< Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road/Quotes

Episode 1

Jack: You say you're up for a challenge, almost all of our kids leave school with an ASBO or a bun in the oven.
Lorna: Settle down (Slams books down on desk) I SAID SETTLE DOWN!
Chlo: Are you trying to take advantage of me cause I'm drunk.
Tom: Izzy, I thought you quit the fags.
Izzy: Yeah, well, I lied didn't i?
Tom: What's up?
Izzy: Just the usual

Episode 2

Andrew: It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool, than to open it and remove all doubt.

Episode 3

Kim: That takes us up to five mums to be. We could start our own antenatal classes.

Episode 4

Jack: Kids, eh? They turn everything on its head, don't they? You give them a system and their first instinct is to cheat it.


Episode 6

Episode 7

Mika: Chlo,you heard the news, Danielle just told me Holly's woken up, She's out of the coma she's going to live.
Chlo: That's brilliant. I mean it.
Mika: Course you mean it. Right, See ya later then.
Chlo: Yeah, See ya.
Mika: Chlo, Are you bunking off?
Chlo: There's nothing to bunk off from is there?

(They both walk outside)

Chlo: I'm going to see holly if you must know.
Mika: What in hospital?
Chlo: Mika, I have to know what she can remember, I can't wait untill the court case. It's driving me mad.
Mika: What you so worried about, She's gonna tell the truth about what happened.
Chlo: Yeah, I know but... What if she can't remember anything, then it's just my word against donte's
Mika: Well, Do you want me to come with ya?
Chlo: No, no i'll be fine. Just cover for me will ya?

Episode 8

Season 2

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Andrew Treneman: I can't believe I turned Lorna's memorial service into a bloody university debate! Kim Campbell: Wasn't really much of a debate, Andrew Andrew Treneman: No, I suppose not. Kim Campbell: Do you know it was though? Andrew Treneman: What? Kim Campbell: It was amazing

  • Kim and Andrew kiss*

Series 3

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Maxine Barlow: "I love ya.

Episode 20

Rachel Mason: Oh good morning!
Eddie Lawson: Can I have a word?
Rachel Mason: You can go mad and have several, if you like. Come on!

[Eddie follows Rachel into her office]

Rachel Mason: What is it?
Eddie Lawson: I don't want to worry or panic you, ok...
Rachel Mason: Oh! I knew this day was too good to be true, you're going to spoil it, aren't you?
Eddie Lawson: What?
Rachel Mason: I know its as rare as hens teeth but you are looking at a happy headmistress.
Eddie Lawson: Why so happy?
Rachel Mason: Well, erm... its the end of term and er... we're going to thrash Forest Mount at the spelling bee and the football and you what? I think this school is finally working out! And! This is the first morning that I've come in and not been greated by doom, disaster and destruction. So what is it?
Eddie Lawson: You know what? I can wait.
Rachel Mason: No, no, no, no, no, tell me, what is it?
Eddie Lawson: What are you doing tonight?
Rachel Mason: Er, tonight? I don't know, why?
Eddie Lawson: Its the end of term I thought... I could take you out and celebrate.
Rachel Mason: Thats really nice of you to ask, erm...
Eddie Lawson: Yeah just... I thought it'd be nice to talk, you know? Away from this place.
Rachel Mason: Yeah, what about?
Eddie Lawson: Everything? Have a drink.
Rachel Mason: I would love to, thank you [giggles]
Eddie Lawson: Good. Right. About 8 o'clock?
Rachel Mason: Fine by me
Eddie Lawson: Good. [turns to leave but remembers something else] Er... I need to see the budget for the PE department.
Rachel Mason: Ah, ah. I've got that... somewhere [walks to the filing cabinets and routes for paperwork whilst Eddie takes the letter from Hordley from the pile on her desk] Here we go
Eddie Lawson: Great. 8 o'clock?
Rachel Mason: [nods] Yeah!

