Wir sind Helden
Wir sind Helden (German for "We are heroes") is a German Alternative Rock band. They're largely responsible for bringing rock sung in German back into the mainstream of Germany. In doing so, they created a new style generally dubbed Neue Neue Deutsche Welle (the "New New German Wave", after the movement of the 80s).
The band consists of:
- Judith Holofernes, lead singer and guitar
- Pola Roy, drums
- Mark Tavassol, bass and guitar
- Jean-Michel Tourette, guitar and keyboard
- Die Reklamation (2003)
- Von hier an blind (2005)
- Soundso (2007)
- Bring mich nach Hause (2010)
As the band sings almost only in German, they aren't very well known outside the German-speaking regions of Europe. In addition to that, their lyrics are usually a Hurricane of Puns, and thus a lot would get Lost in Translation.
Wir sind Helden provides examples of the following tropes:
- Album Title Drop: For their first album, on the track Guten Tag. The other albums have a song of the same name on them.
- Anti-Love Song: "Geht Auseinander" ('Break Up'), a song urging two people to break up already.
- Creator Couple: Judith Holofernes and Pola Roy are married and have two children.
- Grief Song: "Meine Freundin war im Koma und alles was sie mir mitgebracht hat war dieses lausige T-Shirt" ('My friend was in a coma and all she got me was this lousy t-shirt').
- Hurricane of Puns
- Long Title: "Meine Freundin war im Koma und alles was sie mir mitgebracht hat war dieses lausige T-Shirt" ('My friend was in a coma and all she got me was this lousy t-shirt'), again, as well as "Ich will mein Leben lang üben, dich so zu lieben, wie ich dich lieben will, wenn du gehst" ('I want to train loving you like I want to love you when you go for all my life').
- Love Dodecahedron: In "Die Ballade von Wolfgang und Brigitte"
- Misaimed Fandom: "Müssen nur wollen" was intended as a parody of inspirational self-help media. Quite a lot of fans took it as an inspirational self-help song.
- Motor Mouth: Judith certainly can sing very fast.
- One-Woman Song: "Aurélie", about a French woman in Germany having trouble hooking up.
- Spoken Word in Music: "Denkmal" opens with a text-to-speech program reading a short message via phone.
- Stage Names: Mark Tavassol is the only one not using one.
- Translated Cover Version: +44's "When Your Heart Stops Beating". They covered "Guten Tag" in return.
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