< Wild ARMs 2
Wild ARMs 2/YMMV
- Broken Base: Brad's fandom seems viciously split on Values Dissonance lines over the Single-Issue Wonk of whether he is (or even could) be gay.
- In particular, the narrowly-controlled Wild Arms Wiki (at Wikia) uses Conservapedia-style Insane Troll Logic and No True Scotsman logical fallacies to attack anyone who tries to clean up Heteronormative Crusader language from Brad-related articles. The wiki's administrator brags about banning a gay editor at least once a month, referring to them as Trolls, and dismisses criticism from groups as people as "dogpiling".
- Complete Monster: Judecca is easily the most evil human villain in the game. Lord Blazer also qualifies; he nearly destroyed the world years before, and in the final battle Ashley's the only one standing between Blazer and Armageddon
- Crowning Music of Awesome: A few, but absolutely none moreso than the final battle vs. Lord Blazer, which is a Theme Music Power-Up on an epic scale.
- The first opening "You'll Never Be Alone Wherever You Go"is really awesome too. Original Japanese vocal version, and Full Japanese version are also worth checking.
- Knightblazer. That is all.
- Demonic Spiders: Hyulkontons. 60,000 HP, at attack which inflicts multiple status ailments to your entire party, and a couple of hefty physical attacks. And guess what: They're level one. Bonus points for being a possible encounter in the first dungeon! A bit of a Guide Dang It, but they're worth the most basic EXP in the game.
- Leprechauns. Not only do they prevent you from using your ARMs, but they're level 44 in an area where you'd be lucky to be level 20. To add insult to injury, they have a Confusion ability that targets all party members at once. Sure hope you spent your FP on Up Hp and Confusion protection or you're in for one heck of a fight.
- Die for Our Ship: Probably the reason why Marina is The Scrappy.
- Fan-Preferred Couple: It's pretty much a common knowledge in Japan that Lilika deserves Ashley much more than Marina does.
- Fan Yay: Brad Evans. Cocytus Ptolomea also has a potent Fan Yay factor.
- Game Breaker: Provided you complete a certain sidequest on the second disk, you can locate a hidden vending area called the Black Market. If you can find it, you can buy as many Heal Berries, Big Berries, and Mini Carrots from it as you can carry. It's the only place in the game that allows you to do so.
- Marivel's so-called Useless Useful Spells are this, provided you know how they work and where are those spells. Sleep works on Ragu O Ragula and Canceller works on Angolmois.
- Internet Backdraft: We're all willing to discuss it on this page, but...don't bring up Brad's sexuality in certain corners of the Internet.
- Magnificent Bastard: Holy jeez Irving I read your book!
- Don't forget Antenora. Her entire purpose for joining Odessa and getting Vinsfeld to fall in love with her, is to allow herself to be killed by ARMS, so that Vinsfeld would feel the pain of losing someone he loved. This was all Antenora's elaborate secret revenge against Vinsfeld for killing her family years before during the Slayheim War. And it worked flawlessly, devastating Vinsfeld. It's hard to be more of a Magnificant Bitch than that.
- Needs More Love: A common plea on WA fansites is for this game to be remade in the vein of the first game's Alter Code F. Hopefully with a translation by XSEED, not Agetec.
- Strangled by the Red String: Marivel and Tony are randomly paired off near the game's end.
- That One Boss: Kanon, especially the latter two times you fight her, where Brad is unavailable and thus you don't really have anyone to soak up damage. Belleclaire, the halfway-point monster of Ptolomea's Diablo Pillar, is also highly capable of stopping games cold with its incredibly powerful attacks.
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