What Geass May Come
What Geass May Come is a Fanfic by Frodo Goofball Co TV. It's an Intercontinuity Crossover between multiple series including Code Geass and What Dreams May Come, that takes place mainly after the canon stories in each case.
The story so far is here
Featured Tropes
- Alternate Universe Fic: Mostly because I consider all my fan work to be this.
- The Atoner: arguably most of the cast.
- Broken Bird: Euphie.
- Continuation: Albeit a rather... unusual one.
- Died Happily Ever After: "Otherwise, it wouldn't be heaven, would it?".
- Eccentric Mentor: Joe's mysterious teacher.
- Hurt/Comfort Fic: Again, in a different sort of way.
- Loads and Loads of Characters: For reasons that should be obvious to Code Geass fans.
- Officer and a Gentleman: Major Joseph Fenette.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys
- The Power of Love
- Unlikely Hero
- Wide-Eyed Idealist
- Wrong Genre Savvy: but then undergoes a Training Montage to take a level in Genre Savvy.
Lulu (Lelouch Lamperouge)
- Achilles in His Tent (in regard to his fate in Hell).
- Death Seeker: even after death.
- Hero Antagonist (from Shirley's point of view)
- I Did What I Had to Do
- Battle Butler (to Nunnally)
- Secret Identity Identity
- A Child Shall Lead Them
- Covert Pervert
- Ghost Memory: given to her by Lelouch as a dying gift.
- The Pollyanna
- Secret Secret Keeper: Suzaku doesn't know she has Lelouch's Ghost Memory and thus doesn't know she knows he now wears the mask.
- The Good Chancellor (to Nunnally)
- Modest Royalty
- Older Sidekick (to Nunnally)
The Afterlife
- Have You Seen My God?: Subverted: "God exists, he just isn't the in - your face type."
- Celestial Bureaucracy: Double Subversion: like God, they tend to keep a low profile.
- Heaven
- Fluffy Cloud Heaven: Averted. Mostly.
- Arcadia, Crystal Spires and Togas, Ghibli Hills, Mundane Afterlife: "There are many such places."
- Hell
- Bloody Bowels of Hell / Fire and Brimstone Hell: Subverted. Mostly.
- Ironic Hell: The usual fate of a Complete Monster.
- Self-Inflicted Hell: The usual fate of an Anti-Villain.
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