< Turnabout Storm

Turnabout Storm/YMMV

  • Awesome Music: The main reason why this stopped being a written work was so these could be used. Understandable, considering what both series have to offer. Episode 1 only used Ace Attorney soundtrack, and the following episodes added Friendship Is Magic soundtrack and original tracks to the mix.
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Derpy makes a cameo voiced by BaldDumboRat!
  • Non Sequitur Scene: The Cupcakes reference, triggered by a discussion about ladders of all things!
  • Freud Was Right:
    • How else do you explain so many comments inmediately going through the kinky route as soon as embarassing pictures of Rainbow Dash are pointed out?
      • In all fairness to the people who went the kinky route, one of the lines spoken about said pictures was "I didn't knew you were into that kind of stuff, Rainbow Dash!". That line just screams for some people to go kinky.
    • The dialogue that ocurred as Phoenix and Pinkie broke into Ace's room raised quite a few eyebrows, if the comments are to judge.

Phoenix: H-hey! We can't just-!
Pinkie: We just stick it in here aaaaaand... We're in!

  • Funny Aneurysm Moment:
    • The trailer where Phoenix Wright intimidates Fluttershy gets a little less funny when... well, just read below and you'll see.
    • Phoenix's line "A scolding? From him [Big Macintosh]? What did he do, 'Eeyup' her into submission?" is either this or Hilarious in Hindsight after "Ponyville Confidential".
    • After the Changelings were introduced in " A Canterlot Wedding", Pinkie's "Wob Niar" theory feels a lot more plausable.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Sonata. Phoenix realizes you're the prime suspect? Never even blink as you point out you already have a way out!
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Considering the context of the work, Trixie being willing to destroy Rainbow's life and also throw Fluttershy under the bus so she could get revenge against Twilight by proxy for (unwillingly) showing her up could be seen as this, especially for those that didn't like her in the first place.
    • Seems to happen in-universe too, if Twilight's reaction when Phoenix accuses Fluttershy of murder out of desperation for more time means that she believes he has crossed this. Although it's made quite clear that he hates every second of it.
    • Sonata may have crossed it (she was more or less forced into it despite wanting out) it when she blackmails Nick into not spilling the beans on her and Ace's blackmailing business; something with great potential of being vital evidence for the case.
      • By extension, Ace Swift crossed it in the backstory, being a willing practitioner of blackmail for money.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Phoenix manages to send Pinkie Pie into Cupcakes mode by explaining about ladders and stepladders. Quite a take on the Running Gag.
  • Ship Tease: Nick and Rarity really hit it off (to the point where she actually compliments his hairdo, as opposed to others who liken it to a porcupine eating his skull).
  • Values Dissonance: There are several comments pointing out Trixie's misconduct as a prosecutor, saying that there's no way they would have let someone keep up such an attitude in court. It's quite evident those comments come from people that have never played Ace Attorney, considering Trixie has only gone as far as insulting the defense, as opposed to throwing hot coffee cups at Nick or whipping the defense, witnesses and the judge and get away with it.
    • Makes a person wonder what would have happened if Celestia had been there instead of our reliable old Judge.
  • The Woobie:
    • You can't help but feel sorry for Fluttershy after Phoenix has to accuse her to stall for time. Then again this is Fluttershy.
    • Phoenix himself as he's doing it, seeing as he clearly hates that he has no other options.
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