< Waterloo Road

Waterloo Road/Characters

A list of significant characters across Waterloo Road's seven season (so far) run.

Season one

Tom Clarkson

The Everyman. An English teacher who is one of two characters still present who was there from the beginning. Began engaged to a fellow English teacher but fell for her best friend, complicating matters.

Grantly Budgen

The other character to last the entire run. A curmudgeonly English teacher who preferred the way things used to be. Came across as very unlikable early on but his relationship with his wife gave him several Pet the Dog moments. Got a lot of the funnier lines which helped cement his position as an Ensemble Darkhorse, which perhaps contributed to his rise in prominence as the show progressed.

Jack Rimmer

The first headteacher, thrust into the role after the previous one suffered a nervous breakdown. Became famous for a no-nonsense attitude and his good relationship with the kids. Stuck around through a lot of drama but ultimately resigned when a combination of post traumatic stress disorder from Izzie Redpath's death and financial difficulties midway through the third season.

Andrew Treneman

New deputy head brought in from a private school system, Andrew had a very strict approach to discipline and reforming the school. The conflict between him and Jack/Kim provided a lot of the early conflict in the show as Andrew was rarely willing to make allowances based on circumstance. Mellowed out as the show went on, even developing a romance with Kim before leaving the show at the end of the second season. Returned in season four as part of Kim's daughter's plotline.

Kim Campbell

Head of Pastoral Care, she provided a more sympathetic side of the system compared to Andrew. Left with him at the end of the second season but returned halfway through season four with a supposedly adopted baby. It soon became apparent that Grace was an illegal immigrant, making Kim's position very precarious. Became pregnant by Max in season five. She gave birth early after a blood clot sent her to hospital. She departed again for good at the end of season five.

Lorna Dickey

Tom's fiancee at the start of the show, the two soon separated when Tom made his feelings for Izzie clear. Attempted suicide at the end of the first season but survived, only to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in the second season, leading to a more successful suicide attempt.

Izzie Redpath

Lorna's bestfriend until she came between her and Tom. With Lorna out of the picture, the two began a relationship that went through several ups and downs. Had a good relationship with daughters, Chlo and Mika, although it was initially complicated by their deadbeat father. Died at the end of the second season when she was stabbed by Lewis Seddon's cousin while trying to help Jack.

Steph Haydock

Questionable French teacher who, nonetheless, proved her love of the school plenty of times. Replaced Kim Campbell as head of Pastoral Care but struggled with the position at first. A much loved character for her often ridiculous antics, she left the show at the end of the fifth season and returned briefly in the sixth.

Chlo Grainger

Began the show as a rebellious teenager, dating bad boy, Donte Charles. As time went on, she matured somewhat but still managed to be both married and a mother by the time she left school at the end of season four.

Mika Grainger

Chlo's more conventional sister, Mika struggled with bullies in the second series, acquired a smart arse boyfriend who cheated on her with Chlo and became a militant environmentalist. Left the school to attend university at the end of the third season.

Lewis Seddon

A dangerous thug who tried to rape Kim Campbell and kill Jack Rimmer. Began Heel Face turn as cafeteria staff in the third season after his cousin was responsible for Izzie Redpath's death. Had a relationship with Maxine, that produced a still-born child. Was quickly phased out after first half of season three shortly after with no explanation

Donte Charles

Began the show as the resident bad boy until Lewis took his place. Became a more rounded character when his family life was fleshed out. He and Chlo's relationship lasted most of their run and left them married with a child when he left the show at the end of season four.

Janeece Bryant

Loudmouthed Janeece proved to be a good friend to Chlo, Maxine and several others. Developed an interest in fossils and archaeology early on but later plots saw her lose her virginity to a sexual predator, date Bolton Smilie and get breast surgery after meeting a former pupil turned glamour model. After leaving the show at the end of season four, she returned in season six as the school secretary.

Season two

Roger Aspinall

A rich investor looking that Jack was relying on to fund the construction of an academy. When he adopted a no-second-chances policy regarding exclusion and punishment, the teachers started to turn against him. Jack eventually discovered he earned his fortune as a porn baron. Ultimately, Jack rejected his input after Roger attempted to bring a creationist into his business who pushed his beliefs on the school and offended almost everyone at Lorna's memorial.

