< Whip It
Whip It/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Bliss knocks Corbi off a railing after she and her boyfriend make fun of her and Pash.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: At the very end, when Bliss' mom reads her daughter's Bluebonnet Ball speech. It turns out that Bliss names her mom as the person she admires the most.
- Les Yay: Eva Destruction and Rosa Sparks.
- Romantic Plot Tumor: YMMV, but Bliss' romance with Oliver has very little bearing on the rest of the plot--it gives her a reason to ditch Pash, and a reason to reconcile with her mom, and that's about it. Though it does provide a neat deconstruction of the Shallow Love Interest.
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