< Vinland Saga
Vinland Saga/YMMV
- Crazy Awesome: Thorkell, Thrower of Logs and Puncher of Horses.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Happens at least once a fight scene, there are a lot of fight scenes
- Three Words: "BOW BEFORE ME!"
- Thorfinn finally getting angry again and punching one servant hard, all after he just told Einar to keep his calm. Followed by...
- Crowning Moment of Funny: "Oh Sh.." and the look on his face when he realizes he just broke his (technically) superior's chin.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Askeladd.
- Fan Nickname: It's not uncommon to hear people refer to post-timeskip Thorfinn as Viking Kurt Cobain due to his appearance.
- Much like how in Code Geass Suzaku would have several nicknames with "something"-zaku, most of Canute's nicknames follow the same pattern. Earlier Canute is referred to a Moenute, after his Rage Against the Heavens he's Garnute, and more recently he's become Jerknute.
- The current Time Skip arc is called "Farmland Saga."
- Growing the Beard: Canute, and boy does he. Then he goes and grows an actual beard to complete the image.
- Magnificent Bastard: Many try their hand, but Askeladd remains the best.
- Memetic Mutation: PUNCH THE HORSE!
- Moral Event Horizon
- Reverse Funny Aneurysm:
Willibald: What is love?
Readers: Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
- Wangst: Thorfinn gets called on this by some critics, but at least he has a legitimate reason for his bouts of depression and general surliness, but Ketil's son? A spoiled little rich boy who wants to be a warrior, always whining about how life is unfair. Here's hoping Thorfinn gives him the beating of a lifetime.
- The Woobie: .........come on, Canute? I mean how can he not be after his "My Father harbors no love for me" speech in chapter 42? Not to mention Ragnar's death before that.
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