Davina Shackleton

The new school secretary and former employee of Roger, Davina quickly became involved in a love triangle between Jack and Brett, ultimately choosing Jack. Stuck around after he left as a teaching assistant and became close to Karla, a student with Asperger's. Struck up a relationship with Tom but this ended in season four when she suspected him of having an affair, leading to her leaving the show.

Brett Aspinall

A cocky and very clever kid who was also Roger's son. Tried to pursue a romance with old acquaintance Davina but when that ended, he became Mika's boyfriend. Cheated on her with Chlo but got back together with her in season three, before leaving with her at the end.

Maxine Barlow

First showed up as Lewis Seddon's drug addicted girlfriend, Maxine soon revealed hidden depths when Steph got involved in her home life. Eventually, Steph effectively adopted her. Things ended tragically in season four when she broke up with psychotic boyfriend, Earl, and died from a gunshot.

Celine Dixon

A minor character who was sexually assaulted in season two by Maxine's step-father and became Donte's girlfriend when he and Chloe separated. Left the show at the end of season three.

Season three

Eddie Lawson

Andrew's replacement as deputy head, Eddie was a maths teacher who was quick to get involved and developed a slow burning romance with Rachel, before winding up with her sister in season four. When that relationship ended, he and Rachel picked things back up and he became a father figure to Rachel's nephew, Philip. Melissa returned at the end of season four and left with Eddie.

Rachel Mason

New tough-as-nails head teacher, Rachel came with a dark past where she worked as a prostitute. Trying to keep this from becoming public knowledge was an important plot in season three and her sister joined the staff in season four. Had a slow burning romance with deputy head, Eddie. Left the show at the end of season five.

Jasmine Koreshi

A brand new English teacher characterised by her naiveness and a constant fear of being out of her depth. Came into her own as the show went on before departing at the end of season four.

Matt Wilding

Music and theatre teacher who kept his sexuality from the students and staff until it came out late in season three. Headed the school musical and became a foster parent in season four. Left the show at the end of that season but returned midway through season seven.

Stuart Hordley

Building contractor who knew about Rachel's past and used it to blackmail her. Died in the fire at the end of series three.

Candice Smilie

Tough mother of new student, Bolton, Candice worked in the cafeteria and got involved in lots of parts of the school. Developed a friendship with Rose Kelly in season four and the two won a catering bid together. Left the show midway through season five.

Bolton Smilie

New bad boy student, Bolton went the way of Donte, becoming more mature and taking up boxing in season four. Had a romance with Janeece which ended after she had breast surgery and he became jealous of her excessive flirting. Left at the end of season five.

Paul Langley

Friend of Bolton's who was initially bullied by him until it transpired that he was asking for the bullying to toughen up against an abusive uncle. Left the show at the end of season five.

Michaela White

Bullying student who made several accusations against teachers, notably Miss Koreshi. She also had a strong rivalry with Janeece. Also failed to get on with any of the John Foster's pupils in season five, especially when they went after her boyfriend at the time, Bolton.

Danielle Harker

Part of Jack's push to get better performing students to attend the school and increase the grades, Danielle began as a bully and a snob but quickly grew to love the school and fought her father's attempts to get her into home schooling. Got involved in Matt's choir along with best friends Allesha and Karla. Left the show at the end of season five.

Aleesha Dillon

Danielle's best friend, started in much the same way but tended to push things a lot further, especially regarding the duo's treatment of Karla. Left the show at the end of season five.

Karla Bentham

Karla was a new student with aspergers, which the school was woefully ill equipped to deal with. Struggled at first but with Davina's help and her eventual friendship with Aleesha and Danielle, Karla soon found her place. Left the show at the end of season five.

Season four

Melissa Ryan

Rachel's sister and the new head of Adult Education, Melissa struggled initially but soon found a place as Eddie's girlfriend. Matters were complicated when she accepted his proposal despite already being married. Twice. Left the show for good by the end of season four.

Rob Cleaver

New, highly competitive PE teacher, Rob developed a romance with Jasmine but was fired when he gave Bolton drugs to improve his performance in a boxing tournament.

Dave Miller

A security guard who was brought in when a gun was found on student, Denzil Kelly. Developed an unrequited crush on Steph that caused her to lie and potentially end Grantly's relationship. Left the show mid way through season four.

Ralph Mellor

Governer and Policeman, as well as father of the Head Girl, Ralph took a mostly antagonistic role, seeking to control his daugher's life. He took particular offence to her relationship with Marley Kelly, going as far as paying him not to see her and assaulting him in broad daylight.

