Ultimate Spider-Man (video game)/Characters
Spider-Man and Allies
Peter Benjamin Parker / Spider-man I
Bitten by a genetically-enhanced spider and given powers as a result, Peter went on to utilize his new abilities as a show wrestler. After letting a burglar escape in a moment of spite, eventually resulting in the death of his beloved uncle Ben, Peter took a vow to use his powers to protect and defend the innocent as Spider-man.
The Ultimate version of Peter Parker is a still growing young teenager, unlike his current 616 counterpart, facing many of the mainstream version's foes while still in high-school. As a result, he is smaller and weaker than 616-Peter, but stands out in the Marvel Universe for his good (if naive) heart and pure intentions, as well as his utter determination to do the right thing.
- Adorkable
- Alliterative Name: Peter Parker
- Always Save the Girl
- Animal Motifs: Most of his villains.
- And himself, obviously.
- Anti-Hero: In general Spidey's attitude and difficulties with authority make him come off as a Type I or Type II anti-hero, but when the chips are really down, his selflessness and sheer heroism are quite possibly second to none. He stands out in a world of Darker and Edgier heroes and villains categorically stating that Good Is Dumb as one of the few purely heroic characters, despite his superficially negative qualities.
- The Atoner
- Badass Bookworm
- Beware the Nice Ones: You DO NOT want to threaten his loved ones. The results will not be good for you.
- Big Damn Heroes
- Breakout Character
- Brilliant but Lazy
- Brooklyn Rage: The quintessential New York superhero.
- Butt Monkey
- Building Swing
- Clueless Chick Magnet
- Comes Great Responsibility
- Cursed with Awesome
- Deadpan Snarker: And how.
- Deconstruction: Shares this aspect with the original's early days. Ultimate Pete learns a lot about the realities of being a teen hero, especially when Government-sponsored heroes are nearby and could easily track him down.
- Determinator
- Dork Knight
- Doom Magnet
- Dude, Where's My Respect?: Are you kidding? He's arguably Marvel's definitive example of this trope.
- Expressive Mask
- Failure Hero: Can happen a lot. Sometimes it's because he's too full of self-pity, other times because the writers like to Kick the Dog.
- Fire-Forged Friends: With most of his superhero friends.
- Genius Bruiser
- Hero with Bad Publicity
- Hollywood Dateless
- Lightning Bruiser: Less so than the mainstream version, but he's just as agile and can still hit like a truck.
- Motor Mouth: Doesn't pause his mid-fight quipping to breathe.
- Nerds Are Sexy: He's quite the Chick Magnet considering he's a complete dork.
- Ordinary High School Student
- Parental Abandonment: Leaving him with Ben and May. Interestingly, we're given conflicting accounts of how it happened. Marvel Wikia maintains that one is just a cover, though the Video Game treated that supposed cover story as real and used it as a plot point.
- Sad Clown
- Superpower Lottery
- Green Lantern Ring: Spiderwebs make a return, of course, though he doesn't get to be quite as creative with them as the 616 version.
- Healing Factor
- Made of Iron: He has been electrocuted and thrown off a building on one occasion, and being good to fight soon after.
- Spider Sense: Notably less effective than the 616 version, though still very serviceable in a fight.
- Super Reflexes
- Super Speed
- Super Strength: Though he is smaller and weaker than his 616 counterpart, with most estimates putting him as only half as strong.
- Superhuman Agility and Dexterity
- Wall Crawl
- The Hero Dies: Pete's final fate.
- Teen Genius:
- Tranquil Fury
- Trickster Archetype: Especially with the King-pin.
- True Companions
- Unlucky Everydude
- Unpopular Popular Character: In-universe example. Spider-Man is almost consistently feared and distrusted by the masses.
- Vindicated by History: Zig-zagged, but Spider-man is eventually consistently well-liked after his death.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Johnny Storm and Ice Man.
- Would Hit a Girl
- Yiddish as a Second Language: Here moreso than other versions.
- You Fight Like a Cow: The master of this trope.
*Spoilers Within* Spider-man II and Allies
Characters within are principally introduced in the third volume. Unmarked spoilers from the first two volumes from here on out.
Miles Morales / Spider-man II
Bitten by another genetically-enhanced spider, Miles was given powers similar to Peter before him, to his dismay. Soon after, the death of Peter Parker, then publically known as Spider-man, shocked Morales out of apathy. Morales convinced himself that acting earlier and revealing himself as an ally to Peter could have spared New York's hero. Finding the will to act, Morales dons a makeshift suit to help fill in the void Spidey left.
Miles Morales is the principal protagonist after Peter Parker's death.
- And Now for Someone Completely Different
- Blue Oni: Thematically, to Peter. Where Peter was hot-headed and a bit of a spazz in addition to being courageous and outspoken in his values, Miles is fearful, worrisome, and more terse and to the point when dealing with villains and disaster.
- Cowardly Lion: Miles gets frightened easily and tends to worry or focus on the negative. Nevertheless, when he's needed, he'll jump right into the superheroics, if only to vomit his guts out in terror afterwards.
- Deadpan Snarker: More deadpan than Peter, but he's not as much of a motor mouth.
- Kid Hero: 13 years old--two years younger than Peter when he got his powers, and a lot smaller.
- Nerves of Steel: The very first time he does anything in costume, he gets surprised, beaten up, and thrown around by a villain a lot bigger than him. He just takes the hits and keeps his cool. Keeping in mind that Miles tries very hard to avoid confrontation and is in general a timid mess.
- Personality Powers: He's withdrawn and timid, complemented by an ability to turn invisible.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's absolutely tiny. Peter was already probably one of the more petite superheroes in the area, and Miles is even smaller than that.
- Replacement Scrappy: To his detractors.
- Superpower Lottery
- Healing Factor
- Made of Iron
- Spider Sense: Unlike Peter, Miles' spider-sense seems to be far-reaching as well as immediate, more like Peter's 616 version. Miles describes it as "buzzing".
- Super Reflexes
- Super Speed
- Super Strength: However, since he's so young, it's markedly less than Peter's.
- Superhuman Agility and Dexterity
- Wall Crawl
- Invisibility: A new power.
- "Venom Strike": Another new power, stunning or knocking enemies out by touch (it also sends Lego's flying). Morales uses it to add stopping power to his already superpowered punches. It makes up in part for the power discrepancy between Peter and him.
- What the Hell, Hero?: Half the people who see him think he's the original Spider-man while the more cynical onlookers think his suit is "in bad taste". Spider-woman agrees.