< Wild Adapter
Wild Adapter/Characters
Recurring characters:
Kubota Makoto
- Anti-Hero
- Badass: With full complement of Firing One-Handed, Offhand Backhand, Guns Akimbo, and Boom! Headshot!.
- Badass Longcoat
- Gangsta Style: That or a crippling firearm-specific wrist deformity.
- Beware the Nice Ones: While Makoto may not be nice, per se, he is outwardly calm and polite...until you attract the wrong kind of attention from him.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Lampshaded by Komiya.
- Combat Pragmatist: Improvised Weapon; Human Shield; Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique; Trojan Horse; In the Back; Shoot the Dog. And he cheats at mahjong.
- Disproportionate Retribution
- The Dragon: Makoto is this for Sanada and the Izumokai group for a short period of time.
- Even the Guys Want Him
- Megane: Four Eyes, Zero Soul, and they don't come off. Scary Shiny Glasses is often subverted, the better to see his Death Glare.
- Parental Neglect: The implied reason for his social detachment. The Heroic Bastard of a Mysterious Parent, he was ignored by the people who raised him and scarcely less so by Kasai, who became his guardian after the death of his mother.
- Smoking Is Cool
- The Stoic: With Nerves of Steel.
Tokito Minoru
- Amnesiac Hero: Trauma-Induced Amnesia, with Troubled Backstory Flashbacks that hint at a Dark and Troubled Past, perhaps involving Tested on Humans.
- Deuteragonist
- Dude in Distress: In the second, fifth, and sixth volumes.
- Evil Hand: His bestial right hand is a symptom of usually fatal W.A. use. The hand is abnormally strong, but causes him fits of extreme pain, and the affected area is growing.
- Morality Pet: Kubota's yardstick of good and bad is, essentially, what is good or bad for Tokito.
- No Social Skills: He was socialised by a ten-year-old boy... and Kubota. Kubota says that he only speaks the truth.
- Protectorate: Kubota's, and vice versa.
- Tsundere
Kasai Keiichiro
- Cool Old Guy
- Dirty Cop: Makoto states that his uncle Kasai is "probably the most crooked detective in all of Japan." It's unclear how true this is, as Kasai hasn't yet been seen doing anything to earn him this distinction besides giving his nephew information on cases of interest.
Kasai: Listen, boys. I don't actually give a fuck who did it.
- First-Name Basis: The only character who addresses Kubota as Makoto.
- Friend on the Force: A good source of cover-ups, access to crime scenes, and official research on W.A.; he and Araki sometimes act as Mr. Exposition for the latter.
- Old Cop, Young Cop: With his partner Detective Araki.
- Parental Substitute: Kubota's maternal uncle, who adopted him as a teenager.
- Hands-Off Parenting
Kasai: Hey, Makoto. So it's true? You're with Izumo now?
Kubota: Yeah, I guess. Seemed like a good idea.
Kasai: I ain't gonna question your life choices, kid.
- Arms Dealer: Of the Gangland Gun Runner variety.
- Back-Alley Doctor: And veterinarian. Unlicensed...
- Shop Keeper: ...and owns a shop...
- Stereotypes of Chinese People: ...in the Chinese district of Yokohama.
- Affably Evil
- Ambiguously Gay: Other than hitting on Kubota, his sexual preferences aren't specified.
- The Don: leader of the Izumo group.
Sekiya Jun
- Dragon Ascendant: becomes leader of the Tojou group.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul
- Sissy Villain: A Camp Gay, Depraved Homosexual Agent Peacock of a Gayngster.
- Would Hit a Girl: A pregnant girl.
Takizawa Ryoji
Single-arc characters:
Komiya Nobuo
- The Ishmael: The narrator and Kubota's Sidekick during the prologue arc.
- Son of a Whore: He joined Izumo because they own the establishment where she works.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas
Komiya: What the hell were you doing?! I get your drugs! I do! That's not enough for you, you whore?
- Stupid Sexy Flanders: Komiya seems to have a few moments of this when he's around Makoto.
- Yakuza: The second-in-command of the Izumo youth group.
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