Wild ARMs XF/Characters
The characters of the Strategy RPG Wild ARMs XF.
Playable Characters
Clarissa Arwin
A young woman Drifter who hates lies and carries a mysterious weapon named Strahl Gewehr. She bears a striking resemblance to the late Princess Alexia.
- Badass Cape: Her second costume.
- Cast from Hit Points: Her Sacrifice ability, which is unique to her.
- Empathic Weapon: Strahl Gewehr
- Ancestral Weapon: Because Clarissa is actually Alexia Elesius, Strahl Gewehr is her ancestral weapon and is traditionally used as part of the ritual in talking to the Guardians.
- Expository Hairstyle Change: Clarissa's first hair and outfit change reflect her willingness to live the lie in order to save the people of Elesius. She changes it again once when she travels back in time and meets her deceased mother again.
- Girlish Pigtails: Her final costume.
- The Gunslinger: Her unique class, Dandelion Shot.
- Jack of All Stats
- Missing Mom: Also serves as a Dead Little Sister-type motivation for Clarissa.
- Parental Abandonment: And her father is dead.
- Self-Made Orphan: Clarissa kills King Hrathnir at his request as part of his Heroic Sacrifice. What she doesn't know, and never finds out, is that he's really her father. Even worse, he knows.
- Nice Hat: Her first costume.
- Switched At Birth: With Alexia, although not actually "at birth". The real Clarissa was wearing an imitation of the princess's dress, and both were caught under the same falling rubble. The two girls were mixed up when rescued.
- Took a Level in Badass: Both throughout the game and again in the manga by just looking at her "11 years after" look.
- You Killed My Mother: Clarissa's motivation for chasing Rupert into Elesius is initially implied to her trying to get her mother's sword back. It's later revealed that Rupert murdered Melissa before stealing Iskender Bey, and tricked Clarissa into helping him do it, explaining why she hates lies so much.
- Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A, her final costume.
Felius Arwin
Clarissa's adopted brother with a Mysterious Past. He seeks to protect Clarissa no matter the cost.
- Badass Longcoat: Unusually for this trope, it's buckled up rather than left open. It's still badass, though.
- Blade on a Stick: His unique class, Halberdier.
- Failure Knight: Felius was this originally. He's been with Clarissa long enough as of the start of the game that the devotion is slightly less creepy.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the ending, he destroys the Lombardia with himself aboard to save Filgaea and Elw Borea. The follow-up manga reveals he may not be dead, however.
- The Lancer: To Clarissa. (Literally, too, since he uses a Blade on a Stick.)
- Mysterious Past
- Our Elves Are Better: Felius is actually an Elw, the Wild ARMs version of elves.
- Replacement Goldfish: Melissa, and later Clarissa, for Yulia.
- Stone Wall: His stats are built towards this, especially when in his unique class, Halberdier, or as a Sentinal.
- Too Many Belts
Alexia Lynn Elesius
The eldest princess of Elesius, she seeks to continue her father's work and change Elesius from a land bloated by conquest to a kingdom full of peace.
- BFS: Iskender Bey and the other swords of her base class, Royal Fencer.
- Empathic Weapon
- Ancestral Weapon: Since Alexia is actually Clarissa Arwin, and is thus descended from Yulia, Iskender Bey is not only her ancestral weapon, but she is the only living person who can wield it.
- Damsel in Distress: Held captive by Edna for years before she's finally rescued by Clarissa.
- Important Haircut: Princess Alexia cuts her hair to use as a rope to save Clarissa.
- Lady of War
- Missing Mom: What exactly happened to her is never addressed. Presumably she is dead.
- Mighty Glacier
- Never Found the Body: Naturally, since she's not dead.
- Pimped-Out Dress: It's a pink princess dress. With armor.
- Switched At Birth: With Clarissa, although not actually "at birth". She was wearing an imitation of the real Princess Alexia's dress, and both were caught under the same falling rubble. The two girls were mixed up when rescued.
Labyrinthia Wordsworth
Former tutor to Alexia and other noble children and court magician. She is on the run from the Council when she mistakes Clarissa for Princess Alexia. She lacks humility, has a weird fascination with Clarissa's costumes, and is defensive about the fact that she's 34 years old.
- Competence Zone: Laby is twice Clarissa's age and has insecurities to match, since, after all, one is far into one's decline by the mid-thirties.
- Doppelganger Attack: She can create a clone of herself as a distraction or to help solve puzzles.
- Shock and Awe: Her base class's Lightning ability.
- Squishy Wizard: Her base class, Arcanist, has the best magic stats in the game, but is very slow and very squishy.
- The Strategist
- The Red Mage: As an Arcanist, she has both offensive and healing magic.
- Teleport Spam: The best use of her Warp ability, which is unique to her.
Levin Brenton
A reckless, idealistic and loud young man who has a crush on both Alexia and Clarissa. His father, the head of the Praetorian Guard, disowned him when he ran away to join the princess' rebellion (though more because Captain Eisen works side-by-side with the villains than because he thinks Levin's wrong).
- Badass Longcoat
- Bow Ties Are Cool
- Keet
- Leeroy Jenkins: At first. He gets better after Character Development.
- Love Triangle: Triang Relations Type A. Levin has a crush on both Clarissa and Alexia. Even in the Where Are They Now? Epilogue he hasn't made up his mind yet. (What either of them think of him is never particularly explored.)
- Missing Mom: His mother is dead.
- Non-Elemental: His Blast magic skill.
- Squishy Wizard / Fragile Speedster: His magic stats aren't that great and his defense is terrrible, but his base class's movement, reflex, and climb are some of the best in the game. He even has an attack that's damage is based on the difference between his and his target's reflex score.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: Pretty much sums up Levin's relationship with his father.
