< V (2009 TV series)

V (2009 TV series)/Characters

V (2009) Series Characters:

Fifth Column / The Resistance:

Erica Evans

  • Action Mom
  • Alliterative Name
  • Anti-Hero: Becomes this after Her ex husband dies and Tyler leaves her for the Space Pilot Program.
  • The Captain
  • Fair Cop
  • Hot Mom
  • Mama Bear
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: She may have killed most of Anna's eggs, but all this did was make Anna go berserk and proceed with the main plans for humanity way ahead of schedule (Marcus says as much), meaning that the entire plan to stop the Fifth Column from being wiped out and Joshua's sacrifice may have been completely for naught.
  • Not So Different: In the season 2 finale "Mother's Day", she's afraid she's becoming as cold as Anna.
  • Shoot the Dog - Has to do it to Joshua in season 1 finale.

Ryan Nicols

Jack Landry

George Sutton

Kyle Hobbes


Dr. Leah Pearlman

John May

The Visitors:


  • Abusive Parents: Depending on her relation to the V race in general, this might tie in with Bad Boss. Otherwise, her treatment of Lisa in "Hearts & Minds" definitely counts.
  • Bad Boss: You get a suicide pill if you're even suspected of being a traitor, skinned alive if she knows for sure.
  • Big Bad
  • Boring Invincible Villain: Mostly due to most of the human race and rebel Visitors being Too Dumb to Live.
  • The Emperor
  • Hot Mom
  • Mama Bear: In contrast to the above, when her eggs are destroyed by the Fifth Column, she gets extremely pissed and apparently poisons the entire damn planet.
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • Ms. Fanservice Subverted about halfway through the first season, because mating with her would lead to some...unpleasant side-effects.
  • Not So Different: Despite despising and trying to eradicate human emotion / the soul, she is just as 'infected' as the rebel Vs. Two notable instances are the destruction of her eggs (and visiting the dying survivors later on, where she was fighting not to cry), and to a lesser extent her reaction to Marcus's shooting. It appears she actually does care about him.
  • Stepford Smiler: Type C; a Fake Cutie.
  • The Vamp
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: She seems to honestly believe that everything she is doing is for the survival and protection of her species, and says as much to her people.



  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!: Jane Badler still looks gorgeous. In the story, all of the royal women, Lisa, Anna, and Diana are examples of hotness. Granted this is not their real skin but still.
  • Humanity Is Infectious: Diana began experiencing human emotion which was why her daughter, Anna, locked her away. She knows that Anna is now experiencing human emotion and tells Anna it'll only get worse.
  • In the Back: Diana tells Anna, she did this to her by taking the throne from her.
  • Killed Off for Real: By Anna. Sadly, she underestimated her daughter.
  • Madwoman in the Attic: Anna put her mother in a secret part of the ship for fifteen years. She did this because Diana experienced human emotions which Anna arguably considers a sickness
  • Man in the Iron Mask: Everyone believes Diana is dead, but what really happened is Anna imprisoned her mother and told everyone she was dead. Anna did this because it was not time for her to take the throne, but she felt it necessary because of Diana's experience of human emotion.
  • Sealed Good in a Can: Until the season 2 finale.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Diana leaped into this category in the season 2 finale by very publicly taking back the throne even AFTER learning that the plan to assassinate Anna failed. Diana knew full well that Anna would kill her; yet she took no precautions to prevent this



Tyler Evans

Valerie Stevens

Chad Decker

  • Intrepid Reporter
  • Unwitting Pawn: But only mildly. At the very least, he is making an effort to get as much out of the relationship as Anna is. Still, Anna knows how to play him when she needs to. Now that Anna knows he's part of the Fifth Column, he might be expendable.
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