Vinland Saga/Funny
- Much of the Thors flashback arc gets downright hilarious. Especially his treatment of his daughter on the day of her birth.
Thors: ...By the gods, it's noisy.
- Willibald the Priest has his share of moments, especially when he's sober.
- Vinland Saga has one funny exchange as the main characters are moving through Wales.
Welshman #1: Are those Danes? I heard they eat people!
Welshman #2: They don't have horns at all!
Welshman #1: Do you think they're dangerous?
Welshman #2: Nah, Lord Arthur is with them.
Thorgrimm: What the hell are they saying about me? I should kill and eat them!
- The bit where Thorkell's men are mocking his annoyance with lack of battle as being like a jilted girl (and he totally goes along with it) is pretty damn hilarious too.
Thorkell: You know it's not my thing to take prisoners, don't you? But King Sweyn just keeps ignoring me. I figure if I kidnap the Prince, maybe he'll turn his head this way just a little bit. Don't you see the sad predicament I'm in?
Viking: ::laughing:: That's what a young girl in love says, General.
Thorkell: Exactly! That dashing King Sweyn has me wrapped around his little finger!
Viking #2: ::also laughing:: Biggest girl I ever saw.
Viking #3: ::dramatically, as the whole crew starts cracking up:: He's knocking at my door every day, dogging my heels, then one day, he just turns as cold as ice! Oh, what's a poor girl to do?
Viking #4: Suddenly, he's all I can think about. Next thing I knew, I was the one chasing him!
Viking #2: Oh, that King Sweyn's a master of romance, we're all head over heels for him!
- Though somewhat mitigated by the fact that he gets seriously hurt when he crash lands, the expression on Thorfinn's face when Thorkell's kick plus his own attempt at jump-evading it launches him over fifty feet in the air is priceless, as are the gaping stares of everybody still on the ground.