Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives

It's amazing she doesn't freeze in that.
The comic adaption of the book Vampire Kisses by Ellen Schreiber and drawn by Rem untill comic number three.
Raven, an outsider in a small town called Dullsville, has a (wishfully) never-ending romance with her vampire boyfriend Alexander. Only it is interrupted to find four empty coffins one day in the graveyard and an old trinket belonging to Alexander's cousin, Claude. Finding out he is there with his gang to find blood-filled vials their grandmother hid, it's up to Raven and Alexander to keep Claude and his gang from finding the vials, keep him from abusing the use of them, and becoming an all powerful vampire.
Tropes used in Vampire Kisses: Blood Relatives include:
- Band of Brothers / Fire-Forged Friends: A flashback to life in Romania indicates that Claude and his gang might be this due to being bullied because of their half-vampire status.
- Beta Couple: Becky and Matt
- Bishie Sparkle: Claude and Alexander.
- Curb Stomp Battle: One of the few (if only) times that Alexander actually uses physical strength to solve anything, proving that there ARE some benefits to being a full vampire that some people shouldn't have.
- Costume Porn: Especially when given that Rem is the artist for the first and second volumes. If any convincing is needed, just look at the extra sketches at the back of the books, or at Kat's peacock-inspired outfit in the second.
- Dance of Romance: For both Raven/Alexander and Becky/Matt
- Dark Is Not Evil: Alexander and Raven.
- Did Not Do the Research: In the first volume, Becky tries to entice Raven into going to the mall by telling her that Swithchblade Symphony's new album is out, and Raven replies that she's already downloaded it. The problem is, the series takes place in modern times and Switchblade Symphony hasn't released an album since 1998.
- Dumb Muscle: Rocco. Or at least Claude seems to think this.
- Five-Man Band: The villains, actually. And almost literally.
- The Hero: Claude
- The Lancer/The Chick: Kat
- The Smart Guy: Tripp
- The Big Guy: Rocco
- Horny Devil: Kat, with her little devil horns.
- Ho Yay: Rocco defending Tripp on the soccer field. Also, taken out of context, Kat asking Raven if she knows what it's like "to get a real love bite from a vampire" while leaning in close.
- Kat seems to have a lot of this with the other female characters. Must be a vamp thing.
- Naive Everygirl: Becky, so much.
- Our Vampires Are Different: Though half-vampires can go in the sunlight, they must inherit/drink blood-filled vials that in which turn them into full bled vampires.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Raven. She is goth after all.
- Perky Goth: Raven.
- Secret Test of Character: Invoked when Claude decides that he'd rather be a half-vampire with his friends than a full vampire without them; afterwards Alexander tells him he only needs one sip and there's plenty for all of them. YMMV on how satisfying this was, especially since Claude doesn't seem incredibly intent on changing his ways.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Raven and Becky.
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