Flick Mellor

Short for Felicity. Head girl and daughter of a governor and policeman. Flick quickly fell for Marley Kelly, much to her father's distaste. When she tested positive for drugs during an event run by her father, he swapped her tests with Marley prompting Flick to stand up to him for the first time. Their relationship ended when Marely, as a result of his family's difficult position, took a 5000 pound bribe to break up with her but they later got back together. Tasked with writing the school choir song, she struggled and stole lyrics from the internet causing trouble for everyone. Acquired a stalker in Philip before leaving the show after just one season.

Rose Kelly

Single mother of five kids with a drinking problem. Her reform made up a significant plotline, along with her friendship with Candice and her job in the canteen. Has made occasional appearances since leaving at the end of season five.

Earl Kelly

Dangerous psychopath who bought a gun into school on his first day. Became romantically involved with Maxine but when a secret from his past made her break up with him, he went off the deep end and wound up in prison after killing her.

Marley Kelly

The eldest most mature of the Kelly siblings. Acted as a father when Rose let the family down. Present throughout season four where he fell for Flick and tried to keep his family on the straight and narrow.

Sambuca Kelly

Only daughter of Rose, when the Kelly family were separated by the social, she went to live with Matt and showed a softer side. When her father showed up, matters were complicated. Developed a crush on Bolton but her family's image seemed tog get in the way. Dated Paul in order to make him jealous. Left the show early in season six but returned by the end. Died of a brain tumour in season seven.

Denzil Kelly

Second youngest Kelly, the youngest being baby, Prince, Denzil struggled to read initially but didn't have any chance to overcome this when Earl palmed a gun off on him and he wound up in a detention hall. Returned after the truth came out and has remained with the show since.

Philip Ryan

Melissa's son and Rachel's aunt. Had an uneasy friendship with Earl at first and proved himself to be quite an unstable character. Worried about being a virgin and developed an unhealthy obsession with Flick. When this led him to be kicked out of the choir, he pulled a prank involving laxatives that backfired when it almost cost Rose and Candice their jobs. In season five, he acquired a new love interest drawn to his attempts at stand up. Left the show at the end of season five.

Lauren Andrews

Initially a very minor character, Lauren became more significant as time went on, remaining a main character in season seven. By season five, she was good friends with Sambuca and Josh. Had a large birth mark on her back that was a cause of great embarrassment.

Season five

Season five saw Waterloo Road merge with John Fosters, leading to a large number of new faces, both pupils and faculty.

Chris Mead

The new deputy head and science teacher. Proved a hit with the female students but was torn between loyalties to Max and Rachel. Developed feelings for Kim and began a relationship with her after she gave birth. Struggled to deal with Steph dating his dad.

Max Tyler

The former head of John Fosters, who became the executive head after the merger. The major antagonist of the first part of season five. Developed a romance with Kim which stuck her in the middle of his and Rachel's rivalry. This romance was further complicated by the discovery that he was married to an LEA investigator. Departed the show halfway through season five when tension between him and Rachel reached breaking point. Even as she was about to resign, his abuse of Philip came into the open.

Helen Hopewell

New English teacher. Struggled to deal with rowdy pupils and was quick to blame anyone else for her failings. Max's former student, she was quick to try and use him to her advantage by bribing him with a sex tape. The students abuse of her finally became too much, and even they realised their mistake. It proved too little, too late however and she resigned.

Jo Lipsett

The new head of French. Had her doubts about Steph's French abilities and Steph seemed incapable of proving her right. Things between them eventually settled down and they became friends. Jo was the first John Fosters teacher to recognise that Rachel was better for Waterloo Road than Max. Accused of inappropriate behaviour by a female student.

Ruby Fry

The new head of Food Technology. Disliked Waterloo Road and had a particular rivalry with the rest of the staff, notably Steph. Came around a little when her husband's company tanked and she said goodbye to her wealthy lifestyle. This led to her stealing from the school, becoming addicted to pills and eventually suffering a full on breakdown. This was exacerbated by her feelings for Adam and his engagement to Rachel. Having got back with her husband, they looked to have a child. When Ruby discovered she was too old to conceive, Janeece suggested they adopt her baby since she did not want it. Left the show at the end of season six.

Adam Fleet

A new chef and healthy eating coordinator hired by Rachel. Knew Rachel when they were younger. Took a very hardline approach to his job that offended the cafeteria staff, noticeably Rose Kelly. He and Rachel quickly struck up a relationship and got engaged. His friendship with Ruby proved to be obstructive.

