to Know in Anime: From the Drama CD: Hiroko Konishi as Kohaku, Kazuya Ichijou as Kudo, Yuka Imai as Koryuu, Kikuko Inoue as Hisui, Jurota Kosugi as Kokuyo. . .
- No Biological Sex: The angels. See Pronoun Trouble.
- Oedipus Rex: Played with in Shuichiro's case, as it's a mother-figure, not his real mother.
- Omake: Each manga volume has specific bonus chapters giving insight in the characters, and letting CLAMP show off how much they like the booze.
- Only One Name
- Our Angels Are Different: Hisui and Kohaku
- Our Demons Are Different: Kokuyo is the Prince of Hell, but he's not exactly an horrible villain. Koryuu is as much a Jerkass, but he gets Character Development later.
- Pronoun Trouble: While CLAMP followed the general rule of 'angels are genderless', Tokyopop chose to give all angels female pronouns, leading to some LesYay moments.
- Reincarnation
- Reincarnation Romance. God tries to avoid it by forbidding angels to fall for humans. When it happens anyway, he makes Kohaku sleep while bound to a tree so he can meet up with Kudo's reincarnation.
- Revised Ending: CLAMP originally had a less than happy ending planned, but changed it into a happier one.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Usagi-san
- She's a Man In Japan: In order to not put the series into a BL category, Tokyo Pop saw fit to change Kohaku's gender (Kohaku is technically genderless, but in human form is referred to as a boy).
- Sleep Mode Size: See Super Deformed.
- Super-Deformed: Trainee angels are full-size during the day and chibi during the night, while the same is true vice versa for trainee demons.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Both Kudo and Kokuyo.
- Truce Zone: The bridge between Heaven, Hell, and Earth.
- Yamato Nadeshiko: Hisui, arguably.
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