Viper GTS
Originally a H-game that was turned into a Hentai anime.
The game Viper GTS, published by Sogna, was a sequel to a story in an earlier game where a man, Ogawa, attempted to summon a demon to sell his soul for revenge against his tormentors. Instead, he's Distracted by the Sexy succubus Carrera who he summons, and wishes to sleep with her instead; the winning move was to continue having sex until the player is an unconscious husk, so Carrera leaves the player alive and ensouled, since he can't technically say that she kept her end of the bargain.
In the GTS game, Carrera has been imprisoned for failing to collect Ogawa's soul; meanwhile, Ogawa is unable to get his mind off his encounter with Carrera, and decided to summon the succubus again despite the risk to his soul. The plot is complicated by Carrera's rival, Mercedes -- as well as Knight Templar angels who want to break the whole thing up and imprison the devils responsible.
The anime version combines the plot of both games and elements from secondary materials.
Not to be confused with the Dodge Viper GTS.
- Anything That Moves: Carrera, in addition to having sex with Ogawa, is also shown to sexually play with Rati.
- Dark Is Not Evil: The succubi are pretty friendly, all things considered. The angels, on the other hand....
- Deal with the Devil: The basis of the whole plot.
- Hermaphrodite: The angels.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: In the original Japanese, Ogawa is played by Kappei Yamaguchi, Carrera is voiced by Yuu Asakawa, and Alphina is played by Shinichiro Miki.
- Horny Devils: Carrera, Mercedes, Rati
- Knight Templar: The Angels.
- Love Redeems: Ogawa
- Naked Apron
- Narm: The English dub (but what English dub of a Hentai isn't?)
- Narm Charm: However, the dialogue seems to have been uttered by a bunch of Large Ham voice actors who sound like they were fighting laughter in the English dub, so this may have been invoked intentionally.
- Nerds Are Sexy: Ogawa. He'd have to have something going for him because all three succubi end up living with him and being his sex partners in the end
- Nerd Glasses: Ogawa
- Noble Demon: Carrera, Mercedes, Rati
- Not So Harmless: Ogawa's occult knowledge helped set up a trap to try to rescue Carrera.
- Plot With Porn
- Pretty Freeloaders
- Rape as Redemption: Attempted by the angels on Carrera and Rati. Too bad for them that Carrera is Too Kinky to Torture, and that the other main characters show up...
- Storming the Castle
- To Hell and Back: Inverted
- Theme Naming: Cars.
- The Three Faces of Eve: Rati is the child, Mercedes is the wife figure, and Carrera is the seductress.
- Token Loli: Rati
- Too Spicy for Yog-Sothoth: Carrera to the angels.