< Wicked Cultured
Wicked Cultured/Playing With
- Basic Trope: The villain has intellectual and artistic interests.
- Played Straight: Evil Elliott ends every night with A Glass of Chianti, reads lots of classic literature, plays chess, and enjoys watching ballet.
- Exaggerated: All of his plots are references to any and all of these things. Oh, and did we mention his British accent?
- Justified: These are his interests, regardless of whether he's good or evil.
- Inverted: Evil Elliott is an uncultured, sloppy Neanderthal.
- Subverted: Evil Elliott likes classic literature and chess, but he's a big football fan too.
- Double Subverted: But no one knows that except him and his Right-Hand-Cat.
- Deconstructed: The work criticizes the idea that have good taste makes Evil Elliott any less of a monster, and explores how his sensitivity in some areas makes him even worse than he would be otherwise.
- Reconstructed: The work explores Evil Elliott's Freudian Excuse of a poor and miserable upbringing, and presents his cultured tastes as well as his villainy as attempts to overcome his past.
- Parodied: Evil Elliott's dark fortress doubles as an opera house.
- Zig Zagged: Sometimes Evil Elliott plays chess, other times he watches football.
- Lampshaded: "For someone so evil, you sure like ballet a lot."
- Averted: Evil Elliott is never shown as having particularly erudite interests in-story.
- Enforced: "Rocko, if I chose to defy the law yet made absolutely no endeavours to appreciate higher culture, what would I be?" "Duhhhh, you'd be me, Mistuh Elliot!" "Quite right. And who would wish such a thing upon themselves?"
- Invoked: Evil Elliott decides he needs a break from his World Domination plot and decides to take Lilith Badgirl to the ballet.
- Defied: Evil Elliott doesn't want to be seen as unmanly, so he doesn't pursue any of these interests.
- Exploited: Superguy lures Evil Elliott to Trope City Art Museum for the final battle.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played For Laughs: The Five-Man Band (and, secretly, Evil Elliott's minions) find it amusing that he likes art and music.
- Played For Drama:
Here is a link back to Wicked Cultured, not that you goody-goodies could appreciate it for what it is, of course.
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