Finn Sharkey

A new student who joined half way through season five after being kicked out of his previous school. A trouble maker who knew Chris from another previous school. Quickly made friends with Amy and Josh, much to Tom's concern. Proved a disruptive influence at Waterloo Road but it became clear that his parents distant behaviour may have had some impact. In later seasons, he would go out with Jess Fisher and Sambuca Kelley.

Emily James

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Her father was killed on her first day at Waterloo Road and her mother arrested. It later transpired that her sister was the real killer. Developed a close friendship with Denzil but remained confused about what was going on with her sister and mother.

Lindsay James

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Emily's sister. Established herself as a major bully against the Waterloo Road children. Crossed the line somewhat when she targeted innocent and harmless Karla who had merely been trying to help Emily. This led to a pronounced rivalry between her and Michaela. Left the show midway through season five when it became apparent that she murdered her abusive father.

Siobhan Mailey

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Friends with Lindsay and Amy although she was quick to give in to their peer pressure. Dated Luke Pendle.

Ros McCain

One of the new John Foster's pupils. A former friend of Lindsay's and romantic interest for Philip. She encouraged his attempts at stand up. Was a potential Oxbridge candidate and was tutored by Jo, leading to her developing a crush. When Jo rejected her advances, Ros accused her of inappropriate conduct and put Jo's career at risk.

Luke Pendle

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Lives in a care home which caused several of the other JF students to victimise him. Disappeared half way through season five.

Amy Porter

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Quickly developed a rivalry with Michaela and set her eyes on Michaela's boyfriend, Bolton, even going as far as to claim rape. As her friends turned against her, especially over her treatment of Miss. Hopewell, she began to reform and became more accepting of the Waterloo Road pupils. Dated Finn who's bad behaviour pushed the school to separate them. Left the show midway through season seven.

Josh Stevenson

One of the new John Foster's pupils. Initially came across as moody but the reason for this soon became apparent when he revealed Tom was his birth father. The two struggled to build a relationship as it became apparent that Josh's mother had stolen Tom's sperm in order to conceive. Had a romance with Lauren but peer pressure made him alienate her when people found out about her birth mark. His friendship with Finn consistently put him at odds with Tom. Developed a crush on Finn in season six, causing him to come out. Tom initially struggled with this but eventually came around. Developed schizophrenia in Season seven and [spoiler:was nearly killed twice in the Season finale, first by The Murray Gang and Kyle Stack who shot him at the prom]

Season six

Karen Fisher

The new head following Rachel's departure. Her eldest daughter, Bex's, disappearance a year prior was a prominent plot point. Her tough persona at school was hampered by her difficult family life and she often had trouble separating the two, a fact that Adanna was quick to point out on several occasions. Left the show at the end of season seven after being suspended.

Charlie Fisher

Karen's husband, and a supply teacher, who was having an affair following Bex's appearance. This caused their marriage to come to an end. Moved in with his partner, Gloria, making things difficult between him and his children. Moved to London when Gloria got a headteacher's post midway through season six.

Marcus Kirby

Father of Jonah and Ruth. Home schooled them both and didn't trust Waterloo Road to meet his standards. Eventually hired as a geography teacher so he could see exactly what the school was doing with his children. Left the show midway through season six after discovering how Karen dealt with Chris and Jess. Returned briefly to deal with the fallout between Jonah and Cesca.

Adanna Lawal

The new head of pastoral care. Adanna strongly opposed many of Karen's ideas and became somewhat infamous for a strong, no-nonsense approach to her job. Left the job at the end of season six.

John Fry

Initially appearing in season five, John and Ruby's marriage was strained. In season six, the two were looking to have a baby but Ruby discovered she was unable to conceive. An unhappily pregnant Janeece decided to let them adopt her baby but later began to have doubts about her decision. He and Ruby left the show at the end of season six.

Cesca Montoya

New head of Spanish who was incorrectly thought to be having an affair with Charlie. Karen doubted her current abilities but was sure she had the makings of a great teacher. Later began an affair with student, Jonah. Eventually arrested for this after marrying Jonah at the end of season six.

Harry Fisher

Karen's son and new student. Struggled to make friends at first and suffered from an eating disorder as a result of his parents break up which was eventually revealed after some serious bullying from Finn. Had great difficulty with his parents divorce. Left the show midway through season seven.

