< Walkyverse


  • From the conclusion of It's Walky!: The Meaningful Echo of the former Crowning Moment of Heartwarming "it's the rain" speech, this time given by Walky as The Cheese... who then takes down the entire invading Martian fleet.
  • From earlier in the conclusion: "The stripe isn't done with us yet!"
  • Joe and Rachel get one when they, with no resources (SEMME got shut down) and in the midst of a Martian invasion, build a fully-functional spaceship with AI, cloaking and intangibility capabilities out of an eight-year-old SUV. They, Danny, Howard and said SUV (dubbed Ultra-Car) get a second one completely offscreen when they blow up the Martian mothership.
  • Billie got one in her fight with Sal. Even though she loses the fight and Sal's not really trying to hurt her, the fact that she was willing to stand up to a super strong psychopath just so she'll stop trying to rekindle her relationship with Danny, and the fact that she's able to deliver one solid punch to Sal's nose before collapsing makes it a crowning moment nonetheless.
  • The side SEMME characters get one when, with all of the main protagonists absent (beside Mike and their base under siege, refuse to stand down in the face of defeat. Arguably, Mike standing with them makes it even more awesome, since he generally hates them all.
  • From Joyce & Walky!: Jason getting up when the Head Alien II, blessed with reality-warping powers, has just used his ability to become intangible grow to giant size to apparently kill Jason, Walky, and Joyce. That's right, the non-superpowered one is the first to recover. Even Heady is impressed.
    • And then he dispatches him with a brick to the back of the head, smashing his helmet and his ability to breath. Awesome.
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