Series 4

Episode 1

Rachel Mason: Eddie what do you think? Formal at the table or informal on the sofas?
Eddie Lawson: Er, I'm sorry, what is it your asking me?

Episode 2

Ralph Mellor: Coming to something when we've got to protect our kids like this
Rachel Mason: Not a lot I can do about that, Ralph
Ralph Mellor: You're right. Just got to be careful who we let in next time

Clarence Charles: Donte! Chlo!
Donte Charles: I don't believe it, he's wearing a tie. You are on the pull
Clarence Charles: I am not on the pull... but you never know

Security Dave: Nasty things, guns, I'm just trying to keep everybody safe
Steph Haydock: Yes but I'm hardly likely to have a Uzo machine gun in there, am I?

Melissa Ryan: First things first, my name is Melissa. You can call me that, or Mel or whatever you feel comfortable with, just not Ms. Ryan please, it makes me sound like a lesbian dominatrix

Rose Kelly: Guess what my password is?
Clarence Charles: Yeah, go on...
Rose Kelly: Rose1
Clarence Charles: Rose1?
Rose Kelly: [laughs] They'll have a job cracking that!

Steph Haydock: Me and Grantly are, well, a bit of an item.

Episode 3

Fleur Budgen: You've ruined my life!

Rob Cleaver: I'm no Fred Flinstone; but I can make your bed rock!

Episode 4

Episode 5

Episode 6

Rose Kelly: Are you taking the piss?

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Rachel Mason: "It's Philip! Apparently he's got a better offer. Some gig or something." Eddie Lawson: "Bloody cheek!So much for our night of quality time!" Rachel Mason: "Ok, so it's one on one. And I'm gonna whip your butt!" Eddie Lawson: "ooh! I'd forgotten how competitive you are. I thought it was the taking part that counts?" Rachel Mason: "I'll leave that one for the kids Mr Lawson. Tonight,victory will be mine!" Eddie Lawson: "Mmm...we'll see."

Eddie Lawson: *Bowling ball misses all the pins* Rachel Mason: *laughing* Eddie Lawson: I wanted to go for dinner! No she says, lets go bowling. Phil loves bowling! Well, where's he now! Rachel Mason: "He's out having a good time with his friends while I thrash you! You're rubbish! Eddie Lawson: I don't believe you sometimes! Rachel Mason: Aww, chill. Watch! Eddie Lawson: Go on then!

  • Rachel bowls the ball*

Eddie Lawson: Fail! Rachel Mason: My foot was behind that line! Eddie Lawson: No way! Rachel Mason: It was on the line?! Eddie Lawson: Alright, Mcenroe, if that's the way you want to play it. Rachel Mason: Excuse me are you calling me a liar! Eddie Lawson: Oh, I'm far to much of a gentleman to say that!

  • Rachel and Eddie share their first kiss*

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Season 5

Episode 1

Grantly Bugden: Oi! you out, Staff Room
Helen Hopewell: Helen Hopewell, new English teacher
Grantly Bugden: You teach?
Helen Hopewell: Not quite. Got about 20 miuntes to go. Its my first day teaching.
Steph Haydock: No!

Episode 2

Episode 3

Helen Hopewell: [About Max] I know he can be a bit severe, but, he is a pretty inspirational leader
Steph Haydock: Really? so was Mussolini

Episode 4

Kim Campbell: Beep Beep
Tom Clarkson: ah, Chill-Out zone comes to Waterloo Road
Kim Campbell: it's the Waterloo Road Garden Project
Tom Clarkson: ah the Blue Peter garden, only we dont want people burying their dogs in it
Kim Campbell: I think you will find it was a Tortoise

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Michaela White: This is my favourite piece.
Grantly Budgen: Can you play gangsta rap on the flute?!
Ruby Fry: [About Micheala] She practically had Grantly in tears with her flute solo.
Christopher Mead: What did she do, poke you in the eye with it?

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Season 6

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 3

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Season 7

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 3

Episode 5

Episode 6

Episode 7

Episode 8

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