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What an Idiot!/Other

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  • One commercial has a pair of teenage boys calling their mother and complaining they are hungry. The mother says to go make themselves Tostino's (a frozen pizza snack), with the boys complaining that they don't have any.
    • You'd Expect: The boys to actually look around the freezer first before discovering whether or not they have the said snack.
    • Instead: Their eyes are glued to their right while the snack is just a few inches away on their left. The mother seems to know the boys are too lazy to actually look so she says "Front, left, Tostino's!" God forbid anything happens to these kids should their mother be gone for an extended period of time.

Fan Works

  • In Soulless shell, Arnold has been sentenced to death for rape by Leif, who is the incredibly powerful leader of the vermin of Redwall, but manages to escape and convince his guards to join him.
    • You'd Expect: Him to flee the country, given that no creature alive can even hope to challenge Leif. Failing that, you'd expect him to come up with a plan to take Leif by surprise and use his guards to gain an advantage in numbers.
    • Instead: Arnold decides that vengeance against Leif can wait until after he's raped a young girl. Since Rape Is a Special Kind of Evil Leif finds him, turns into a demon, and kills him. His guards aren't even present, and soon afterward try to attack Leif in revenge, only to get killed fairly easily.
  • A few times in A Very Special Arthur.
    • In the beginning, after Arthur hits his head on the bottom of the pool, they get out to call 911.
      • You'd Expect: That his friends would take him out of the pool, since he's still submerged in water and unconscious after hitting his head.
      • Instead: They leave him in the pool, underwater, for 20 minutes until the ambulance arrives, which helps cause him to become mentally retarded (and this is following the in-story logic behind this, as Arthur would be dead in real life).
    • Arthur’s friends try to reverse his condition, but are told that the only hope for doing so, stem cell treatment, is illegal. They then decide to replicate the process that caused it in order to get him back to normal.
      • You’d Expect: Them to use simple logic (as well as listen to the Brain when he points this out) and determine that pushing him into the pool would only make it worse.
      • Instead: They go through with it, and are surprised when it makes Arthur's condition even worse.
  • In Eiga Sentai Scanranger, Peter uses the Film Power of all-mighty God to fight Blackorg and is inches away from winning...
    • You’d Expect: The other Scanrangers to sit back and watch. Or, to just get out of there.
    • Instead: Takeshi, for some reason, runs out and asks to help Peter. Momentarily distracted telling Takeshi to leave, Peter is left vulnerable to a fatal blow by Blackorg.
  • Astral Journey: It's Complicated has quite a few.
    • Melanie was able to sneak pass the guards to escape after being sectioned, i.e. committed to the psych ward, due to her eating disorder.
      • You’d Expect: A guard being at one of the doors, or better yet... had the door locked to begin with. Not to mention, see through Melanie's disguise.
      • Instead: None of the guards question Melanie when she's disguised herself as a janitor to escape.
    • Later, Melanie tries to escape again via, chute for linens.
      • You'd Expect: Someone to check the chutes to make sure no one tries using them to escape, let alone a flight-risk patient. As for Melanie, she should've used something to cushion her fall.
      • Instead: Melanie goes for it and pays for it.
  • In The Dark had some.
    • Melanie is found by Otis Darwin, let alone badly injured.
      • You'd Except: Darwin to do the right thing and report her to the police. After all, she's one of the Spice Girls, of course someone will know who she is.
      • Instead: He subjects Melanie to Cold Blooded Torture, which almost gets her killed.
    • Melanie tries to escape the first time around, only to be spotted by the paparazzi.
      • You'd Expect: Even in her mental stage, Melanie would've realizes who the press was and stopped.
      • You'd Also Expect: The rest of the paparazzi to respect the orders Vern gives out. The guy is likely someone one would see at a biker's bar.
      • Instead: Melanie almost gets ran-over and is caught by the press. When only a few listened, the rest of the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys had to help Melanie, including her parents.
    • When Melanie suffers a nervous breakdown, Emma is usually the one who helps her out.
      • You'd Expect: Letting Emma stay with Melanie during the hospital, at least she's has somewhat became a coach as Melanie didn't want to see her get upset.
      • Instead: Emma gets pushed out of the way. This finally gets to Emma, who lets down "The Reason You Suck" Speech of her own to Victoria.
  • Final Stand of Death : Five fallen victims on Celebrity DeathMatch returned and took over a set of mechas to handle Manson for one more brawl.
    • Mark makes chainsaw noise in front of Spur, a mecha-host for one of the Manson's fallen victims.
      • You'd Expect: Mark remembers or know ahead of time not to trigger any trauma from Spur's former life, at the very least... do some research beforehand.
      • Instead: Mark continues with the taunts, which angers Spur.

New Media

  • Numerous commenters on this article, as evidenced by the bit in bold. Basically, if you type the words "Facebook login" into Google, that article's the first result. Hundreds of idiots arrived at that page via Google, and despite the page looking NOTHING like Facebook, proceeded to whine that they were unable to login in the comments. (It's also worth noting that for a time, the article came up first but is clearly marked as a NEWS article.)
  • Type "w" in Google. See that part where it says "www.facebook.com"? Yeah, more people have actually Googled "www.facebook.com" than Wikipedia. You know, instead of just putting it in the address bar. It Gets Worse as you type in another "w" — people actually Googled "www.google.com". On Google.

Tabletop RPG

  • Warhammer 40,000: In Angron's backstory, he was an escaped gladiator who was trapped with his army of fellow escaped gladiators with a huge army coming at him. The battle barge of the Emperor is in orbit, and the Emperor could probably destroy the army and rescue Angron's comrades in no time.
    • You'd Expect: The emperor destroys the enemy army. Orbital fire, Space Marines, doing it personally. You've got a lot of options when you have spaceships, troops, guns and enough Psychic Powers to make the gods themselves run screaming.
    • Instead: He rescues Angron and retreats with his ship, thus killing most of the gladiators and giving Angron a grudge that would later cause him to join the traitor legions.
  • In a similar manner, at the start of Warlord Ghazkhull's first invasion of Armageddon, the planet was under the rule of Overlord Herman Von Strab, who was once described as "the greatest waste of flesh and bone born in the last 500 years". So the Orks start to invade.
    • You'd Expect: Von Strab to pull his finger out and deal with it the moment the first hulk appeared — after all, these are the Orks, who live for war and aren't really sure how their death-spitting war machines work anyway.
    • Instead: Von Strab sits on his ass doing absolutely nothing as the Orks happily establish a beachhead. He then sends his army piecemeal to be happily slaughtered, sends out a legion of titans unaided to try and destroy them, then virus bombs the major cities when the Orks get to them. Needless to say, when the Space Marines turn up, they aren't happy.
    • So: The idiot becomes a war criminal and is turfed off of Armageddon. He comes back in the Third War on Armageddon, supported by the Orks, and claims he has divine right to rule over Armageddon. We're really not sure why anyone believed him, but some did.


"That king, although no one denies/His heart was of abnormal size/Yet he'd have acted otherwise/If he'd have been acuter."


  • In Bionicle, Takanuva, Gali, and Pohatu are fighting giant bugs. Business as usual for them really, but Takanuva is worried that his regular light powers won't be powerful enough. He does have a bunch of new toys, though!
    • You'd Expect: That he'd just use his new power-amplifying weapon if he was that worried. Or if he didn't want to drain his light powers, he has a blaster that could do it for him.
    • Instead: He uses his new shadow power without the amplifier, winning the fight but freaking his friends out and making them think he might be one of the evil shadow-slinging shapeshifters flying around.
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