< Vodka Drunkenski
Vodka Drunkenski/Playing With
- Basic Trope: The Russian guy is always portrayed as a drunk whose drink of choice is vodka.
- Played Straight: Ivan Sonovovich drinks six shots of vodka at Carl's Bad Tavern.
- Exaggerated: Ivan drinks an entire bottle of vodka. Oh, and he's on a first-name basis with the bartender.
- Justified: Ivan is The Alcoholic or just a party animal.
- Inverted: Ivan is a teetotaler, or at least the Designated Driver for the night. He just orders soda.
- Subverted: Ivan prefers beer or wine over vodka.
- Ivan prefers mixed drinks over straight liquor.
- Ivan and other characters originally thought that he was Russian, but it turns out when he drinks, he starts speaking with a Russian accent.
- Double Subverted: But will happily drink vodka if it's offered.
- Most of which include vodka as a main ingredient.
- Deconstructed: Everyone in Russia is constantly drunk. This leads to an inefficient workforce and ruined economy. Health problems are also widespread, and there is no money to fund hospitals.
- Reconstructed:
- Parodied: When Ivan walks into Carl's Bad Tavern, the entire bar greets him: "IVAN!!!" and the bartender hands him his "usual."
- Ivan's only form of sustenance is vodka.
- Ivan drinks vodka and it fuels superstrength, much like spinach for Popeye. (Bonus Points if it is a blatant parody of Popeye cartoons.)
- Lampshaded: "You Russians are all alike. Get a little vodka in ya and suddenly you think you're Superman. Just look at Ivan over there."
- Averted: Ivan drinks a little, but not very much.
- Ivan is Russian, but he's never had a drink of alcohol in his life.
- Ivan is a drunk, but he's not Russian.
- Enforced:
- Invoked:
- Defied: Ivan doesn't like vodka, and orders something else.
- Discussed:
- Conversed:
- Played For Laughs: Almost always is.
- Played For Drama: Ivan is a really mean drunk.
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