< Walkyverse


It's Walky!

  • Fan Nickname: The organization that Jason's father heads was never given an actual name. Fans eventually took to calling them the JFO (Jason's Father's Organization).
  • Magnificent Bastard: Head Alien, and in the final arc, Penny Worthington.
    • And arguably Mike.
  • Mood Whiplash: Oh dear sweet lord, SO MUCH. Routinely switches from grief over main character deaths to Toilet Humor. Oddly, this can heighten the dramatic effects - the characters are so used to that sort of thing by the end of the comic that they move on faster than the reader does.
  • Wangst: Sal is especially prone to this, and it starts getting lampshaded early on. Jason finally had enough of it in this strip.

Joyce & Walky!

  • Flanderization: Carol (Joyce's mom) has become solely defined by the I Want Grandkids trope.
  • Fridge Horror: Head Alien II's monologue about how he was free to drift from dimension to dimension destroying SEMME over and over has a panel of dead agents drawn in the style of Willis's elementary-school work, implying that he pretty much wiped out that Lighter and Softer world. Holy crap.
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