< War of the Spider Queen

War of the Spider Queen/YMMV

  • Alas, Poor Villain: Ryld's death,as he pretty much gave everything up for a women he barely knew and was unsure actually cared about him. Halisstara's fate as well given the huge crisis of faith she ends up having.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:Pharaun seems to be the most popular out of the seven companions,frequently getting the best lines and most detailed fights in the series,as well as being the only one aside from Halisstara to make a re-appearance in a later series.
  • Jerkass Woobie:Halisstara again,despite being a drow, it's hard to not feel sorry for her as her city was completely destroyed,she ends up losing the man she had loved as well as her faith in both Elistraee and Lolth,the formor of whom turns her into a monstrous version of her self as her eternal slave as punishment.
  • Tear Jerker: Halisstara's reaction to seeing Ryld's soul in the Demon Web Pits.
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