< Ultimate Fantastic Four
Ultimate Fantastic Four/YMMV
- Complete Monster: Reed.
- Fridge Brilliance: Did you ever wonder why nobody ever called Victor Van Damme by his 616-counterpart's name? (At least until long after his first appearance?) That's because in Ultimate Doom, Reed Richards is revealed to be Ultimate Doctor Doom, complete with disfigured face.
- Ho Yay: Lampshaded when Ben and Reed go to face Thanos:
Oh, this is just pathetic. This laconic, heroic, tragicomic-- garbage!!! Walking off to certain death with your heads held high! You might as well hold hands, because that's how homoerotic it is!
- Plus, minor character "Strange Josie" (one of the other Baxter Building kids) is an out lesbian. When Sue chats with her about her relationship with Reed, Josie suggests that she try to switch teams.
- Tear Jerker: Ben Grimm's confession about multiple suicide attempts.
- The Woobie: If not in the present, then when he was a kid, Little Victor just needed a hug.
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