< Wimpification
Wimpification/Playing With
Basic Trope: A Slash Fic and Boys Love fanfic trope in which a previously assertive character is derailed into a wuss so that he can be cast as an Uke in a power-imbalanced relationship.
- Straight: In a Slash Fic, Andy is derailed into a submissive Dude in Distress so that Bob can be the Badass Seme.
- Exaggerated: In a Slash Fic, Andy is derailed as being completely hysterical and dependent on Bob, who is suffering from Testosterone Poisoning.
- Justified: Andy has been through a lot more mental and physical trauma at the hands of the villain than he usually is in canon, and so he's a bit less capable than usual. Bob helps him through this.
- Inverted: In a Slash Fic, Andy takes several levels in badass, so that he can be paired with Bob as an equal or as the Seme.
- Gender Inverted (See Chickification): In a FemSlash Fic, Alice becomes a Damsel in Distress when she falls for Bonnie.
- Double Inverted: In a FemSlash Fic, Alice undergoes an unsubtle degree of Xenafication in order to be a proper "butch" to Bonnie's "femme".
- Subverted: Andy starts acting uncharacteristically deferential towards Bob, but only because he thinks that's his type. Bob is freaked out and tells him to snap out of it, because he likes the old Andy the way he was.
- Alternatively: Andy plays "catcher" in the bedroom, and he is still just as assertive and competent as he is in canon.
- Double Subverted: Things return to normal between Andy and Bob, until it is revealed that Andy never wanted to be The Leader and then gladly trades places with Bob. With the support of his lover, Andy is finally free to dedicate his powers to the role he always wanted: The Chick.
- ...But he collapses like a house of cards in the very next chapter and needs big, strong Bob to save him from the Monster of the Week.
- Parodied: In a Crack Fic, Andy trips over Token Mini-Moe Tagalong Kid Debbie Sweetcakes, who somehow manages to cushion his fall without being crushed to death under his three tons of solid muscle. This incites a Rescue Romance between the two, transforming Andy into Alice, a weepy Ill Girl Damsel in Distress who can barely even breathe without the assistance of her ardent lover.
- Deconstructed: In a Slash Fic, Andy suffers from horrific Badass Decay because his internalized homophobia causes him to believe it's impossible to be gay and a Badass. Bob is turned off since it was Andy's strength and assertiveness that he was attracted to in the first place. Other members of the True Companions lose their respect for Andy, and Divided We Fall comes to pass when the Big Bad attacks.
- Reconstructed: With time, Bob is able to help Andy overcome his prejudices and accept himself for who he is, becoming a more well-rounded person in the process. The True Companions are closer than ever and defeat the Big Bad with the The Power of Friendship.
- Zig Zagged: ???
- Averted: Even though it's a Slash Fic, Andy and Bob behave completely in-character.
- Enforced: The author is a Yaoi Fangirl who finds this dynamic easy to work with.
- Lampshaded: "Weird, I never thought I was such a sissy before I went out with Bob."
- Invoked: Andy deliberately acted out the stereotype to lure Bob into a relationship, knowing he found it attractive.
- Defied: Andy has been neglecting his training to go out shopping with the girls, and Bob retaliates with Training from Hell to whip him back into shape. (And an exorcism.)
- Discussed: The characters discuss how OOC they're acting in the author's notes.
Charlie: "Uh, Andy, do you feel okay? You're acting kind of... different."
Andy: "I feel fabulouth, darling."
Go back to Wimpification and cry on your Seme's shoulder.
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