< Vince McMahon

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    • Alas, Poor Villain: Upon being relieved of duty he gets a 'THANK YOU VINCE!' chant from the crowd as the show closed, especially notable as not five minutes earlier the crowd was cheering at the news of him being replaced.
    • Complete Monster: The Mr. McMahon character orders this trope at times.

    "I love destroying lives, it turns me on!"

    • Crazy Awesome: Terry Funk, who is probably the person with the most authority on the subject ever, thinks the most hardcore man in the WWE is Vince. Why? Every other wrestler falls off of cages and gets hit with chairs because, on some level, they need the paycheck. Vince doesn't need to do any of that but still does because he likes to entertain the fans. Also, HBK has stated Vince won't ask any of his wrestlers to do anything he wouldn't do himself (HBK flew down to the ring on a wire for Wrestlemania XII-- the first guy to test out the harness was Vince).
      • A Father to His Men: For the reasons above, wrestlers will almost do anything he asks. He will also listen to their opinions despite the aura of fear he inspires. Bret Hart during his initial WWE run considered Vince like that, and even after the screwjob they still had a heart to heart after Owen's funeral like a father and son who needed to reconcile. They did.
      • According to Matt "Spike Dudley" Hyson, Vince's limitations on the cruiserweight division were more out of concern for workers' safety rather than a lack of interest in the high-risk style. He said this after being fired. This is justified by the sheer amount of travel and working dates for wrestlers on a full-time WWE schedule.
    • Crowning Moment of Funny: His 2001 skits with Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle during the controversial InVasion arc.
      • In 1998, there's his skit with Mankind while Vince was recovering from his ankle injury. Which introduced the world to "Mr. Socko".
      • More recently, Mr. McMahon Wakes From His Coma.
      • Recently, on Raw 6/6/11, he finally put Michael Cole in his place.

    Michael Cole: May I have your attention please... I have just received an email from the anonymous Raw general manager.

      • Needless to say, all of us enjoyed seeing Vince give Donald Trump a taste of his own medicine.

    Vince: About the only thing I can say to ya here tonight is... DONALDTRUMP, YOOOUUUUUUU'RE. FIRED!

    • Dude, Not Funny: Vince sometimes has an... interesting concept of what "funny" is.
    • Iron Woobie: This may seem like an odd one given his fame and fortune, but he was beaten almost constantly by his step-father and laments openly about not being the one to have killed him because he would have enjoyed that. Paul Heyman once said that Sigmund Freud would need 900 pages to explain exactly how Vince McMahon works. RVD and others have all said that they don't blame Vince because inside he's a broken man. However the reason he's an Iron Woobie is that he never presents himself in a way that makes you want to comfort him. Could also be Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds depending on how much power you think he has.
    • Memetic Mutation: Usually on forums when something of old news or common knowledge is talked about by someone that thinks of it as brand new info a few people would throw something like "OH MY GOD! DID YOU GUYS SEE RAW!! VINCE MCMAHON'S LIMO JUST EXPLODED!!!". Hilarity Ensues.
      • Any of Vince's Large Ham moments.
    • Moral Event Horizon: When Mr. McMahon started his feud with Steve Austin, he was more or less a stodgy businessman uncomfortable with Austin's behavior. By the time he organized his own daughter's kidnapping in a Xanatos Roulette just to get the belt off of Austin, he crossed into a psycho who'd do anything just to spite his enemy.
    • Older Than They Think: Vince McMahon's first portrayal of the evil "Mr. McMahon" character was actually in USWA in the early 90's, years before he portrayed it in his own company World Wrestling Entertainment, in which he feuded with Jerry "The King" Lawler(who was also employed by WWE at the time, in which their face and heel roles were switched), and would have Lawler fight his WWE wrestlers(who were heel "invaders" in USWA). Interestingly, Lawler become one of Vince's biggest suck-ups during the Attitude Era in WWE.
    • Villain Decay: While a serious threat in the late 90's and early 2000's, the feud with DX and alliance with the Spirit Squad (male cheerleaders) pretty much turned Vince into a ineffectual cartoon version of his former self.
      • Granted this decay happened throughout that one arc. At it's earliest points when he was feuding with Shawn Michaels, he was portrayed as genuinely merciless and malicious, using every Mind Screw available to make Michaels' life an utter hell, it was only when he finally unleashed Michaels (and later Triple H's) own long-lost prankster side that he realised he was way out of his league. Even then though, you have to be amazed by his persistance in destroying them.
    • The Woobie: In real life he had a bad childhood, with abusive relatives having beaten on him constantly. The tough guy face he puts on is a way to try and gain some control over what happened to him, but this has reached the point where any sign of weakness terrifies him. People like Shawn Michaels and even on-screen nemesis Stone Cold Steve Austin has said there have been times, in private, where Vince just broke down crying. From the fan's perspective, they want him to get help, but not use incest\necrophilia angles as therapy.
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