Vagrant Story/Characters
Ashley Riot
"Reinforcements? I am the reinforcements."
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass:
- Badass Longcoat: Gets one during the ending.
- One-Man Army: He is the reinforcements.
- The Blacksmith: Able to use materials to craft equipment. It's necessary because there are no shops in the game.
- Deadpan Snarker: Sometimes.
- Hair Antennae
- The Hero/Player Character
- Limit Break: Break Arts. There are four break skills for each kind of weapon (even for bare-handed), and usually require a percentage of Ashley's Hit Points to perform.
- Magic Knight: Can wield a wide variety of weapons and magic spells.
- Power Tattoo: Is branded with the Rood Inverse at the end of the game, which also functions as a special key during new game plus.
- Restart At Level One: His Chain techniques are "recovered from suppressed memory".
Sydney Losstarot
"A smooth flow of thought into action. Indeed... it is almost as if... ...As if you had no soul. How do you do it? Body and soul are one... Yet yours are separate, like a child from the knight in his storybook. Where is your soul, Riskbreaker? Is this VKP training? Or did you see something that made you shut your soul away? Show me your soul..."
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass
- Big Bad: Subverted as the true Big Bad is Guildenstern, who turns out to be far worse than Sydney.
- Blondes Are Evil: Initially he looks like this, but ultimately subverted since he is trying to prevent the power of the Dark from falling into wrong hands.
- The Chessmaster
- Deadpan Snarker
- Enemy Mine: At one point with Ashley against Grissom.
- Immortality: The power of the Dark sustains whoever holds the Rood Inverse.
- Large Ham
- Necessarily Evil
- Power Tattoo: His Bloodsin tattoo in the back turns out to be the Rood Inverse, the key to inheriting the power of the Dark in city of Lea Monde. Guildenstern strips the whole tattoo along with the skin of his back at the end.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: In response to Guildenstern's Motive Rant.
Sydney: It is a wretched rule that does not value human life.
- Summon Magic and More Than Mind Control: He is in favor of employing these as opposed to attacking directly.
Romeo Guildenstern
"Not religion, Sydney. Revolution. A fresh wind to blow away the disease of the land. For our realm is SICK. It suffurates with profiteers! Fawning merchants licking the boots of the nobility! They do nothing and blame others for their failure; they steal men's dreams and twist them to nightmares... We must cleanse this corruption. There must be strong, unwavering justice. And there must be fear to enforce that justice."
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Awesome McCoolname
- Badass: He is at Sydney's level of power when it comes to using the Dark.
- Big Bad
- Corrupt Church Militant: He is in command of it.
- Dark Messiah
- Hypocrite: Despite condemning the users of Dark, he and many of knights in the Crimson Blades are the users of dark magic.
- Knight Templar: Literally. He turns out to be a lot worse.
- Magic Knight: As the captain of the Crimson Blades, he can wield a wide variety of weapons and magic spells.
- Motive Rant: See the quote above.
- One-Winged Angel
- Power Tattoo: He takes away Sydney's Rood Inverse by ripping it out of Sydney's back and attaching it to his own back.
- The Stoic: For the most part, at least compared with other characters.
- Utopia Justifies the Means: More of less his belief. Most exemplified when he sacrifices Samantha against her will.
Guildenstern: The world does not want a savior. These wretches leading lives of misery do not need salvation. The rotting branch must be pruned.
- With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: He learns too late that Evil Is Not a Toy.