VG Cats/Characters
Main Characters
Leo is a male blue cat who often acts childish and idiotic.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: In a more recent strip.
- Cloudcuckoolander: And how!
- Jerkass: He has killed countless Sims by burning them alive, once fed a baby worm thing its own inbred parents after murdering them, causes his entire party to suffer in Final Fantasy because he is too cheap to buy even the most basic healing items, the list goes on...
- Jerkass Woobie: Though really, it's hard not to pity him, especially with how Aeris sometimes treats him. Most of his "cruelty" is to fictional characters (such as the Sims example) and things like the baby worm tend to be in the context of strips portraying Leo and Aeris as specific fictional characters being parodied, rather than portraying them in the "usual" characterization.
- Pet the Dog: In "The perfect gift."
- Too Dumb to Live: He doesn't stop making "yo mama" jokes at Aeris until she aborts him from time.
- Unexplained Recovery: He got better, of course.
- Video Game Cruelty Potential: Almost every time Leo appears in a game he finds some new way to make the characters suffer. Can be considered as an embodiment of this, sometimes.
Aeris is a female pink cat who has a low tolerance for stupidity.
- Atomic F-Bomb: Whenever something REALLY pisses her off.
- Ax Crazy: She can be a bit... extreme, in her reactions at times, as Leo finds out to his cost.
- Cats Are Snarkers: She`s a cat, and the most sarcastic character in the webcomic.
- Cat Smile: In "the perfect gift."
- Deadpan Snarker
- Good Is Not Nice: She often comes across as very rude and abrasive, and can be borderline abusive to Leo at times.
- Jerkass: No, really. Sometimes she is even worse than Leo if you think about it. Like her Disproportionate Retribution shown here.
- Only Sane Woman: She is probably the most rational character.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Several strips have shown her to be this.
A superhero whose theme guessed it...pants.
- Author Avatar
- Deadpan Snarker: Not as obvious as Aeris, but he has his moments.
- Super Zero: His name should be a clear indication. Also in his first appearence he wore a pair of underwear for a mask.
- Take That, Critics!: "Now some people weren't happy about the content of that last strip. And we can't have someone not happy. Not on the INTERNET."
Other Characters
A big red demon who talks in the third person.
You know that annoying guy who sits in the back of the store all day and won't shut up about ANYTHING that interests him? Ternaldo's much worse.
- Fan Boy: Of everything from trading card games to RPGs.
- Serious Business: Card games and a few other things. In one comic he accidentally bends the edge of a card and freaks out.
Jhonney Evilguy
A strange shopkeeper who has made a few appearences over the course of the series.
- Driven to Suicide: Thanks to Ternaldo...
- Incredibly Lame Pun: "Its a nutsack."
- In the Hood: Even when he's running his store.
- Shop Keeper: Although his success as such seems to vary from strip to strip.
Dr. Hobo
A street bum who appears from time to time. He is quite insane.
Super Effective
The Silent Protagonist of Super Effective. Chose Charmander (twice) as his Starter. Despite not speaking, remains very expressive.
- Aside Glance
- Nice Hat: Like pretty much all the main characters in all the pokemon games.
- Silent Snarker
The Rival. Cocky Jerkass. Emotionally abuses his Squirtle.
- Meaningful Name: Like the others, is Color-Coded for Your Convenience with his starter.
- He also acts like a Douche.
Rounding out the Power Trio, she takes Professor Oak's Bulbasaur before setting off on her own journey. Is either Crazy Awesome or just plain crazy.
- Crazy Awesome
- Dissonant Serenity
- Dungeon Bypass: As demonstrated here.
- Ensemble Darkhorse
- Face Palm
- Nice Hat: Like Red, she is also a main character in a pokemon game.
- Plucky Girl