Ragnar Blitz Lebrett
A Drifter whose home and family were destroyed by Elesius' constant wars of conquest. He came to the country looking to destroy it, but over time changes his goals to destroying the old regime and building something better.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Dating Catwoman: Ragnar vs. Chelle, The Dragon of the Zortroa Kinship; they even both have the Raving Revenge move.
- Lightning Bruiser: Other than his ability with magic, which is pretty weak, he's pretty much the strongest character on the team with higher ATK, DEF, MOV, CLM and RFX than most of the others in the party (except those who excel at those stats), his base class also has better all-around attack range than most of the classes (Clarissa can shoot further, but Ragnar loses no attack strength for his distance).
- Not So Different: How he sees himself with the Zortroa Kinship and Chelle specifically. It makes it easier for him to relate to their problems and talk to them about changing their minds.
- Precision-Guided Boomerang: His base class's weapon and skill "Orbital Ring".
- Revenge: Pretty much his whole purpose in life at the point the party meets him.
A white dog that belongs to Labrynthia. He is unusually fond of Clarissa from the moment they meet.
- Big Friendly Dog
- Deus Ex Machina: Literally, since he's Lucied. His special ability is what allows the party to damage the Fear Clysmian.
- Evil-Detecting Dog
- God Was My Co-Pilot: Tony is revealed to be Luceid, the Guardian of Desire. Only the player realizes this, though.
- Spoony Bard: Tony's inability to change character class and lack of native skills means he becomes less and less useful as the game goes on. By mid-game, the player will probably have replaced him on their team with a Player Mooks.
Rupert Dandridge
A ruthless Drifter who will do anything and kill anyone to get what he wants. He killed Melissa Arwin in front of both Clarissa and Felius and stole Iskender Bey. He is currently in the employ of the kingdom of Elesius.
- Dirty Coward
- The Dragon: To the government.
- Dual-Wielding
Also known as the "Death Merchant", Weisheit is an arms dealer who has a long-standing relationship with the monarchy of Elesius. He's actually Kressen, one of the heroes of Elw Borea who later went rogue and had to be imprisoned. He's seeking revenge against Felius and a way back to Elw Borea so he can conquer it (or, failing that, destroy it).
- Ambiguous Gender: Rupert even comments on it. In reality, "he" is a male consciousness (Kressen) possessing a female body.
- Big Bad
- Body Surf
- Grand Theft Me: How he survived so long, and what he plans to do to Felius.
Charlton Blunt
The chairmen of the Council of Elder Statesmen, which makes him the unofficial ruler of Elesius while the king is bedridden and his only heir has not passed the trial to make her eligible to rule. He wishes to restore the kingdom to what it was before: an aggressive, expansionist empire.
The religious leader of Elesius, Edna is a selfish and cowardly woman who works to control Elesius from the shadows.
- Dirty Coward
- Fat Bitch
- Smug Snake
- The Starscream
- Tyrant Takes the Helm: When Weisheit took over her and then Katrina just dissolved her it is a thrill that damn Edna is gone.
- The Unfought: Sadly. It would be very cathartic to beat her bloody.
Tormenta Triad
A group of three brothers named Lluvia, Trueno, and Viento. They work for the Elesian government and engage the party more than once.
- Doppelganger Attack
- Goldfish Poop Gang
- Heroic Sacrifice: After being defeated the last time, they sacrifice themselves to save Labrynthia's life.
- Meaningful Name / Theme Naming: Their names mean rain, thunder, and wind in Spanish, respectively, and that accurately reflects each's powers.
A member of the Zortroa Kinship, who is tasked with hunting down and eliminating the party.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Dating Catwoman: With Ragnar.
- The Dragon: Of the Zortroa Kinship
- Fighting For a Homeland
- Full-Name Basis: Chelle insists on calling Ragnar by his full name.
- Killed Off for Real: Sadly, not by the party.
- Mysterious Mercenary Pursuer
- Proud Warrior Race Girl
King Hrathnir Elesius III
The king of the kingdom of Elesius, once a renowned warrior. He is now bedridden due to infirmity. It is his dream to change the war-like and expansionist kingdom he inherited to a peaceful one, but his reforms have been very unpopular.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In order to save his daughter, the rebellion, and half the capital city, he sacrifices his own life.
- Hot Blood: Even when weakened from illness, he charges Asgard, shattering the normally unbreakable barrier with a single punch which leads to his Heroic Sacrifice.
- Retired Badass
Princess Katrina Elesius
Alexia's younger sister, who is seen as unfit to inherit the throne because of her inability to feel fear.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Emotionless Girl: Particularly marked as being unable to feel fear, but she doesn't seem to feel much of anything else, either.
- Heroic Sacrifice: She sacrifices her own life to stop the Fear Clysmian. The follow-up manga suggests she may have become a Guardian, softening the blow somewhat.
- One-Winged Angel: As the Fear Clysmian, she goes through three forms, each more monstrous than the last.
- Puppet Princess
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: It's hard not to cheer when she disintegrates Kressen/Edna.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Melissa Arwin
Clarissa's late mother, who was searching for the Legacy Ruins, which she believes holds the answers to reviving the dying world of Filgaea. She once weilded the Empathic Weapon Iskender Bey.
- Empathic Weapon: Iskender Bey
- Ancestral Weapon: Melissa is descended from Yulia, the original wielder of Iskender Bey, and thus is accepted by the sword.
- Posthumous Character
- Replacement Goldfish: Has shades of this for Felius as a replacement for Yulia.
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