Jess Fisher

Karen's daughter and new student. Hooked up with Chris the night before the first day making things complicated between him and Karen. Took major issues with her mother as a result of Bex's disappearance. Despite an uneasy relationship with Harry, she proved that she really did love him when Finn took his bullying too far. Left the show midway through season seven after becoming pregnant.

Nate Gurney

A new gay student with a dead, military brother. Quickly became friends, and later boyfriends, with Josh. His father didn't approve an argument in school led to Nate' father violently beating Tom in a pub, leaving Tom with PTSD. Left at the end of season six.

Jonah Kirby

New student who was previously home schooled. Looked forward to starting at Waterloo Road and soon found a girlfriend in Jess. They broke up when he found out about her and Chris. In the latter half of season six, he began a relationship with his Spanish teacher, Cesca. Left at the end of season six after they married and Cesca was arrested.

Ruth Kirby

New student who was previously home schooled and fast tracked as a result of her intelligence. Disliked Waterloo Road but began to realise that her dad has been restricting her and slowly came around. Left the show at the end of season six after Jonah and Cesca married.

Vicki Macdonald

Initially made a minor appearance in season five where Chris discovered she worked at a strip club. Became a more prominent character from season six onwards after becoming friends with Jess. Her father was in hospital and Vicki became homeless, putting her school work in jeopardy and prompting the staff to investigate. Had a miscarriage in season seven.

Ronan Burley

A newly appearing student who made money selling food around school. A bit of a wheeler-dealer who was discovered to be selling his own possessions. His father was an infamous criminal who expected Ronan to get involved in the family business. Dated Vicki and briefly broke up with her after discovering her affair with Aidan.

Bex Fisher

Karen's missing daughter. Returned midway through season six having been involved in a relationship with a man called Hodge who filmed them having sex. He put the underage videos in the internet. Even when Bex returned, Hodge followed and, after filming himself and Jess together, convinces Bex to return to him, forcing her secrets into the open. Left at the end of season six to attend university.

Kyle Stack

A new student who showed up in the middle of season six, played by Britan's Got Talent winner, George Sampson. An uneducated thug, Kyle made few friends and had an extra special rivalry with Finn. Things began to heal between them after a stunt involving Kyle and Denzil led to Finn falling from a bridge. However, relations between him and Finn soured once again in Season seven and he joined the Dale Sken crew along with Tariq Siddiqui. Tried to kill Finn with a crossbow at the prom in the season seven finale but shot Josh instead and was arrested

Season seven

Michael Byrne

Karen's replacement following her suspension. His previous job had ended when a pupil stabbed him. Had a previous relationship with Sian before she married Jez.

Daniel Chalk

A somewhat comical new Maths teacher who struggled with the students as a result of his fear of them. Eventually overcame them and developed a good rapport with the kids.

Jez Diamond

New head of P.E. Married to Sian.

Sian Diamond

New science teacher. Married to Jez.

Linda Radleigh

Eleanor Chaudry

A new English teacher with a conservative background. Very strict, regardless of the circumstances. Didn't get on with the staff or students and fed information to Richard behind Karen's back. Came to regret her actions and rallied behind the school. Left midway through season seven.

Richard Whitman

A director of education who hated Karen Fisher and Waterloo Road. He targeted both in an effort to have the school shut down but was ultimately unsuccessful, although he did manage to get Karen suspended.

Rob Scotcher

The new, somewhat complacent site manager. Coached Daniel on being a better teacher, became Karen's new love interest and had a strained relationship with his son. Became a qualified teacher before leaving the show midway through season seven.

Jodie "Scout" Allen

A student with a difficult home life and a quick wit. Surprised everyone by also being very good at school.

Madi Diamond

Jez's daughter.

Zack Diamond

Jez's son.

Rhona and Shona Mansfield

New twin pupils. Their mother and grandmother were engaged in a custody battle with both twins having a different opinion on their future.

Tariq Siddiqui

A new student from Michael's previous school.

Trudi Siddiqui

Tariq's sister.

Phoenix Taylor

A new student who looked after his sick grandmother until she died. Feared his abusive dad.

Harley Taylor

Phoenix's brother.

Aidan Scotcher

Rob's son and a new pupil. A womaniser, he quickly became Jess' boyfriend but cheated on her with Vicki, culminating in getting both of them pregnant. While Vicki had a miscarriage, Aidan decided to stick by Jess. Left the show midway through season seven.

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